Friday, 19 February
Me: Good Morning Lord, Thank you for waking me this morning. I Love you Lord.
Lord: I Love you too son, and welcome to the club.
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21
This may sound like a harsh word, but it is not a rebuke, rather it is a warning about shallowness, and a half hearted response to me. My son Jesus said this, while talking about how to recognise those who come from me and are filled with the Holy Spirit, and discerning those who are false prophets amongst you. By the fruit that is born out in their lives you will recognise them.
To my prayer warriors I want to say:
Pray for those I am raising up. The evangelists, the prophets and teachers, the pastors and the missionaries. Pray that they will stay close to Jesus, and clearly focused on him. Many of them are young, and as yet untried, and the enemy seeks to divert them with advice from false prophets. Pray my protection around them. And, as I have said before, cover their backs for them, by your faithful and vigilant prayer. Some of you I will call to the front line of battle, against the false prophecies and teachings of those who hearts are not stayed on me, and who, as yet, know not the Lord Jesus, or my will. These are often, not obviously the enemy. Some are leaders in churches, and men and women of learning, who are held in high esteem by the world. Do not pray for their downfall, but for the light I bring, to flood their lives. Pray for their conversion, that they will both hear, and do, My will. Most of them think they are doing my will, but they have shifted their focus from Jesus to theology. Pray my living Word into their darkness.
There are also amongst them wolves, who come as sheep. Pray for discernment to see and recognise them. The enemy is the prince of lies and deceit. Destroy his works by praying in the truth. Even the wolf amongst you is powerless, if his teeth are drawn, and his true nature is revealed!
To My Church I want to say:
In these days I am doing a new work. Just as I led the infant Church of the New Testament out of Jerusalem and into the World, so I want to move you now, out of the security you have known for so long, out of the safety of ritual and liturgy, which have been your kindergarten teaching, out into the adult world, to take Jesus to the people where they are, and talk to people without cloaking your words in religious terminology. When the early Church left Jerusalem and dispersed throughout the world, and when the Celtic missionaries moved out from their homes, to live in foreign lands, they first had to learn the language of the people among whom they lived. They learned their ways and traditions and tried to understand them. Then, and only then, could the Good News of Jesus be communicated in a meaningful way.
Today it is very easy to communicate across the world in an instant with the internet. Yes, I am inspiring men and women to use every possible form of social networking and technology. However, that is only the beginning; the real conversion and growth comes through personal contact. Even Paul, who had a personal encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, needed to have the contact, love and support of the Christian fellowship, to bring him sight, and to set him off on the right foot.
To those who are feeling my call upon them, I want to say:
Keep your eyes firmly fixed on my Son Jesus. Build up your relationship with Him. Do not be afraid to commit all your ways to Him, and seek His advice. Remember to do what he says, and follow His direction, before your own. Follow Jesus and do His will and your ways will prosper, then I will use you, for the furthering of my kingdom on earth.
Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. The Bible is also the Word of God for it points to Jesus. Make that written word part of your everyday life. Consume it, chew it, and digest it until it is part of every fibre of your being. Do not be secretive about it, or shy of reading and quoting it, for when the Word becomes a part of you, it is like a razor sharp blade, that can be used to cut through the defences of the most ardent atheist or skeptic. Do not be ashamed of Jesus before men, and he will never let you be put to shame. Let you light shine before men, that they may see the good fruit you bear, and give glory to me, your heavenly Father.
To those whose faith is weak and who feel the burden of life, I want to say:
Rise up, lift your eyes to the heavens and behold the face of Jesus. Look into His eyes and see His love for you, and draw strength. Come to the waters of Life, the Word of God, and drink deeply. Dare to come the the Cross of Calvary, and see in Jesus' feet the cruel nails and the dripping blood. Kiss those feet, that trod the earth to bring you your salvation. Let his shed blood wash away your sin. Lay your burden at the foot of the Cross, and leave it there. It is no longer yours, but His. Die with him on the Cross, and live with him in his risen life. I will show you how, if you will give me time each day. Time for me to speak into the silence of your inner being. Do not ask for anything, except that Jesus fill you with his love. See in your inner eye the door of your heart, and open it to me. Then we will come to you, and make our home with you. Your faith will no longer be weak, but strong, and your burden will be left at the Cross. Be free! Come into the throne room of heaven, and join with the countless multitude, who are for ever singing and dancing in praise and worship, for I will give you life!
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