
Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Feed my Sheep

Wednesday, 14 April

Lord: Hold on to the promises I give you. Re-read and absorb the Word I give, for it is meat to the hungry and vision to the blind.

Keep Jesus at the centre. Do not fall into the trap of letting thoughts of big meetings beguile you. I am calling people in ones and twos. Remember Jesus said, "When two or three gather together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." It is in the twos and threes that my kingdom is nourished. Society is not made up of villages and towns; it is made up of small family units. It is these family units, working together, that make communities, and communities joining together that make up society. I want to work in small family units. 

Do not despise the small things. Feed my sheep, and care for my people. As they begin to come together and meet for worship and fellowship, encourage the gifts I am giving, and give space to those whom I am calling into ministries within the family of the church. Every member of the family must be equally valued and encouraged to grow in grace. As you have contact with, and encourage these small groups, become the links between the groups and develop a network of relationships, to link my family together.

Feed my lambs. There will be occasions when those young in me, will come for instruction and encouragement. Share your story and all that I have shown you in your life. Open my Word together and bring them to me in prayer together. Just as a child learns about life by watching and copying those around him, so my lambs will learn by your example. If your life is Jesus centred, then they too will learn to focus on Him.

I delight to see my people focused on Jesus and embracing all those who come to me. I am not interested in what labels people attach to themselves or others. Never ask "What denomination are you?" or "Where do you fellowship?" Learn to recognise when people belong to Me, and love them as family. Know this: All members of my family, make up the church, and are to become the bride of Christ. Share this with my people.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Walk with me in the garden

Tuesday, 13 April

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning, and for giving us this new day, with all it's beauty and excitement. I love you, dear Lord.

Lord: Thank you for joining us this morning, and for being a part of this fellowship. We love you too. Yes, I take great delight in painting the sky each morning, and I allow some privileged people to look at my picture, before it moves on to become something different. You never see anything the same twice. Sometimes the changes are dramatic like the difference between spring and autumn or high summer and the snow. Other times the changes are more subtle, like the opening of a single flower or subtle shades of light or sound. A view will change with the company of a loved one, or with a mood. The sun may be hidden behind a black cloud, but it is still shining. The birds may be quiet, but they are still there. Delight in each day and savour the beauty of each passing moment. As you enjoy each day, tread carefully so that you too will add beauty and tranquility.

Each day since the beginning of creation, I have painted the dawn and coloured the sunset. No two have ever been the same. Many are the sunrises no human eye has seen, yet each one was painted and created for man to enjoy, and in it to see my glory and my hand at work. For more than six thousand years I have worked, so that you, my beloved, should come to this day, and join the family circle we enjoy in eternity. My purposes for you were laid down before ever I formed the earth or put the sun in the sky. While all was still and dark, before ever I spoke the Word of creation, I knew your beginning and your end, and I loved you. Nothing in all creation, or beyond, and there is a beyond! nothing can separate you from me, for I have spoken, and my Word is eternal.

Walk in the way I have set before you, and turn not to the right, or to the left. Follow the lead I give you and keep me always in sight. I do not run on ahead of you, I am always there for you, but follow, do not try and lead, for as soon as you 'go it alone' you take your eyes off me. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, and I will show you the wonders of what I have created for you to enjoy.

As you look and behold, as you listen and understand, you will find your seeing and your listening becomes worship in its purest form. My desire is that your worship of me should be from your heart and lips, not second hand. I do not want your printed words, but the words your heart shouts out to me. I want the song that is in your heart, to be sung using your vocal chords and your lips. I love you my child, with all my heart. Walk with me in the garden.