Thursday, 11 March
Lord: Lift up your eyes and what do you see?
Me: I see what looks like an industrial wasteland, black, dusty, and dirty. The wind is blowing over it. The ruined shells of buildings and structures gape like empty skeletons lying in the dirt. There is an air of gloom and waste, but I don't feel sorry. Such an abomination should never have scarred the earth.
As I looked, I could see green shoots rising from the ground, until a carpet of green covered the wasteland. The green became splashed with colour as the plants blossomed and burst into flower The wind that had seemed so desolate and had moaned through the ruins, now took on a gentle air and caused the plants to wave gently. A new sound arose from the ground, the sound of singing and laughter,like children let out to play.
I looked again and the green had grown tall, and covered the ground. The ruins were less prominent as they crumbled beyond recognition. It seemed they would soon disappear, never to be remembered any more.
Lord: The time has come for the institutional structures of man made religion to crumble and fall. It is time for the props to be knocked away, and man made religion, which he calls the Church, to be shown for what it is, a pile of ruins. Over many years now I have been preparing My Church, those who are called by my name and know and love my Son. As the shell of institutionalism cracks, and falls away like a broken egg shell, my true Church will be revealed. The Church of the 21st Century will not be a Church identified by its buildings, customs and rituals; it will be a body of believers who are part of the Kingdom of Heaven. It won't have a definable leadership, for all will know the Lord Jesus for themselves, and will not need the structures and icons to teach them faith. Jesus will be the head, the chief corner stone. Many will dash themselves against that stone in their effort to undermine and destroy the Church, but Jesus has already died and been raised to life again and will never die again. Those who throw themselves at the man made structures of the Church will destroy it, but will not prevail, because I am not in the man made structures. As the new shoots rise from the burnt ground after a fire, so the Church of Jesus Christ will grow, blossom, and cover the earth. The desert places will turn green, and the yellow sand will be turned to warm brown soil. My word shall sprout like a desert flower and bring colour and life. The wind of my Holy Spirit will blow over the land and my Church will sway in the wind and sing with a new freedom its praise and worship of my Son. I am there in the midst of my Church, and there will be no more dark corners and unexplored mysteries, to distract and divert those who are seeking me. Truth will not be found in the depths of ritual, but in the wide open places where the wind of my Spirit blows.
Pray for my Church as it rises from the ruins. Pray for it as it reaches out into the desert places to bring life and colour into the barrenness. Pray that I will cause springs to rise up, and rivers to flow over the parched earth. Do not cling to the ruins any more, but move out into the wind and let the Spirit of God fill your wings that you may soar like the birds of the air and know the freedom of the Spirit that I long for you to have. Rejoice with those who are being saved, that your voices may rise to the heavens with a mighty shout of love. As your shout reaches the gates of Heaven a trumpet will sound, and all who know and love the Lord will join in the shout of praise. Then shall the bridal procession begin.
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