
Sunday, 5 February 2012

I delight in you!

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. Thank you Lord, for you gift of life and consciousness, for making us in your own image. Help us to live lives in the image of your divine nature, and to reflect your love into the world around us. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for spending this precious time with us. Yes, I gave you life and consciousness, so that we could enjoy each others' company, and build a real relationship together. Life is the most precious gift I gave to man, and it really hurt me and continues to hurt me when, from the very first generation of man, murder entered the scene. The taking of life, whether it is outright murder or abortion or self defence, hurts me and is abhorrent to me. There are enough causes of death in the world today that cause pain and grief, without adding murder.

I gave mankind life, so that we, man and I, could walk together and commune together and enjoy a great relationship. As beloved children, I envisaged man walking hand-in-hand with man, and working together to achieve all sorts of great and exciting things. Yes even exploring the stars and the greatness of the universe, I made for your enjoyment. However, I cannot allow you to take sin and wickedness out to the stars as well. For this reason I have put a barrier around the Earth, to contain the sin and destruction man has wrought on my beloved creation.

I am now concentrating on a move of my Spirit, that will turn the hearts of the disobedient to the forgiveness and purity that I am offering. Man doesn't deserve it! But I love him so much I want him to turn to me and be healed and restored. So I have determined to make this gift an act of grace and to pour out my riches upon man, and bear the cost myself.  To have allowed man to walk the way of sin has been incredibly costly for me. I know you can only begin to comprehend the pain and the cost to me. But it will be worth all that I have suffered, when sinful mankind is clothed with the righteousness of Jesus, and stands before my throne, of his own free will, to ask if he can be taught to love Me as I love him. Yes, I want man to want to love Me, not because he fears the consequences of not loving Me, but because he is excited by the prospect of being close to Me and us being in love.

Many people fear being in love, because their picture and experience of, 'love' is distorted by sin. The longing of My heart is that they will experience and be thrilled by true love, and will come running into my arms. Finding, experiencing, and being in true love, requires a positive turning away from the previous life of self, sin, greed and lust, and a turning to me. It requires tears of repentance, and sufficient openness to hear My words of comfort and forgiveness. It requires a desire to change and become like Me.

When I made mankind, I also created family, which reflects the relationship I have with the the Father Creator, the Saving Son and the empowering Holy Spirit. We are so different, yet we are so much the same. There is a harmony between us that knows no boundaries. Our love for one another is perfect. This is the pattern we have for the family of mankind. So I placed within the relationship of man and woman, children, who grow up in the safety, security and love of that relationship, and become like their parents, yet unique individuals. In a loving family, children are keen to be like their parents, who they admire and loves. And parents are thrilled by their children's likeness to themselves, and their individuality. I am a true Father and delight in your likeness to me, and the individuality I have built into you.

I love your company. I love doing things with you. I love our conversations together. I love to see the delight on your face as you discover new things about my creation. I delight in your achievements. You are my beloved children and I love you.

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