
Thursday, 18 August 2011

Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. Please help me today to stay in the centre of your will and, in all things glorify your name. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Welcome to the club this morning and thank you for your company on our walk this morning. We love you too.

My children, do not go the way of the world, pursuing knowledge as though it was somehow God himself. Seek a relationship with My Son Jesus, get to know Him and follow in his ways. Lift your voices with him and worship Me the Creator of all that is. Lift your voices in praise and thanksgiving. Open your eyes and behold all that I have made. See how all things show my glory. From the farthest stars to the tiniest microbe, everything I have made bears my mark and proclaims the greatness of your God. The stars sing my praises as they go on their way. Every morning the birds wake up with a song of praise to me, and even those creatures and plants that you think of as silent, shout aloud as they praise my name. Yet, even though all creation acknowledges me, mankind, whom I made in my own image, is strangely silent, and often amazingly blind and deaf as he goes about his daily tasks.

Children, lift up your eyes and behold all that I have made for you to enjoy. Open your ears to hear the sounds of all creation praising me. Join with them and sing out the joy that I put into your heart. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

What is it that fills your mind today? Is it the desire to discover something new, or to learn a new skill? Or is it to make money, or just to do your best at whatever mundane task is allotted to you? Whatever your path today, begin by offering me all the praise you can muster. Look and see, listen and hear. Be glad in me that I have made you and have placed you where you are to love and worship me. As you enter into this world of praise and wonder, I will release in you such joy that your whole life will be changed. I will open your minds to the wonders I have made and will show you such things as pass man's understanding. I will help you press the frontiers of human understanding and expand the knowledge of the human race. As you seek first to praise me and know me, all other things shall be added to you in abundance. Fix your eyes upon Jesus and seek the Kingdom of God, and I, the Lord your God, will add to you such blessings that you will be amazed.

As you discover more about Jesus and about the things that I have made, share them, add them to your faith story that others may be enlightened and come to me.

Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord.
Psalm 150.6

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