
Saturday, 28 November 2009

CPI Day in Truro

Saturday, 28 November 05:10

My new wave of revival and all that I am doing in Cornwall today, is about Jesus my beloved Son. Jesus is, and must remain, the centre. The acclamation 'Jesus is Lord' is to be the battle cry, for it is at the sound of these words that Satan's hosts will flee, and those I have called, will rally.
It is at the sound of this great acclamation, called from the heart, that I shall release my Holy Spirit, and My Church will be empowered to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, and to proclaim the day of My favour.

When My Church, filled with my Spirit, proclaims the message of Jesus, no-one, no power or authority, earthly or spiritual, will be able to stand against my elect.

You, who have undertaken to pray, are crucial to my plans for revival and growth today. Your prayers ascend to the heavens, and are heard by me, and all who stand in My throne room.

Over the last decade I have been making a huge fishing net. A net to gather in a harvest of souls for my kingdom. This great net now lies over the whole of Cornwall covering every part of the land from coast to coast. Each knot in the net is a group or individuals who prays. Some areas, are well covered while others are covered by individuals, but do not be discouraged, you are not alone. The ropes that join the groups together give the net it's strength. Up to now some groups have been virtually unaware of the other groups around, but from now on I want you to strengthen these links between you. Pray for each other, pray with each other and share prayer needs across the groups.

Be aware of those who I lay upon your hear to pray into the kingdom. I want Cornwall back, and there is no-one who is outside of my reach. Pray them into the net.

In these days I am raising up new leaders. Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, Preachers and Pastors. This new generation of leaders is very young and will need your love, prayer and support. Do not despise their youth. Look at the early Church leaders, they were very young and in every revival in every age, it is young men and young women with vitality and strength that I use in the front line. Identify them as I raise them up, and pray for and support them.

There are also many who have been anointed by me who, over the last 30 - 40 years have cooled as they have waited for the Kingdom, - to you I say: "The Kingdom is at hand, rise up and trim your lamps, the Lord requires you all to be a part of this great wave. Pray that you will be ready to be used in the ministry I have chosen for you.

Pray for your local churches, chapels and fellowships. Pray that they will be ready and open to receive all who I will send. Pray that they will be ready to nurture new commitment and new relationships with the Lord Jesus. Pray for a readiness on the part of Churches to cast off some of the baggage that obscures the message of Jesus. Pray that they will talk Jesus, share Jesus, point to Jesus and worship Jesus.

Remember the time when I caused the disciples to haul in a great catch of fishes, 153 large fish! and the net was not broken!

The time is near, when I will begin to draw in this net, and gather in the great harvest of souls, but before I do, strengthen the links and strands that hold you together, so that the net will hold and none may be lost. Every soul is precious to me, and many are weak, frightened and small, and could wriggle through the weak links, But I want them all to come in, and find life in me.
I have spoken, share my word as I have given it, and do not be afraid. My word will not return to me void. I will accomplish all that I purpose to do, I am with you always, to the close of the age.

The following was given to me at the CPI day during the first prayer time

Me: Lord what would you say to us today?

Lord: I am giving you a fore-taste of things to come. Have I not said to you "the best is yet to come !"? Rest in me and I will bless you and people through you.

What I am doing in Cornwall I am doing in other parts of the country. For you are moving into days of revival and renewal. Be open to me for I would that you are ready to receive and to bless those whom I am sending to you. The time is coming and is already here when the hungry in Spirit will send to you and seek you out, and ask you "Show us Jesus." - They need to be shown my Son nothing else will do. All of you without exception, can and will be, in the days ahead leading others to me through my Son Jesus. No longer will you hear His name used as a swear word, but proclaimed by all as a blessing. What I am doing is beyond all your imaginings. I have heard the cry's of my people and have listened to their prayers and I am even now answering your call. Be still and know that I am God - a God who loves you with an everlasting love.