Lord: Do not, as many do, fall into the trap of thinking that, because you cannot see what I am doing, I am not at work! If the sun rises each morning, and sets each evening, these are the signs that I am still in control of My creation. Moment by moment, since the dawn of time, when I formed the earth and placed the sun, the moon, and the stars in heaven, My Spirit has moved upon the whole of creation and given it life. Without the movement of the Spirit all things would pass away, like the shadows of the night when the dawn comes. I sustain all things, and provide for all my children. Even though man often believes he has provided for his own and his family's needs by the work of his own hands, it is I the Lord your God, who provides for you! I do this because I love you. You are My children whom I formed from the very dust of the earth. I breathed life into you at the beginning, and I keep that breath of life flowing, from day to day, and year to year. Without My love you cease to be.
Recognise Me in all I provide for you, every day. As you acknowledge and thank Me for all I give out of My abundance, so that provision grows and fills you with the nourishment you need. If you continue to ignore me, and not acknowledge My provision for you, then that provision will become like the dust of the Earth to you, and you will be dissatisfied, and will begin to wither, like a plant that has no water. This slow death is not a punishment, but a direct result (cause and effect) of turning your back on the bounty I have provided. Like a branch cut off from the vine, you wither and die. My heart-felt desire is for you all to turn to Me, and accept the love and bounty I am providing for you and pouring out upon you. It is in My heart that you will flourish and blossom, becoming the fulfilled people I made you to be.
You do not walk alone, for I am with you. No step you take along the pathway I have set out for you, goes unrecorded. Those who you meet along the way and those who walk with you, are there because I have caused it, both for your comfort, and for theirs. Bless those who walk with you and allow them to bless you, for as you bless others, so I will bless you.
Many who walk with you will not know me. Let the light I have given you shine upon them, and share with them your witness of all that I have done for you. Remember always, conversion is My work, witness (telling your story), is yours. I am with you and I love you.
Recognise Me in all I provide for you, every day. As you acknowledge and thank Me for all I give out of My abundance, so that provision grows and fills you with the nourishment you need. If you continue to ignore me, and not acknowledge My provision for you, then that provision will become like the dust of the Earth to you, and you will be dissatisfied, and will begin to wither, like a plant that has no water. This slow death is not a punishment, but a direct result (cause and effect) of turning your back on the bounty I have provided. Like a branch cut off from the vine, you wither and die. My heart-felt desire is for you all to turn to Me, and accept the love and bounty I am providing for you and pouring out upon you. It is in My heart that you will flourish and blossom, becoming the fulfilled people I made you to be.
You do not walk alone, for I am with you. No step you take along the pathway I have set out for you, goes unrecorded. Those who you meet along the way and those who walk with you, are there because I have caused it, both for your comfort, and for theirs. Bless those who walk with you and allow them to bless you, for as you bless others, so I will bless you.
Many who walk with you will not know me. Let the light I have given you shine upon them, and share with them your witness of all that I have done for you. Remember always, conversion is My work, witness (telling your story), is yours. I am with you and I love you.
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