
Friday, 10 July 2009

The Tapestry of Life

Friday, 10 July 05:00

Then I looked out over the countryside looking east to the rising sun and I saw a patchwork of fields woods and farms, and I began to ponder the beauty of what appeared to be a random pattern.

And the word of the Lord came to me:

Yes my son, there is a beautiful randomness to all your lives, because your life is shaped and coloured by each day you live. But there is order - incredible order - that I have placed in your life. All the events and pathways of men are planned by me. Sometimes you rebel against me and go down pathways that are not in my ideal plan for you, but know this: you never surprise me! I always know where you are, and I am always planning a new way out for you, so that you can return to the pathway I have planned for you.

Your life is like a huge tapestry, with every event, and word spoken, marked out on it. Every human encounter, and every opportunity, like a golden thread that pops up, apparently randomly, but each time it appears, it adds whatever is needed to the overall picture.

Sometimes the picture has order and colour, and the onlooker can begin to see where it is going and what it's about, but often it is dark as though in shadow, featureless and depressing in it's lack of colour and vitality. These are the dark times of rebellion when you have pulled away from the course I have laid out for you. But even in these times you will find the golden thread, or a sudden splash of colour where I have worked in some special thread. You may not realise it at the time, but later when you look back you see that someone, or some event, changed the course you were on, and has brought you back to my path, back into the light and the colour.

Look closely at the tapestry! You will see the thread of people, individuals who, at some time, occupy a substantial part of the picture, and then seem to disappear, only to crop up again in another part of the landscape.

No meeting in your life is chance and no thread however apparently insignificant, is without purpose. Even in the times you 'mess up', I am there, and I bring in my golden thread to guide you. These important stitches, although apparently random are not so. If you could see the reverse side of your life, you would also see incredible order on the back. You would see the golden thread that moves across the back in determined straight lines to the next point where it breaks through. There is no randomness here, only purpose, plan and order. The thread passes from one event to another in perfect order.

Each life tapestry I make is perfect, for I specialise in masterpieces. Every life I shape is special. Your life is special.

Do not allow regret to shape your life and fill it with darkness, but in times of darkness find the golden thread of rejoicing, praise and worship, for, in the praises of my people you will find me.
I, the Lord almighty, ride upon the wings of praise, and as I ride, I lift all those who love me and offer me their praises, to new heights and new horizons.

I have placed no limit on where I want to take you in your relationship with me. The only limit is you. Open your heart and life to me that I may take you to new and exciting places of colour and joy.

One day, I will let you see the finished tapestry and you will agree it is marvellous to behold. For I am in every stitch of your life, There has never been, and never will be, a time when I am not there in your life, I say it again; There has never been, and never will be, a time when I am not there in your life. That is the message I want my people, whom I love, to hear. I am with you always even to the very end of time. I always have been there, I am now, and I am to come.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Trust me for all your Needs

Tuesday, 7 July 05:05

Lord: You can only live today - yesterday is past and no-one has ever been able to change the past. The past is frozen in the past. Tomorrow has not yet come and no-one can know what tomorrow holds except me, for I alone see the beginning and the end. You can plan for tomorrow and attempt to predict tomorrow, but tomorrow has not yet come. The events of tomorrow can be, and often are, influenced and changed by today. So live for today, committing today into my hands, and committing each decision you make today into my hands. Let me shape your tomorrow, for I hold your times in my hands.

Every morning I wake up the sun and arouse the animals. I paint the sky and adorn the flowers of the field. I water my garden and watch over the growth of every living thing. I order the cycle of life and command the wind to blow and the rain to fall. I give breath to every living thing. I the Lord, the Creator, I alone sustain the world and keep it turning. And I order the ways of men. Mankind thinks he orders his own life, but it is I the Lord who gives and who takes away, even, and including the financial institutions of man, which dominate half the population's thinking, and are no more than clay idols, which I, with the slightest flick of my little finger, bring crashing to the ground.

Oh when will my children, those who are called by my name, stop trusting in the institutions of men, which will all fail and pass away, and start trusting in me, the eternal rock which never shifts?

Those who seek me will find me, those who place their trust in me will never be put to shame. But those who do not seek, will never find me and those who trust in the shifting values of this world will be shamed and humiliated.

Do not be beguiled by the thought of riches and power, or even by the 'security' wealth can bring, for these things are not a part of the real world. They are here today and gone tomorrow.
I the Lord your God am the only reality which lasts, and my love, care and promises for you, stand forever. Trust in me.

Let me make my home in your lives. Let me be a part of the decisions of your life. Let me take control of your finances, your income and your expenditure. Let me determine the level of your spending and your giving, that I may show you the extent of my love for you.

For I would, that you would see my glory and be a part of the work we are doing in these days. As I open your eyes to my work of the Holy Spirit, you will be amazed.

Share this with my people.

Me: Lord, I am amazed that you give me this now and not while I was out walking with you.

Lord: My Son, the walk is so that you can start the day with me - to wake up and to clear all the clutter from the garage of your mind. It is in this moment of writing your journal that I will guide your pen and give you my thoughts. Be open to me, for my Spirit is the pen of the ready writer. Trust me.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Revival in retirement!

Friday, 3 July

Lord: I Love you and Lorna, and I have a full and exciting plan for you in "retirement". You probably won't think of it as retirement, but it will be different from Parish work.. Exciting and fulfilling. I hold your times in my hands and you are part of what i am doing in these days. Do not be discouraged, but expectant, for I will fulfil my word and promises. You will be a part of the revival which will be bigger and more lasting than any that have gone before. The time is coming and is even now upon you, when the unchurched will ask you to show them God. yes, there will be those who beg you to be shown salvation. Even now I am preparing workers for the vineyard. The Church will become both a family and a lifeboat, where the saved will gather their strength, and ready themselves to launch out and help others into the boat of salvation.