
Friday, 30 September 2011

In His Service

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. Thank you for the stars that shine so brightly and for the promise of warm sunshine and another beautiful Autumn day. I Love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company on our walk.  We love you too.

Walking in the centre of my will is not always being in the front line of battle. As any army advances there are always the support services that work quietly behind the lines feeding, clothing, and dressing the wounds of those engaged on the battle front. Those who work in those support services are just as important as the army itself. As my army advances I to employ the services of untold numbers of support service personnel. These loved ones are right in the centre of my will for them, and I need them to be working as I direct, in order for the work of the kingdom to progress.

I want all my children young and old, male and female, to seek my guidance as to where they should be and what they should be doing. I don't need everyone to be eyes or everyone to be a voice, for there are many other functions the body has to perform. There are also times when even those in the front line have time to sit, eat and take their rest.

Once you were slaves to sin. Sin never gives rest, it is always present and is a harsh taskmaster. But now you are free and belong to me. I require righteousness, but I also pour out my grace. I do not drive my loved ones into the ground, I raise them up and give them strength. Under sin you lived in fear, with me you have joy unspeakable and love freely given.

Do not be discouraged when things go quiet, rest and build up your strength. Feed on my word, encourage one another. Remain watchful and open for I work suddenly and unexpected. There will be times when you feel as though you have been thrown in the swimming pool at the deep end, and there will be times when you are paddling around in the shallows. Stay close to me and you will know what is in my will and when you step out of it. Not all busy-ness is necessarily where I want you to be. Often being busy distracts you and keeps you from the real task. Watch and pray, lest you fall into the temptation to be worldly busy. When I give you busy-ness I will also give you all the tools you need and follow it up with great blessing as the work of the Kingdom progresses.

As you continue along the pathway with me you will find that I lead you into different phases and ministries during your walk. Some are front line some are support, some are working with the young and some with the old. Just because I bless one part of your ministry with great success and then move you into an apparently less active or 'successful' field, doesn't mean you are not where I want you to be. It is a good thing that you are not always aware just how effective you are, else you would become arrogant and proud. One day you will see clearly just what I have done through you, and you will be amazed that the most effective times are the times when you feel low or ineffective.
So, stay close to me and let our relationship develop as I guide you. Be content to be who you are and the person I made you. leave the finding of 'work' for you to do in the Kingdom to me. I am the Lord your provider. This way you will find fulfilment and satisfaction. I love you.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

I call My People

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. Thank you for your love and goodness and being there for me. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin, Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company which is always welcome. We love you too.

My message to mankind never changes. It is very simple and straightforward. I love you and want to be your God, so that you can prosper and do well in the world I have made for you.

My message for my people Israel is the same as it was in the days of Isaiah the prophet. It is simple and straightforward.

This is what the LORD says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people:

“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

 The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. 

He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.

Many of them will stumble; they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.”
Isaiah 8:11-15 NIV

My message to the church is simple and straightforward. I love you and have lifted you out of sin and despair. Do not forget what my Son has done for you, or despise or forget the gospel you received, for it is by grace that you have received life. Stand firm in your faith and share freely the grace I have bestowed on you. I, and I alone, am your refuge and your strength. Do not place your trust in the powers of the world to protect or help you. They are not your God. Trust in me and know that I am God.

Today I am launching a new work in your land. Today I am calling new workers into the vineyard. Today my Spirit is moving in a more visual way than ever before, because it is harvest time and I purpose to bring in all my sheaves. Lift up your eyes and see that the fields are indeed ripe and ready for the Harvest. Pray for the workers who toil to bring it in, and be ready every day for those whom I am sending to you, for nourishment and healing. This is the day I have made. This is my work. If you want to be involved with me, stay close to me and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. We love you.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tell My People I love them

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. Thank you for the clear shy and the bright stars. Thank you for the promise of a new and perfect day. Help us lord in all we do to bless this day. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin, welcome to the club this morning. Thank you for joining us and for your company. We love you too.

Tell my people I love them, tell my people I care about them. Though it is me who brings disaster upon the institutions man cares so much about, I still love them people. Show them that they must put their trust in me and not in the creations of man, for as me and women trust in me and stand with their feet planted firmly on my word, my power is released through them and they will see miracles all around them.

Ask my people why they find it so hard to believe in the God they say they follow. If they say they believe in me why do they not believe and trust in my word, the Bible. The Bible was not written down to deceive or misguide, but for instruction and as a foundation of truth. From the book of Beginnings (Genesis) to the Revelation of John, you will find truth unshakeable, and teaching you can trust. As you read it, read it with a mind open to me and to the revelation I will show you through it. Read my word in an attitude of listening prayer, and let me speak to you. I speak deep into your inner being and write my words onto your core memory so that it effects every cell in your body. A daily dose of my word is like medicine to the sick, and food to the healthy. You don't have to worry too much about being 'learned', just read the word and let it soak into your every being. Let every day either start or end with a good dose of my word and it won't be very long before you find that the words you have read and absorbed will bring forth a fruit in your life you never expected.

As you listen to me in other ways, be always ready to check what you hear against my written word. I never contradict my word. I will often lead you into new ways and enlighten you with new revelation but it will aways be able to stand against my word in the Bible and seen to be consistent and true. As you test my word be careful to prayerfully discern what is the word, and what is a human interpretation of the word. Religion had added many things to my word which only cause men and women to stumble and stray. Strip away the extra and the gospel becomes a highly sought after product! My pure, unadulterated word, brings salvation. The extra, added by theologians and religious people brings captivity and bondage. I want all my people to be free of captivity. The only bondage I accept is the bondage of my love, freely given and freely received.

    Tell the people I love them,
    tell the people I care,
    when they feel far away from me,
    tell the people I am there.
    Written by Leonard Bartlotti
    © 1972 Gospel Publishing House

Monday, 26 September 2011

See Me at Work

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for all you have done for us and your constant love and guidance. I commit this day to you. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin, thank you for your company this morning and for walking with us. We will always be there for you and will always love you. Stay close and watch me work. ............

.......... My children, lift up your eyes and behold what I am doing in this age. Open your spiritual eyes and see me, for I am working in places you do not think of or expect me to be working. Pray for spiritual discernment to see things not usually seen and invisible to secular man. I am working in people's lives in ways you never dreamed of, touching their lives with flashes of inspiration and revelation. I am teaching people to know me where other teaching methods have not touched them. I am working in the minds and hearts of young and old alike. I speak to those with little ability and I speak to the confidant and able.

As your open eyes behold those I am working with, be ready to build up and encourage all whom I send to you. I am starting with those around you, those whose lives are already touching yours. But as you grow more aware and more confident, I shall bring to you those whom you do not know, some from far afield and many from overseas. Treat them all the same, and share my love with them. Do not withhold the good news out of fear of rejection. Be bold and strong and very courageous, for the work is mine and I want you involved.

Share with others all that I am showing you. Build one another up in faith. Do not be afraid, for I am with you and cover all you do in my Son's name. Let your light shine and the gospel blaze across the land, as I fulfil my word and accomplish my work in your midst. I love you.

Friday, 23 September 2011

United in One Body

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for your company and for spending time with us. We love your company and love you too.

Today I want to talk to you about being a part of my body here on earth. My servant Paul spoke about being parts of the body, each with a specific function, and that is right and something most people can understand with ease. But there is a side to being part of the body that is mostly neglected in Christian teaching. It is the total belonging to each other, the complete interaction and union between the different members. There is not one single member of your body, not even one cell, that can operate alone; each is totally dependant and inter-dependant on every other cell or organ. Every body is a single unity, made up of millions of functioning parts, but when one part breaks down the usefulness of the whole body is affected.

So it is with my body here on earth. The church is made up of millions of people, each designed to be a fully functioning part of the unity. None of these people can function on their own. You all need one another, and not just those immediately around you, or those with whom you have a like mind. Good communication with, and complete harmony with, other units and organs in my body the church, is essential for the church to become the Bride of Christ. Being critical of, or not having fellowship and showing love to those who are not like you, is like poison in the blood stream, which eventually affects the entire system. Let my life blood flow through each of you and connect with those around you. Share love, one with another and be in harmony, so that the body can function properly. The days of division between believers has passed, and those who stay behind the barriers of division are not in the centre of my will. You don't have to be in total agreement on every issue to be in harmony. If there is something that divides believers, my children, it is probably not a matter of salvation and you are both wrong! Think about that!

As you open your eyes to my body here on earth, and begin to take delight in the love and ministry of others, you will find that your own function in the body becomes clearer and you will become more effective in all you do. It is time for my body on earth to become one. That does not mean you all become members of one denomination, but that, in spite of denomination, you all find unity in my church.

As the institutional churches continue to crumble, you will find more and more of my people gravitating towards each other, and making connections where My life can flow freely, and each cell can grow and flourish.

Everyone who finds my Son and comes to him, becomes a theologian and is drawn to My word. Those who study My word together, and explore it prayerfully, with open hearts and minds, will find more knowledge about me and my creation, than in all the universities of the world, for I will not withhold any good thing from my children. I am not saying that theology taught in universities is no use, far from it. What I am saying is that I am the best teacher, and that all you can learn at university is available to you, and more, by walking together, close to me and letting my life blood flow between you.

Lay down the things that divide, the prejudice of others and of the past. Lay down the doctrinal differences between you, and see each other with my eyes, and love each other with my heart of love. Learn from each other and share your stories. Function as one and build up the connections between you, so that you can, with them, become a part of the unity which is my body here on earth. I love you.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Lord Your Righteousness

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for the stars that you have placed into the heavens to give light to the earth in the hours of night. Thank you for the rain that waters the earth and the sun that gives light and warmth. I love you Lord, with all my heart.

Lord: Good morning son, thank you for joining us this morning and for your company on our morning walk. we love you too with all our heart.

I want to address the young people today. For the pressure is always on them when they leave school, to go into a profession that will bring them wealth, and often that is what they think they want. In your day I have begun to rock the institutions, that the world thinks are so important for a society to be strong. I have shaken government. I have shaken banking. I have shaken the stock exchange. I have brought an AAA grade nation to the brink of bankruptcy, and I have raised up nations that others fear. I have done all this because man has abandoned the way of righteousness and truth. No longer putting his trust in me, he has placed his trust in so called 'great nations,' and has made treaties that do not honour me.

I am snatching the role of policy maker and decision maker from the hands of those who dishonour me, and am going to give it to younger men, who have set their paths on the way of righteousness and truth. I am raising up men and women with wisdom, learning and understanding beyond their years. They have these gifts not because they are, clever in the eyes of the world, but because I have poured out my Spirit upon them.

So I say to you, remember your Creator in the days of your youth. Seek me with your whole heart while you are young, that I may bestow upon you the gifts that will enable you to build the Kingdom of Heaven, both here on the Earth and above.

Remember, I love righteousness and justice, and I hate injustice and evil. I see all things and no deed, good or evil, goes unnoticed by me. I raise up those I choose and I break down those who offend me. If you walk in My ways and hold on to My word, I will surely bless you and prosper the path you tread. I will entrust to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven which is the gospel of my Son Jesus.

To those of more mature years I say to you, remember the days of your youth, and see how I worked in your lives. Pray for those who are now in their youth who are daring to believe and follow in the path of righteousness. Bless them and encourage them. Teach them and make space for them. Commend them and promote them, as they seek as you did, to serve me with their whole heart.

To all, both young and old, I say this: Do not worry about the things that are happening in society. These things have to be, before I can rebuild, not as things were, but as I have planned them. Money, wealth and position, will not be at the heart of my kingdom, for I am the Lord who provides all you need, and there will be no need to store up and accumulate. I will provide for you on the day of your need. Hold on to me and keep walking in my ways for I am the Lord your Righteousness. Commit your bodies to me for I am the Lord your healer. You are my children, and I love you.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Talking About Me

Lord: Today I want to talk to you about sharing me with others. I have watched over the years with growing sadness, the reluctance of my people to openly talk about me, and to raise the subject of their trust in me with others, unless they are of like mind. Part of the reason for this is that they are unsure of their relationship with me. That of course is easily dealt with, by spending time with me and allowing me to speak and reassure.

Part of the reason is they are afraid of being ridiculed by their friends. That probably says more about their friendships than about their faith. Real friends accept who you are, and respect your faith and understanding of the things of God. In most cases a gentle, natural sharing of your faith with your friends is a really positive experience. It can lead to a real deepening of the friendship, and in some instances lead to opportunities to lead a friend to me. Do not be concerned about ridicule for it arises out of ignorance or fear. Be silent while the ridicule, continues and let it burn out, but hold fast to me. It is only a shell surrounding the person, and, once spent, will crumble when it has no effect on you.
Another fear, that prevents my people sharing me, is the ungrounded fear that they will be unable to answer determined questions, or convince others about the truth. This fear is based on a lack of Biblical knowledge. Read my word and you will find many useful passages to help you. For example: " .... Do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit." Mark 13:11 NIV. Send me an arrow prayer and commit what you say to me, and be amazed at how I will speak through you. As for convincing others, that is not a task for you! That is the work of the Holy Spirit. I called you to be my witnesses. That means you are called to tell your story as it happened or is happening. You don't have to elaborate or theologise what you say, just speak the truth. When you get to the point where you are telling someone your story, I am already at work in their heart and I will do all the convincing necessary.

Let your conversations about me with each other be natural. Do not be ashamed to mention my name or afraid to tell what I am doing. Oh, how often you finally confide in someone about a strange dream or experience you have had, only to find they fully understand and have had a similar experience. When you talk about me freely and share your story, you will find a real interest from those who don't know me, and a desire to know more and experience what you have experienced. Then you will have the amazing thrill of seeing faith in others born, and have the opportunity to nurture and bless them.

Your witness in the world as Christians is vital to the Kingdom. It is the way I have chosen for the good news to spread, and the Kingdom to expand. It is not an 'optional extra' or a 'tag on' it; is the beating heart of the Churches' mission to the world. Go into all the world and be my witnesses. Bring men and women everywhere to be my disciples. Heal the sick and raise the dead, tell others about the wonderful love you have received in Jesus, and watch me work! I love you.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

I will never leave you

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning, and for this new day. Thank you for the many blessings you have showered on me and for the love you have shown me. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company and your love. We love you too.

I am with you always, even to the end of time. I never abandon what I have started, neither do I leave those whom I have made to fend for themselves. Never think that God has abandoned you, for I am always close at hand and hear the cry of all my people, even of those those who are deaf to me. You never need to be afraid or hesitant to tell people I love them, or to assure them that I hear every prayer they utter. Let it be known in all the world that I am interested in the lives of everyone, yes everyone.

I am seeking even those who society has rejected. I work in the slums of the world. I work in the prisons and hospitals. I am in all the dark places and even in the deepest pit. I stand alongside those who do not yet know me, and I am with those who think they have no need of me, because I love them all with an everlasting and overwhelming love.

I am also with those who are accepted by society and those who are in positions of power and authority. I am with those who abuse power. I don't approve of what they do, and often I stay their hand. I wait for the day they break and turn to me.

When I bring financial collapse on nations, companies and individuals, it is not because I have abandoned them, but because I love them and want them to place their trust in me and not in their wealth or their goods. If my people whom I love will repent of their sins and turn to me, I will turn to them and lift them up and heal their land.

Pray to me for your land. Pray for the politicians I have given you. Pray for the gift of wisdom and understanding for those in authority. Pray for my people that they will rise up, and proclaim boldly the message I have entrusted to them. Pray for for those who oppose me and think they can turn men from me, that they will be humbled, and themselves cry out to me for help.

Pray for those in leadership in the established churches and organised religions. Pray that they will turn to me and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and turn their backs on the other so-called gospels the churches have imposed upon their people. The only building I want as a temple is the human soul, and the only Gospel I want preached is Jesus Christ risen from the dead for the forgiveness of all sin.

As the movement of the Holy Spirit moves across this land and indeed the whole world, the only word that will have any effect on people's lives is 'Jesus'. It is in the name of Jesus that the word is preached. It is in the name of Jesus that men and women are healed. It is in the name of Jesus that I forgive sins, and it is in the name of Jesus that I will draw all men into the Kingdom of Heaven. No other name will work. No other gospel is valid. Jesus is my Son whom I love. Listen to him.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Risky Love!

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you Lord for the birds waking up in the hedgerows and the dawn lightening the sky, for the peaceful business that starts each day. Thank you for our time together and for all you show me. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning, and appreciating all the many things we have made for your enjoyment. We love you too.

Today I want to talk to you about my love for all people. People often ask, 'How can a God of love, love evil people as well as good? Is he condoning the evil as well as the good?' Or they ask, 'How can God love little me when he has so many others to love as well?' This last one is often linked with a disbelief that I can hear everyone's prayers all the time, even when people all over the world are praying at the same time!

We the simple truth is that I am aware of the heart beat of the tiniest creatures that I have made, and can hear their cry as clearly as the cry of the elephant or the roar of the lion. I am also aware of the sounds of a mighty star as it explodes into  trillions of tiny pieces, and I know where each particle of dust will eventually come to rest. The reason I know these things is that they are all a part of my creation.

I want you to think for a moment on this: When a man thinks he has created something it is because he has taken material, already provided, and has re arranged, joined and combined it. He has tooled and shaped and laboured until the original material is hidden by the new shape and purpose of 'his creation'! However, when I create I start with no material at all! Not even the smallest particle or electron, nothing! From the concept of the idea in my mind I begin creation of the very atoms and molecules I need. I create even the basic laws of chemistry, physics, mechanics and all the many other sciences man hasn't even begun to discover yet. My mind is always working on new ways to create and make new things.

Man was one of my earliest ideas. Put in human terms, so you can begin to understand it, I created man because I wanted to express the love that was welling up inside of me. What would it be like to have a created being that was able to love me back? Not because I made him to love, but because he wanted to love me of his own free will.

Mankind is incredibly complicated in every part. He is not just an animal, which is also incredibly complex, for he is able to be self aware beyond the capability of animals. He also has to contain and be totally integrated with the spiritual side of life where I live. Man is even more complicated than the angels, for they live totally in the spiritual world. The material world is not, as many suppose, separate from the spiritual world; it is contained within it. We are fully aware of the material world on a scale you cannot yet conceive, but we do not live within the material world as you do.

I do however know what it is like to be material, for I have placed myself in every man. And I came myself in the form of Jesus to dwell with you and be a man. In Jesus I experienced the full range of human experience and emotions. I felt all the things you feel, and was for a time limited as you are limited. Though in Jesus I was fully aware of the spiritual life, I was still tied to the body and the world, until released from it by my death and resurrection.

Every time you pray to me I am aware of your entire being. Not just the words of your prayer but all the emotion, love, and concern you have. I am aware of the chemical and electrical changes that happen in every cell of your body as you pray, and though you may not be fully aware of it, spiritually we become one.

Again, speaking in terms you can understand, every night while you sleep, your mind, which is like an interface between you physical self and your spiritual reality, downloads all the experiences and events of the day. Having deposited it with me, your mind then archives it in memory for later recall. At any time in your life you can recall that memory, but with my help you can also relive that day. Don't worry about this. It is far more complicated than I have told you and is securely in my hands. It all has to do with the simple law of nature that I created, where time is contained within creation. Yes, time is also a creation, and is bound by laws I created. I live outside of this restriction, so I am able to be aware of all time at once, and all people at once. Thus, when you pray I know your prayer even before (in time) you ask it.

Just as you get excited when something you make goes right, so I also am excited by my creation, especially when the freewill side of things goes as I longed it would. I get excited because I love creation and I love mankind.

You can't imagine the risk love took in providing man with free-will! Satan, who is also a creation of mine, provides the alternative to my way. But I have built into mankind the ability to resist him and make the right choices. Everyone has that ability, even those who do evil things. I love the person I made with all these abilities. I will always love them! I do not love the choices they have made or the evil they do. I will do all I can, within the restraints of the free-will I have given them, to bring them back to me, because I love them. I also love those who never do evil, and who love me back. They delight my heart always. Those who stay close to me and do my will, will begin to move on to the next stage, which is exploring all that is in my mind. Those who do evil cannot go down that road, for it is hidden from them by the blindness of their own eyes.

Oh I do love you all so much!

Me: Thank you Lord. I love you so much too!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Recording My Words

Me: Good morning Lord, Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for the rain that waters the earth and fills up the lakes and rivers, watering the dry and parched land. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that flows like a river and waters your people with the spiritual water of life. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for our time together. We love you too.

Martin, I want you to start typing and let the flow take over. Up to now I have started talking and you have typed away a few sentences behind me, but now I want you to enter into flow, and type as I give you the words. It may not seem much of a difference to you, but it helps, because your intellect doesn't get in the way so much.

It is very much the desire of my heart that more people should communicate with me in this manner. It's not so much what you say to me, but what I say to you. I want my people to be aware of my voice and what I am saying to them, not just in the 'now', but for always. I don't waste my words. Every word I utter is food for the creation, honey to the lips and water to the parched. When I give a vision or a dream, it takes some thinking about to fully appreciate what I am saying to you. So also, with the words I speak to my Church. For centuries the Church has pondered and thought about my word in the Gospels and applied that word for each generation. Sometimes the Church has been so engrossed in theological discussion, it has missed my word for that specific generation. I want you to do both: to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the written work in the Bible, and also to listen, note and record the spoken word I give you. Then let those who read later also reflect upon what I say.

When the word I give applies to an individual or a group or even generally, I will quicken the heart of the reader and speak to them through that word. Often you have found that a word I give you doesn't seem to mean much to you, but you later find it really speaks to someone else. That is because, as I said before, no word of mine is wasted. And every Word I speak is for the Now, somewhere.

Recording My words is a ministry in itself. Let the record of My words be readily available, and encourage others who hear and record my words to share them openly.

I also speak loudly through actions. The testimony of My working in people's lives is a powerful witness. Which is why I want my Church to be real about sharing your story. All men love a story, and a five minute testimony is worth an hour's theological teaching, because it is already applied to life. Even if you think your story is not worth telling, it is worth the telling, because to someone who hears it, it will be a light on a dark pathway, and a means of them finding Grace.

For you Martin, seek out these real life stories, and encourage the owner to share them through the published word. Let all the world see that I am at work in the lives of ordinary men, women and children, healing, blessing and saving them. This is My work and is worth the telling. I love you.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Abba, Father!

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day with all its promise. Please help me Lord to stay in the centre of your will this day and to do and say what is pleasing to you. I love you Lord.

Jesus: Good morning Martin. Thank you for your company this morning and for your conversation. Please continue to pour your heart out to me, so that I can show you my love. So many people today are too inhibited to show me their heart. This is because they are encouraged to be self sufficient. It's all a part of the 'Great I am' culture, where the centre is self and I have been removed from the central position. Allow me back into the centre of your life, to occupy the throne in your heart, and your life will be fulfilled.

One of the common factors in the dramatic conversion is the realisation that you are weak and unable to do anything yourself. It's the realisation that there is only one person to turn to for help and deliverance, and that person is me. I have provided for all your needs once and for all on the Cross of Calvary. Upon that Cross I dealt with all the sin and shame that clings like mud. With my blood, shed on the cross, I wash you clean. I clothe you in a pure clean garment and make you presentable to My Father in Heaven.

Both My Father and I have longed, since the foundation of the earth, for you his children to come freely to me and return home to the Father's house. That is why I love it, and Father loves it, when you pour out your heart to us so freely. It is a sign that you are ready to receive so much the Father has for you.

We long for you to cry out from the heart, 'Daddy'. We want you to run like a delighted child into the outstretched arms of Father, and receive the warm strong hug that only a father can give. Reach out in delight and touch his face. Look and listen as He shows you all that he has made for you. Yes, the Father has made all things for your delight, because He loves you.

Once again Son, I am using speech directed at you, but this is a word for all people everywhere. I speak to all who would come to me and call me 'Daddy'. I speak to all those who are lost, fallen, frightened and alone. Come to me and find comfort, love, provision and a warm embrace. We love you.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Language of the heart

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for our walk and your company. Thank you for listening to all my ramblings and concerns and for the wonderful peace you give me when I have unloaded it. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Welcome to the club this morning and thank you for your company. I love to listen to your ramblings. I always love it when my children talk to me out of their hearts. I would rather hear one faltering prayer from the heart than an hour of prayers written by another. The prayer from the heart doesn't need to be well composed or even coherent, I know what you are saying because I read your heart.

That is why praying in tongues is so helpful. You don't need an accurate word for word translation, as long as it flows from your innermost being. Think of it a bit like a computer. You can feed into the keyboard your English words and symbols, but inside the message is racing around the chips in a totally different language. Were you able to slow it down to a speed you could decipher it you would still not understand it unless you first learn to decode, or interpret it. The language of the heart is a spiritual language that is used in Heaven. You can feel it, and understand it, but you don't actually need to run it through the intellect or language centre in your brain to understand it. You only need to do that if you want to describe it to another person. Like the language of love it needs no words. This is why the good news about salvation is universal. You don't need to be a great intellectual to receive it, and often the highly intellectual person finds it hard to receive, because it doesn't always conform to human understanding and knowledge.

You will remember from your childhood a saying that was very common: 'Feelings ain't Facts.' Well I want to tell you that feelings are a very important part of the language of love and the Kingdom. I gave man the ability to feel. I also gave him another sense which the world calls instinct. Nine times out of ten what you think of as instinct is a spiritual nudge from me. Learn to discern what is from me, and don't be afraid to ask me. There are so many gifts and abilities I have given to mankind that still lie dormant because he has grasped knowledge above life. Knowledge does not give life, but living life brings knowledge. The tree of Life was more important than the tree of Knowledge. Choose Life!

So, pray your prayers from the heart. Don't be concerned about their composition or beauty, just pour them out to me. I love to hear them and I honour and hold precious, every prayer from the heart, prayed by anyone. Listen to the prayers of others, and hear in them the love that wells up from the heart, and be glad that your Heavenly Father hears, through the tears and the sighs. He hears through the pain and the hurt, and he alone reaches into that secret place and delivers healing, warmth and comfort. Open the door to let his love in. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Whoever opens the door of their heart to me, will find I come in, and with My Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, we make our dwelling within you. Why? Because we love you.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Spirit Led Church

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day that you have made. Please help me to discern the meaning of the Dream last night.

Dream: I was about to take a service in St. John's Church, Harpenden, but the altar and sanctuary were piled high with boxes and packing material. I spent some time trying to clear the area so we could hold the service, but people came in for the service, and when they saw the mess they left. Eventually it was cleared, but there were only a very few people left in the building. David Pinkney and others from the past came in and I gave him a hug. As I turned back to look down the church I saw there were people already worshipping. I went to join them. As I did so, I knew there was no need for a worship leader, but that we were all equal together.

Me: Lord please show me the meaning.

Lord: St. John's Church represents for you the traditional Church. It was where you grew up spiritually and where you felt secure and at home. You always liked the tidy order of the sanctuary, where the rite could be performed and where there was no doubt what was happening or what would come next.

In reality the sanctuary was filled with packing and trimmings The real rite was not taking place there, but in the hearts of the congregation. In order for Church, worship, and the gospel to really mean anything, the meaningless clutter has to be got rid of. Now, about this clutter. I showed it to you as packing because that is what it was, packing that has helped to protect the Gospel message from decay and distortion, through the years of neglect and lack of understanding.

Of course, getting rid of all that had become so much a part of church life, is going to make people leave. What has become the 'status quo' has been disrupted! It is only when those who hold so dearly to the 'packing' have left, that the real clearing out can progress and reach its conclusion.

David Pinkney, and those from the past, represent the true faith as you were taught it, the full gospel and the true worship we all enjoyed in those days of The Group. I am not going to bring The Group days back; they have gone and that moment has passed. But My Spirit, that led and guided in the days of The Group, is the same Spirit that is leading the New Church into the 21st century.

The establishment and all denominations will change beyond recognition! Structures will crumble and fall as the faithful abandon them and come to me. The New Church, which will rise out of the dust, will worship me with a clean and pure heart. There will be no ministers, priests or bishops as the world knows them; every man will know the Lord and teach his neighbour. I shall be in the midst of them. They shall be my people and I shall be their God.

My call to my people is to pray in the Kingdom. Gather in my harvest. I love you.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

The Gifts of My Spirit

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful morning. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Welcome to the 5 O'clock Club this morning and thank you for joining us on our tour of the estate. We love you too.

I want you all to get to know My Spirit, for in the days to come you are going to need My Spirit with you all the time, working closely with you, and directing your pathway. It is through My Spirit that you are able to take up the battle cry Jesus is Lord! Let My Spirit be in your speaking. Commit every word you say to me and let My Spirit put the words into your mouths. As you allow the Spirit to speak through you, you will begin to notice the prophetic nature of your words. It is the prophetic word, the word from me, that will break down the barriers the Evil One has built up, that keep the children of men from hearing me speak to them. The prophetic word will smash through those barriers and speak comfort to those who tremble and are afraid.

It is My Spirit who gives you all the gifts and tools that you need in ministry. It is My Spirit who equips you to walk the Christian walk. Out of my store house He gives the very latest and most advanced tools to help you break down the works of the Evil One, and build up and strengthen the faint hearted.

It is through My Spirit that I dispense wisdom and knowledge. Notice how I group those two gifts together! Wisdom gives you the ability to use knowledge and to discern truth. When mankind stretched out his hand and took the fruit of the tree of knowledge, he acted without wisdom. Wisdom helps you to use and understand knowledge. The gifts that I give through My Spirit are very special and the wisdom I give is not worldly wisdom, but divine. Into a specific situation I will drop a word of wisdom or a work of knowledge. Use them carefully and in a timely way. By that I mean use them when I direct. Speak into the appropriate moment, for my words are spoken into the 'now!' An undue delay can mean that the word loses its power, because the moment has passed. So exercise wisdom as you speak the word of knowledge.

My Spirit also distributes the gift of faith. Now here I am not speaking of the faith to believe in Jesus, although that is also given by me. No, this is a specific gift, given by My Spirit to those who already believe in me. It gives to the receiver the ability to hold on and believe for, the things he cannot see, the things others hold as impossible. That is why I am linking faith with  gifts of healing. One of the reasons the church does not see as much healing as I want to perform, is that it lacks the faith to ask! I want all my children to have the faith to ask me, and to believe that I hear every prayer, for it is when the church believes that I am Almighty, that miracles and healing follow.

Healing is a special gift. Those who deliver the gift of healing exercise faith, while not being the recipient. The gift is specifically for another, the one who needs healing. It is wrong to think of one person as a healer. Jesus is the healer, the Holy Spirit is the bearer of the gift, and one with faith delivers it. Sometimes it requires faith on the part of the receiver, but that is unusual. The main requirement of the one to be healed is that they are open to the love offered as the gift is given.

The ability to speak in other tongues and to interpret them is also a gift of My Spirit. Once again this should not be confused with the natural ability to speak in foreign languages. Speaking in tongues is directly related to speaking My Word. It may be used in prayer, or to deliver prophecy or wisdom, or on rare occasions it may be used to preach to a congregation who speak a different language. The gift of interpretation is specific to prayers and words given in tongues, and is not just the ability to translate other languages.

I want to deal lastly with distinguishing between spirits. The western world has largely ignored the spiritual realm for so long now, that it has forgotten that there is a battle going on all the time between good and evil. This battle takes place in the spiritual realm, because there are spirits of evil as well as the Spirit of God. Many things are spoken and done, not by the Spirit of God, but by the Spirit of Darkness. He can be very hard to distinguish because so much of what he says is lies that tickle the fancy. Some of his lies are what people think they want to hear. Distinguishing  the spirits is therefore a vital tool for all believers. When a voice inside you says, "Hey, hang on, that doesn't feel right," that is the moment to stop and re-evaluate the situation. You may think that sounds like conscience. Well it is. I put man's conscience there in the first place when I breathed into him the breath of life, so the God shaped bit of man responds to the gift of My Spirit.

In the coming months as I work in the world, all the gifts which My Spirit has distributed amongst believers will be needed. Accept them thankfully and learn from me how to use them. They all require an element of faith to use, but I have already supplied you with enough to use what I am giving. Be bold be strong, and be courageous. I am with you, Jesus is with you, the Holy Spirit is with you. We love you.