Resurrection by Luke Hogan Copyright 2012 |
Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for Jesus' Resurrection from the dead, and with it, the promise of new life in Him. I love you Lord.
Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning. Yes, son, the Resurrection is the key, or pivot of creation. It is through the Resurrection that Jesus completed the work I sent him to do. He overthrew Satan and banished sin once and for all. Now, for the first time since the Garden of Eden, man can cross the great divide between Heaven and Earth. Now, for the first time since Adam's sin, man can lay down his burden of sin, and need never lift it up again. This is because when he lays his burden at the foot of the cross, it is absorbed and disappears.
Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning. Yes, son, the Resurrection is the key, or pivot of creation. It is through the Resurrection that Jesus completed the work I sent him to do. He overthrew Satan and banished sin once and for all. Now, for the first time since the Garden of Eden, man can cross the great divide between Heaven and Earth. Now, for the first time since Adam's sin, man can lay down his burden of sin, and need never lift it up again. This is because when he lays his burden at the foot of the cross, it is absorbed and disappears.
The work of Jesus on the cross was a complete work! It was accomplished for ALL men everywhere, and for all times. No one need be exempt, who comes to the Cross. The past is forgiven, all of it. This is not just past sins of the individual, but all the sin that has caused the separation of men into races and cultures, with all their various divides. All that keeps mankind apart from his brothers and sisters, all that causes wars and divisions, all that causes sickness, pain and suffering, are now forgiven and dealt with, through the Cross! All that is left is for all mankind to enter into, and claim, the freedom for himself and his family, for his nation and his neighbour. Through Jesus, mankind CAN live at peace with all men. Jesus is not just for Christians, or white westerners, but He is My Son and is for ALL men and women everywhere. I love you.
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