
Thursday, 29 September 2011

I call My People

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. Thank you for your love and goodness and being there for me. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin, Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company which is always welcome. We love you too.

My message to mankind never changes. It is very simple and straightforward. I love you and want to be your God, so that you can prosper and do well in the world I have made for you.

My message for my people Israel is the same as it was in the days of Isaiah the prophet. It is simple and straightforward.

This is what the LORD says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people:

“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

 The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. 

He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.

Many of them will stumble; they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.”
Isaiah 8:11-15 NIV

My message to the church is simple and straightforward. I love you and have lifted you out of sin and despair. Do not forget what my Son has done for you, or despise or forget the gospel you received, for it is by grace that you have received life. Stand firm in your faith and share freely the grace I have bestowed on you. I, and I alone, am your refuge and your strength. Do not place your trust in the powers of the world to protect or help you. They are not your God. Trust in me and know that I am God.

Today I am launching a new work in your land. Today I am calling new workers into the vineyard. Today my Spirit is moving in a more visual way than ever before, because it is harvest time and I purpose to bring in all my sheaves. Lift up your eyes and see that the fields are indeed ripe and ready for the Harvest. Pray for the workers who toil to bring it in, and be ready every day for those whom I am sending to you, for nourishment and healing. This is the day I have made. This is my work. If you want to be involved with me, stay close to me and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. We love you.

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