
Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Worship Me

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful morning. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts to us, and the beauty that surrounds us. Thank you Lord. I love you.

Lord:    Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company on our morning walk. I love you too.

Lord: I love your worship. You ask me, "What is worship?" Your worship is what you bring to me freely and wholeheartedly. For those who can sing, or make music, worship is singing and making music!.Worship can also be joining with those who worship in this way. But worship is not confined to music and singing, it is only a part of the whole. Some people exercise a ministry in music, releasing my people into a world of praise through music. But it is wrong to assume that worship is music only. If that were the case, the deaf and dumb would not be able to worship!

For some worship comes with sight. As they gaze upon creation their mind turns to thanksgiving, and they become aware of me and draw close to me. But this is not all there is to worship, for if that were so the blind would be excluded! Some dance and others paint. Authors and artists offer their thoughts through pen and paper, and in today's technical world, many are using computers, photography, motion, light and sound, in ways hitherto undreamed of, to express their worship of me. I accept them all.

Worship is loving me with all your heart and bringing to me who you really are. Worship can be noisy and full of action, or it can be silent and still. Indeed some of the most profound experiences of worship are found in the quiet stillness as you listen to my still small voice, like the whisper of the wind in the trees.

True worship can be found in the words, 'I love you.' These are the words I want to hear from you, and I know you want to hear from me. These three words. I never grow tired of hearing, and nor do you. Let your worship be an act of love, where these three words are prominent, and at the centre. I Love you.

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