
Sunday, 21 March 2010

Last Sermon in Stithians

The following sermon was delivered to a packed church on my last Sunday in the benefice before retiring. It is not, as it might seem a 'hit and run'. I received it from the Lord at 5.35 am, and heard Him clearly say, "Tell my people."

Much of my thinking over the last few months has been looking back on the last nearly 16 years. but to day I feel we should not be looking back any more but looking to move on, and that is certainly what the Scriptures are urging us to do in today’s readings.

As the sun rose and the sky lightened this morning I heard the voice of the Lord say to me.
“Lift up your eyes son of man, what do you see?” and I said I see a new day dawning, a silvering in the sky and a shortening of the shadows. trees becoming definable shapes. And I hear the sound of the birds awakening and a rustling in the hedge rows as the nocturnal animals burrow back into the ground. A new day has dawned.
Then I heard a voice say to me: This is what the Lord says - He who made a way through the desert places and put a watering hole in the parched land. He who drew out from the land the chariots and the horses, and those who laid siege against the people of God. He who has snuffed out like a smouldering wick, those who burned against the Lord’s Word. This is what the Lord says:
Forget the former thing and do not dwell on the past. I did not bring you through the fire, only to have you sit in the ashes and be consumed. I have brought you out of the long night, away from the shadows and into the dawn of a new day, my day. See, I am doing a new thing! As the springtime reveals the new life bursting from the warming ground, though you have not been aware of it, so I am bringing forth new life in these parishes. Growth that has already begun. This is my work, and not the work of any man. I am making the desert bloom, and the waste places a garden.
Just as the wild animals honour me, the beasts of the fields and the birds of the air rely on me to water and feed them, so shall the wild of these villages turn to me and find in the garden I am making rest for their weary-ness and food for their souls. Then shall the people I have called, the peoples I have chosen, proclaim my name with a mighty shout, and with great praise on their lips.
Then I said: How Lord, can this be. In a materialistic world the cost is enormous the change so great?
And I heard the voice of one who had suffered: I am the centre. When I am lifted up on the earth, I will draw all men unto myself.
Then like the dawn brightening in the east I saw that everything the World has to offer is loss, compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord. Everything we once counted as gain, and hoarded up, I now see as, just so much rubbish.
With Jesus as the centre, the vision now changes. The light of Jesus is like the sun that dispels the shadows of the night. The monsters become trees and the moving shadows become the flickering of light on the leaves.
This is what the Lord says to his people, to all those who are called by His name.
“Re focus on Jesus. He is your centre. In the days and months ahead, walk with him and listen to his voice. Know that He, though he was guiltless, completely without sin, took upon himself all your sins, and suffered, bearing the whole weight of the sins of all mankind, did not do that to have you continue in bondage and sin, but to set you free. Because He suffered and died for you; you are a new creation, made right with God through the righteousness of my Son. You my people can rise to new life and a new day.
This new day is not yet fully grasped. Forget the former things and all that lies behind, and strain forward towards a new day and a new experience of life. Press on to obtain the prize to which God has called you.”
When I was 12 years old, and had just started attending a Secondary Modern School for Boys in St. Albans. Our headmaster was a deeply committed Christian. He took us for “R.E”. Religious Education, newly renamed from “R.I”. Religious Instruction. He was an interesting and knowledgeable teacher. In those days, R.E. meant Christianity. We did learn about other faiths, but they came under a special module called comparative religion. In my first year with him, we looked at the early church, and used as our reference point The Acts of the Apostles. I was fascinated, and I might say, somewhat confused. I had always been bought up to believe that the Church of England ‘had got it right’. But what, I saw in the ritual and practice of the Church I attended, bore no resemblance to what I read about in The Book of Acts!
When I asked George about it, he referred me to the early Church's practice of ‘breaking bread together’ and the ‘rite of Holy Communion’. But I wasn't satisfied. The only real comparison with the bible was ‘the breaking’, we didn’t even use bread!
One night I prayed, asking God to show me what the 'real church' was like. I fell asleep, and in my sleep I had a vision, or dream. It was this: “I was in a room full of people. They were all people I knew, and yet, at that time, I didn't know any of them! They were all in an attitude of prayer, some sitting, some lying, some standing, and some kneeling. They all had a look of peace on their faces, and I just knew, that they all knew the Lord Jesus Christ personally. Although I remembered the vision in the morning I thought very little about it. I just had the assurance I needed, that the ‘real church’ still existed, out there, somewhere. All I had to do, was to find it.
At a prayer meeting some 12 years later, I was kneeling facing the wall. I heard the words “Martin, turn around and open your eyes,” the Vision or dream of all those years previously, was not in my mind at all, but as I obeyed, sat back in my chair, and open my eyes, the vision/dream, and the reality of the moment, overlapped and became one. I knew I had at last found what I was searching for. I had found the Church. I had truly come home!
That group of Jesus centred, praying people became my spiritual home for many years, and the bonds of friendship and love built up in that fellowship have stayed with me all my life. People at the established Church I was attending, unfortunately, didn't understand, and were very defensive about what their church was. I suffered quite a lot of verbal abuse from the very people who should have been supportive and happy for me.
I tell you this because I want to encourage you, in the years to come to be very daring. We live in a fast changing world, and in the days and months ahead, you will find the church, you have always known and thought of, as an unchanging rock is in fact changing very fast. The days are now on us when all that is not of God will crumble away. The time has come, indeed it has been with us a long time, when we need to first, make sure Jesus is at the centre of all that we do. Keep him there. The throne in the centre of the throne room of our church, was made for Jesus, not for us! Approach Him. He wants us, to draw near and speak with him, and he with us. Get to know what Jesus wants of His Church, and begin to re imagine Church.
Oh I’m not talking about the tinkering of parish boundaries, or changing to NSM rather than stipendiary. Those things will change absolutely nothing. I am talking much more radical than that! I am talking about giving Jesus back what rightfully belongs to him. The honour and the praise and the worship of his people.
If I now make you feel uncomfortable, I do not apologise. The reason being, I believe God has given me this to say to you.
God is not the slightest bit interested in our man made institutions and established churches. He has no interest in the buildings and the rituals. All the things about ‘church’ that occupy our thoughts and energies are no more than distractions.
Put Jesus in the Centre.
Read the New Testament and reveal what it has to say about the Church Jesus built, and compare it with what we, man, has built.
The time has come when tinkering and re ordering is not enough. We have to re imagine, not using man made structures as our template, but Jesus.
Imagine a church without buildings.
Imagine a church without clergy.
Imagine a church without liturgy.
Imagine a church run not by a PCC but by prayer!
Over the last few years we have heard a lot from Bishops and general synod about ‘every member ministry’. In reality it doesn’t yet exist, because the priesthood is in the way. It is all part of an exercise to prop up crumbling structures, without having to pay!
So, imagine a church where every member is encouraged to really exercise ministry, to the full.
We are about to commission two more lay worship leaders. People who now hold the Bishops permission to help in the leadership of worship.
Don’t sit back and think, “Phew, were all right now, all these LWL are here to take our services”. Say instead; Thank you Lord for raising up these people and calling them, We commission and support them. What Lord, are you calling me to do?
Look up the many times the New Testament that mentions every 'member ministry' and you will find each one is about being led by the Holy Spirit and Jesus, without reference to any form of ordination.
Do you realise there is more about every member ministry than about communion?
Did you know the New Testament Church, the real Apostolic church didn’t have bishops, priests or deacons, they are all ‘post apostolic’.
Imagine a Church where Jesus is the only priest.
When you begin to re imagine Church in this way, uncomfortable though it is, The trash we have accumulated over the years falls away and only the things that really matter remain.
As I leave these parishes I dare you all, in all love and sincerity, to put Jesus at the centre and to become the church God want’s you to be.
God bless you all.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Come to me

Saturday, 13 March
Lord: Oh my people how I have longed for you. How I have worn out my voice calling to you. How I have searched for you, all the time hearing your voice, but never finding you, as you have hidden your face from me. I have watched with delight as you have laid your burden down and confessed your sins. Then I have despaired as you have snatched up your burdens again, and held them to yourself, only to run away and hide again.

How long before you come to me and shed your burden of sin, like casting off a dirty garment? How long before you let me wash you under the crystal clear waters of life? Oh how I long to wrap you round in a garment of righteousness, and lead you as a beloved child, into the wonder and joy of the Manor my Father has prepared for you.

My children, it is not all your running here and there, busying yourselves with rituals of works and religion, that will bring you salvation or quietness of soul. It is not works of service, however good and well intended, that will redeem your soul from sin. All I ask of you is that you will return to me, the Lord your God, seeking my kingdom and my righteousness. Stop your movement and hurrying, and be still long enough for your soul to connect with me, and for me to wrap my arms of love around you. For it is there in my loving embrace, as I shelter you from the noise of the world, the flesh, and the devil, that you will find the peace you are looking for, and will know me, in my beloved Son Jesus. There is no religious service or ritual, there are no pious acts of service or sacrifice, which can take the place of being still in My presence, or of spending time with my Son Jesus. He is the lens through which my love is focused on mankind and and the lens through which mankind sees me.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Out of the ruins I will raise My Church

Thursday, 11 March

Lord: Lift up your eyes and what do you see?

Me: I see what looks like an industrial wasteland, black, dusty, and dirty. The wind is blowing over it. The ruined shells of buildings and structures gape like empty skeletons lying in the dirt. There is an air of gloom and waste, but I don't feel sorry. Such an abomination should never have scarred the earth.

As I looked, I could see green shoots rising from the ground, until a carpet of green covered the wasteland. The green became splashed with colour as the plants blossomed and burst into flower The wind that had seemed so desolate and had moaned through the ruins, now took on a gentle air and caused the plants to wave gently. A new sound arose from the ground, the sound of singing and laughter,like children let out to play.

I looked again and the green had grown tall, and covered the ground. The ruins were less prominent as they crumbled beyond recognition. It seemed they would soon disappear, never to be remembered any more.

Lord: The time has come for the institutional structures of man made religion to crumble and fall. It is time for the props to be knocked away, and man made religion, which he calls the Church, to be shown for what it is, a pile of ruins. Over many years now I have been preparing My Church, those who are called by my name and know and love my Son. As the shell of institutionalism cracks, and falls away like a broken egg shell, my true Church will be revealed. The Church of the 21st Century will not be a Church identified by its buildings, customs and rituals; it will be a body of believers who are part of the Kingdom of Heaven. It won't have a definable leadership, for all will know the Lord Jesus for themselves, and will not need the structures and icons to teach them faith. Jesus will be the head, the chief corner stone. Many will dash themselves against that stone in their effort to undermine and destroy the Church, but Jesus has already died and been raised to life again and will never die again. Those who throw themselves at the man made structures of the Church will destroy it, but will not prevail, because I am not in the man made structures. As the new shoots rise from the burnt ground after a fire, so the Church of Jesus Christ will grow, blossom, and cover the earth. The desert places will turn green, and the yellow sand will be turned to warm brown soil. My word shall sprout like a desert flower and bring colour and life. The wind of my Holy Spirit will blow over the land and my Church will sway in the wind and sing with a new freedom its praise and worship of my Son. I am there in the midst of my Church, and there will be no more dark corners and unexplored mysteries, to distract and divert those who are seeking me. Truth will not be found in the depths of ritual, but in the wide open places where the wind of my Spirit blows.

Pray for my Church as it rises from the ruins. Pray for it as it reaches out into the desert places to bring life and colour into the barrenness. Pray that I will cause springs to rise up, and rivers to flow over the parched earth. Do not cling to the ruins any more, but move out into the wind and let the Spirit of God fill your wings that you may soar like the birds of the air and know the freedom of the Spirit that I long for you to have. Rejoice with those who are being saved, that your voices may rise to the heavens with a mighty shout of love. As your shout reaches the gates of Heaven a trumpet will sound, and all who know and love the Lord will join in the shout of praise. Then shall the bridal procession begin.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Speak out for Me

Monday, 8 March

Me: Good Morning Lord.Thank you for this new day, and for waking me this morning. I commit this day to you, and ask you to be Lord of this day. I Love you Lord.

Lord: Thank you Son. I love you too, and of course I will be Lord of this day for you. My desire is always for my people to give each day to me, so that I can lead them down the paths of righteousness and truth. There is so much I want to show my children, and so many good and wholesome experiences. I want to lead them into. I want to provide for you out of my abundance, I want you to grow strong and bear much fruit. As I am a blessing to you, I want you to be My blessing to others.

In these days I am pouring out my Spirit on individuals, who like you are accepting the word I am giving them. I want you to encourage all who are receiving from me through the Holy Spirit, to share what I am saying to the congregations. My word is life, and I want my life to fill those who are spiritually dead, that like Lazarus they may be raised to life. I am about to remove the fear from my church about speaking out. For too long my people have covered their mouths in fear of those who say the church offends. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will always offend those who are on their way to hell, but is life to the genuine seeker. Speak out the name of Jesus, with boldness and with confidence. I will go with my Word and it will not return to me without first accomplishing the purpose I have for it.

Darkness is the cover of the enemy. Satan loves my people to be floundering around in the dark. He shapes the shadows and turns them into monsters. But when a single light shine in the darkness the shadows retreat. I say to my church now, "Let your light so shine before all men and women, that they may see your righteousness and give glory to your Father in heaven."

Friday, 5 March 2010

With a Mighty Shout

Friday, 5 March

Me: Good Morning Lord, Thank you for waking me this morning. I Love you.

Lord: Good morning son, I am thrilled that you are here, welcome. I love you too.

Who will speak for Me, and who will shout out My name from the hill tops? Who will call together the chosen of the Lord, a mighty host?

For too long, the heathen had held sway. Their pipers have called the tune, their dancers have led the dance. My name has been forbidden and my people have become a laughing stock.

Woe to those who think they can stand against Me, those who think they can use My name in vain. Woe to those who have set themselves up above the law, who think they are immune, those who have surrounded themselves with fine houses and have watched every entrance, saying: "I am safe now from all that can happen, for I have prepared for this day. Let the nations fail, I am safe." Woe to those who think to become rulers and law makers, saying, "I can do better and will restore the fortunes of the rich." Great will be your fall because you have not honoured the name of the Lord, and have not listened to His Word.

I will destroy your clever plans, and expose your wickedness. No more will a man dare to say, "By my own cleverness I have built."

Do not put your trust in those who say, we have more wealth or more soldiers to protect you. I will lay low the nation that aspires to be great. Those who seek to rule will be forced into slavery, and put to shame. Put your trust in the Lord your God.

Call upon the Name of Jesus, and he will be your strength and your song. Rise up my people and call upon my Son. Do not be afraid of what the heathen will say. Let my name be a mighty battle cry, that will rally the soldiers of the Kingdom to the Cross of Jesus. Lift high the banner of Christ, for all men to see. Raise a mighty shout, and make the hills resound with praise. Speak out the Word I give you, with a new boldness, for the hungry are calling for bread, and the thirsty for water.

I will pour water on the parched land. The valleys shall become rivers flowing with the water of life. The fields and the orchards shall blossom, and the wailing of the poor shall be turned into the song of thanksgiving. I am the Lord your provider. I am the Lord your strength. I am the Lord your deliverer. Jesus is the Word. The time has come. The hour is here, for the mountains and the hills, to ring with the call of the Gospel.

My children, fall down on your knees, and call on me, for I would instruct and guide you. Put your trust in me, and turn away from those who offer you their strength. Do not become a number, counted by men, for I the Lord your God know you, and have called you by name, you are mine. Trust not in the might of another's armour, for it will fail, and cannot stand in the day of the Lord. But those who call upon the Name of the Lord, and stand clothed in the armour God provides, will stand, and will prevail. Bring in My kingdom with a mighty shout!

Ephesians 6

The Armour of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Still Here!

Yes, I am still here every morning, but as the day for our move to Leominster draws ever closer (23 days), my conversations with God and his words, are focused much more on the move, and the things that lie ahead. As and when he gives me more for the Church, I shall post it up.

In the meantime wait, watch and listen. Let him speak to you directly.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Total Commitment

Monday, 1 March

Me: Good Morning Lord, Thank you for waking me this morning and for a good night's sleep. I love you Lord.

Lord: I love you too son. Welcome to the 5 am club.

Reading: 2 Chronicles 14.2-16.14

2 Chronicles 16:7-9
At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the LORD your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand.

Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the LORD, he delivered them into your hand.

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.

Lord: Out of the readings today, I want you my church to learn that to serve me is a total commitment, and that, when you serve me with your whole heart, trusting and relying upon me for all your needs, then you will prosper and grow, but when you turn your back upon the Lord your God, and take your eyes off the Lord Jesus, and his teaching, then I will withdraw my hand of provision from you and you will flounder. The only reason for my church's financial problems at this time, is that they no longer focus upon the Lord Jesus and proclaim him as Lord, but focus their efforts upon the things that do not matter in the overall plan.

A great multitude is assembling at the gate of heaven, with a great hunger for the Lord. They are aware that they are sinners, and need the Grace of God. Where are my people, who should be feeding and nurturing them? They are busy worrying about buildings and rituals. They are pursuing the ways of the world, saying to themselves, "The survival of the Church depended on this." I tell you this: The survival of my Church, and the honour of my Name, is My concern not yours. I would say to my Church, "Stop doing what the world wants you to do, and start listening to me". Do the will of your Father in heaven. That is, point to Jesus. You do not exist to do the will of the world, but to be a teacher of the world. Teach them the ways of the Lord. If they reject the ways of the Lord, then their institutions will fail, and great will be the fall of them. If they embrace the teachings of the Lord, and follow in his ways, then they will prosper and no one shall be able to stand against them.