
Saturday, 13 March 2010

Come to me

Saturday, 13 March
Lord: Oh my people how I have longed for you. How I have worn out my voice calling to you. How I have searched for you, all the time hearing your voice, but never finding you, as you have hidden your face from me. I have watched with delight as you have laid your burden down and confessed your sins. Then I have despaired as you have snatched up your burdens again, and held them to yourself, only to run away and hide again.

How long before you come to me and shed your burden of sin, like casting off a dirty garment? How long before you let me wash you under the crystal clear waters of life? Oh how I long to wrap you round in a garment of righteousness, and lead you as a beloved child, into the wonder and joy of the Manor my Father has prepared for you.

My children, it is not all your running here and there, busying yourselves with rituals of works and religion, that will bring you salvation or quietness of soul. It is not works of service, however good and well intended, that will redeem your soul from sin. All I ask of you is that you will return to me, the Lord your God, seeking my kingdom and my righteousness. Stop your movement and hurrying, and be still long enough for your soul to connect with me, and for me to wrap my arms of love around you. For it is there in my loving embrace, as I shelter you from the noise of the world, the flesh, and the devil, that you will find the peace you are looking for, and will know me, in my beloved Son Jesus. There is no religious service or ritual, there are no pious acts of service or sacrifice, which can take the place of being still in My presence, or of spending time with my Son Jesus. He is the lens through which my love is focused on mankind and and the lens through which mankind sees me.


  1. i am in a library in usa reading your blog hope all is happy for you the day has almost come to leave take carelove to you both gill

  2. It is so good to be reminded of His call. I confess to have allowed myself to become sooooo busy, once again. I am enjoying Time - His Time, again and it is life giving and refreshing!
    Thank you for your faithfulness, Martin.

  3. Thinking of you as you say goodbye to your faithful flock. Praying for your smooth move.


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