
Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Seventh Day

Lord: In creation I set an example I want you all to follow. I am God Almighty, and do not need to rest. Indeed if I were to stop upholding  all things they would surely cease to exist. But I worked on Creation for six days and on the seventh day I rested, and sat back and enjoyed all I had made. It was not because I was tired and needed the rest, but I did it as an example for man to copy.

    Work for a maximum of six days and then sit back and rest. Bless what you have done and enjoy the moment as you see the works of your hands. Use the day of rest to bless others by sharing with them, walking with them, and talking with them. It is a misunderstanding to think of the seventh day as a day to worship me, or the day you give to the Lord. Every day needs to be handed to me so that I can bless it for you and give it back to you. By all means worship me on the seventh day, but no only on the seventh but every day. No, the seventh day is a day for rest from your labour. It is a day to be with your children and family. A day to give precious time to friends. It is not a day for selfishness or indulgence but for company and fellowship.

    I created the seventh day for man, to be a blessing to him, and to help him to be a blessing to those around him. Man is not an island and much as people like their own company and often want to be alone, I made him a social being, with the gift of being able to uplift and bless those around him and to be uplifted and blessed by others. Do not allow yourselves to become isolated and cut off.

    Share with others and be enthusiastic about your faith. Recover the first love you had at the beginning. rejoice with others in their faith and in their discoveries about me. Never dampen their excitement as they see me working. I really delight in childlike wonder and awe as my children discover new things and are quickened by life.

    Make the seventh day of each week a day of discovery, sharing and wonder, and you will soon find that every day becomes that too. I love you

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