Saturday, 12 December
Enter now into the flow of my Spirit, don't try too hard, just let the Spirit, My Holy, life giving Spirit wash over you, Let my presence invade your space and rest in me as you would in a hammock. Allow me to touch you in the stillness and see me as I stand beside you.
Touch is a very important part of ministry, that is why the enemy wants to outlaw touch and attach sexual connotations to every action. If he can make people so afraid of being touched then he has effectively cut them off from the body. I want my body to be touching each other to draw strength and comfort from their presence and so my Holy Spirit can flow freely among you.
I want my Church to be a flowing river that soaks the ground around it. Just as a river is a life giver, so the Church, my Church, must be an instrument of delivering my life. It wasn't an accident that I instituted Baptism. Water is a powerful symbol which can be explored deeply and which applies at every level of understanding. Just as being immersed in the river causes water to touch every part of your body, just as a bath cleanses all of you, so I want to immerse my people in the flow of the Holy Spirit. There should be no part of your life that is not handed over to me, there is no occasion which does not need to be soaked in prayer. I want my Church, which is all of you, to pray as you meet people. Pray for them and give them to me. Send me an arrow prayer as to speak and as you listen, that way you keep the lines of communication open and I can speak to you.
Do not make the decision yourself who should be prayed for, and do not allow others to decide 'who is worthy', for the truth is, not one is worthy of anything, If it was a matter of worthiness, I would have abandoned you all centuries ago. Not one of the great names in the Bible, not one of those you call saints, not one of you, is worthy of salvation, and not one of you deserves, in your own right, to live, let alone enter into my most Holy presence. It is only through the shed blood of Jesus, that you are received into my presence. It is your relationship with Him that counts on the day of Judgement, for is is by Grace, and Grace alone that you are saved.
When people first come to me and hear the Good News, they are usually all too aware of their own unworthiness. It is only when they have partial awareness and slip into the delusion that, there are grades of sin, and that some sins, because they are small, are acceptable, while other sins, because they are big, are unacceptable. The truth is that all sin is unacceptable.
Now about Love. I am love, and I love you all, yes, all of you, even those you find hard to love or those you would say, are impossible to love. Yes, I love the ones who attack and hurt my little children. I hate what they do, but I still love them! I ache for them to turn to me and receive my love.
Love is NOT a passive acceptance of everything. Indeed love is not passive at all. Love is the creative positive driving force in the universe. Love is the creator, the healer, the reconciler. Love is the hand reached out to touch the HIV/Aids victim, love is the hands which gently cradle the maimed deceased body; the lips that kiss the dirty smelly child who has never been loved. Love is the arms that hold the struggling angry teenager who wants to hit out at the world. I am love.
In the world, if you want to receive love you have to be loveable and beautiful, but I give love to the unlovely and the unlovable, for true love sees the person I created, the person unspoilt by the evils and terrors of this world. Only My love can see like that because, only I know what I intended each individual to be. Even Jesus, had to see with my eyes, and the angels who serve me continually, see only what I let them see. My love is available for all of you, both to receive and to share. In all the created universe, Love is the most abundant commodity available. It will never run out. It increases as you share it. It dies if you try to store it, or keep it for yourself. Love cannot be stolen, only freely given, and received. It can be refused in which case it returns to the giver to be healed.
I want Love to be the one thing the Church is known for, everything you do must be driven by love. Never let finance or politics, political correctness, or fear drive you. Be driven only by love. It is my love flowing through my Church, that will draw men and women into the Kingdom. It is love that will heal the sick and mend the broken. It is my love, and My love alone, which will heal society and prevent terror and crime. All the laws in the universe cannot stop a single crime. As you see and hear everyday, all the prison sentences in the world, do not stop the sinner re-offending. I am the only one who can change the hearts of men and women, and I do it by love.
Make Love your aim. Receive the love I give you and pass it on. Seek to outdo each other in loving one another. Always be ready to love, by praying for healing, deliverance or salvation. Never allow yourself to judge someone's worthiness, or readiness. I am always ready to touch. I am always ready to embrace and to hold. I am always ready to sit in the mud with someone. I always want to raise up. I always want to bring those who wander in the dark, back into the light. And I am always there for everyone. The arms of my Cross always span the gulf between this world of sin and the life of righteousness. It is like a bridge between earth and heaven. As people cross by this bridge it grows wider to accommodate all who come. There is no other way. Why should there be another way when the cross of Jesus is sufficient?
I love you and I command you to love one another.
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