
Saturday, 6 August 2011

Made in My Image

Lord: A lot of the Psalms you have been reading may well seem to the modern ear like pathetic begging Psalms. But if you look behind the songs at the situations that caused them to be written, you will find that they are songs of people who were learning to trust me. True, many of the people rebelled against me and did anything but trust in me, but their songs have not been recorded lest they cause others to follow them. I want my people to trust me and to realise that they are wholly dependant upon me. If I cease for one moment to look upon my creation, all the things that you know and take for granted would cease to exist, and it would be as though creation had never existed. My special gift to all those who trust in me and love me, is that when I finally cause all creation to cease to exist, and that includes evil, they will have a share with me in a life I have always known, far more wonderful than anything mankind can ever begin to imagine.

Eternal life isn't just more of earthly life; that would hardly be anything worth looking forward to. No, eternal life is coming home to me and being restored to the oneness of God. The reason I love mankind so much is that I breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life; I gave him a part of myself. I gave this gift to no other creature on Earth. Even though Earth is filled with wonderful and exotic creatures, it was only mankind that was made in my image.

Mankind is unique. He has not evolved from other creatures, even though his physical form bears a resemblance to other created beings. Man is unique in his ability to reason, love and discern right from wrong, and in being self aware. Man's body is ageing, like all created things. This tendency to decay is not really part of the original plan, although I never intended the earth to last forever. However, man's ability to reason, love and discern right from wrong and be self aware, is still all intact. Neglected yes, but he is, with my help, still able to use these qualities to the full. The way to quicken them in your being is to be aware of me and to stay close to me.

The psalmist is always extolling my ability to care for and protect my loved ones, and this I always do. The evil ones do not in the grand scheme of things ever prosper. They may gain wealth and earthy power, but it does not profit them eternally. The righteous may seem to suffer and be suppressed and cast down, but I see all things, and on the last day I will raise him up to heights unthought of, and all the pain and suffering of the past will seem like no more than a mild headache.

I am always ready and willing to perform the miracles you crave, if only you would pray in the mind of the spirit and in accord with my will. Watch and pray, and stay close to me, for I love you and will always love you. You are mine.

Sent from my iPad from York.

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