
Friday, 23 September 2011

United in One Body

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for your company and for spending time with us. We love your company and love you too.

Today I want to talk to you about being a part of my body here on earth. My servant Paul spoke about being parts of the body, each with a specific function, and that is right and something most people can understand with ease. But there is a side to being part of the body that is mostly neglected in Christian teaching. It is the total belonging to each other, the complete interaction and union between the different members. There is not one single member of your body, not even one cell, that can operate alone; each is totally dependant and inter-dependant on every other cell or organ. Every body is a single unity, made up of millions of functioning parts, but when one part breaks down the usefulness of the whole body is affected.

So it is with my body here on earth. The church is made up of millions of people, each designed to be a fully functioning part of the unity. None of these people can function on their own. You all need one another, and not just those immediately around you, or those with whom you have a like mind. Good communication with, and complete harmony with, other units and organs in my body the church, is essential for the church to become the Bride of Christ. Being critical of, or not having fellowship and showing love to those who are not like you, is like poison in the blood stream, which eventually affects the entire system. Let my life blood flow through each of you and connect with those around you. Share love, one with another and be in harmony, so that the body can function properly. The days of division between believers has passed, and those who stay behind the barriers of division are not in the centre of my will. You don't have to be in total agreement on every issue to be in harmony. If there is something that divides believers, my children, it is probably not a matter of salvation and you are both wrong! Think about that!

As you open your eyes to my body here on earth, and begin to take delight in the love and ministry of others, you will find that your own function in the body becomes clearer and you will become more effective in all you do. It is time for my body on earth to become one. That does not mean you all become members of one denomination, but that, in spite of denomination, you all find unity in my church.

As the institutional churches continue to crumble, you will find more and more of my people gravitating towards each other, and making connections where My life can flow freely, and each cell can grow and flourish.

Everyone who finds my Son and comes to him, becomes a theologian and is drawn to My word. Those who study My word together, and explore it prayerfully, with open hearts and minds, will find more knowledge about me and my creation, than in all the universities of the world, for I will not withhold any good thing from my children. I am not saying that theology taught in universities is no use, far from it. What I am saying is that I am the best teacher, and that all you can learn at university is available to you, and more, by walking together, close to me and letting my life blood flow between you.

Lay down the things that divide, the prejudice of others and of the past. Lay down the doctrinal differences between you, and see each other with my eyes, and love each other with my heart of love. Learn from each other and share your stories. Function as one and build up the connections between you, so that you can, with them, become a part of the unity which is my body here on earth. I love you.

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