
Thursday, 30 June 2011

Trust in Me

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and lovely day.  I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son, Thank you for joining us this morning and for your worship. I love you.

Trust in Me
Yesterday we talked about asking and receiving. This morning I want to talk to you about trusting me. I am addressing my church, so when I refer to you I mean any who dare to receive this word. I want all my children to ask anything of me, and receive my answer. I am always more ready to give to you than you are to receive! The reason for your difficulty in receiving is that you don't really trust in me. For too long you have been listening to the empty words of the world. The wisdom of men is not to be trusted, because it's all mixed up with greed, self-deceit and the lies of Satan.

My word is rooted and grounded in the eternal love I have for all my creation. I cannot lie and I am all knowledge. What I share with you is truth, and that truth is like a rock, that stands fast, even when all around is shifting with the tide and the wind of change. Trusting me is like hearing a voice through the fog. You may not see my face, or even my outstretched hand, but you can hear my voice, and you have my recorded word in the Bible. Turn towards my voice and reach out your hand to me. You may not be able to see me, but I can see you, and as you reach out to me, I will take hold of your hand and guide you.

Trust is built on experience, but it starts with a step of faith. It's that turning to me in the fog that I talked about, but from that point on, it is the experience of hearing and recognising my voice. Knowing that I was reliable last time, it follows that I will surely be reliable this time, and the next time. Sometimes, even after you have started trusting me, a new experience will come along and require a further step of faith. Each step is slightly harder than the last step. However, just as a staircase takes you onward and upward, so each step of trust takes you upward and nearer to me.

I love my children to trust me for everything, and I recognise that sometimes it is hard, especially when the world is shouting loudly that you are wrong to trust in me. I know that it will often take several attempts, but when you fully trust me you can't go wrong. The sort of trust I want you to have in me is the quiet strong trust that two lovers have for each other.

I want to leave you this thought: Even though you are sinful and often faltering, even though you often let me down, I trust you with the gospel of my Son Jesus. How much more can you trust me, who will never let you down? I love you.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Gifted Children for Me

Do not be afraid to call on me at any time during the day or the night. I never sleep, and I always give priority to my children whom I love.

You can ask me anything. Whatever field or profession, whatever interest or concern, I want my children to ask me about their important issues. Just as I have shown you how to do the renovation work on 444, so I want all my children to embark on this great adventure to discovery.

There are some things you can discover from books and from the research of others, however there is still much to be discovered, and so many things that mankind has speculated about. But because he insists on ignoring me, he has so often got them wrong. I want you to know the truth about my creation. That is why I made it, for you to discover and enjoy. However the only path to discovering its complexity, is to approach it with an open mind, and with no pre-fixed agenda, or preconceived ideas. Allow me to teach you.

'Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.' Matt. 7.7.

This applies to the mundane daily tasks from using recipes for cooking the evening meal, to finding cures for the incurable illnesses that plague mankind. I want to unlock the hidden potential in all my children. The potential to write, sing, compose, discover, study, speak and all the myriad other things locked up inside of you. All you have to do is ask me.

When I gave the precious gifts of the Spirit at Pentecost it was only the beginning, to help the church to grow. My chosen people were a gifted group who, even in exile, rose to positions of high favour, because of the knowledge I gave them. When I anointed Joseph, Daniel, and many others, it seemed to the worldly powers of the day, to be like super-natural gifts. In fact it was the natural power of My kingdom. I want all my children, all whom I have called by my name to be 'gifted', and to use the powers and gifts I have made available to them.

So encourage one another to to seek me and to ask the questions that are burning on your hearts. Sometimes you may asks questions that you are not yet ready to fully understand. In those cases I will answer the request by guiding you to the next step in understanding, and from there to the next etc. until you are ready to take in the full truth. I do not withhold knowledge from you. But its pursuit must be through me, otherwise you will find yourself swallowing all the lies the evil one is spreading in your day. Be open and receptive to the answers I give you, because I love you.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Worship Me

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful morning. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts to us, and the beauty that surrounds us. Thank you Lord. I love you.

Lord:    Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company on our morning walk. I love you too.

Lord: I love your worship. You ask me, "What is worship?" Your worship is what you bring to me freely and wholeheartedly. For those who can sing, or make music, worship is singing and making music!.Worship can also be joining with those who worship in this way. But worship is not confined to music and singing, it is only a part of the whole. Some people exercise a ministry in music, releasing my people into a world of praise through music. But it is wrong to assume that worship is music only. If that were the case, the deaf and dumb would not be able to worship!

For some worship comes with sight. As they gaze upon creation their mind turns to thanksgiving, and they become aware of me and draw close to me. But this is not all there is to worship, for if that were so the blind would be excluded! Some dance and others paint. Authors and artists offer their thoughts through pen and paper, and in today's technical world, many are using computers, photography, motion, light and sound, in ways hitherto undreamed of, to express their worship of me. I accept them all.

Worship is loving me with all your heart and bringing to me who you really are. Worship can be noisy and full of action, or it can be silent and still. Indeed some of the most profound experiences of worship are found in the quiet stillness as you listen to my still small voice, like the whisper of the wind in the trees.

True worship can be found in the words, 'I love you.' These are the words I want to hear from you, and I know you want to hear from me. These three words. I never grow tired of hearing, and nor do you. Let your worship be an act of love, where these three words are prominent, and at the centre. I Love you.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Turn your Eyes upon Jesus
I want my church to stay focused in the days ahead. Keep your eyes upon Jesus and do not be distracted by the politics and other issues, which divert my people from the course I have chosen for them. The Good News is all about Jesus, and the way He alone has made, to bring men back to me. Pray for those who I am disturbing, for as they turn to me they will need others to guide them and help them on to my path. I am calling my church to be strong and very courageous in the days ahead. Strong in the knowledge of My truth. Courageous in the proclamation of the truth.

Be there to receive those whom I am calling into my church. Many who come to you will be from extreme backgrounds. Some have never received love in any form and are bitter and hurt. Others have been badly let down by those they trusted. Some have led a sheltered, privileged life, but are now finding that lifestyle unsatisfying and unrewarding. Most of these loved ones are becoming very aware of their sin, and of sin around them. They do not need condemnation or reproach; they need to find my love for them, and the pathway Jesus has made to full and perfect forgiveness. It is not the work of my church to convict the world of sin; that is the work of My Spirit. It is the work of the church to gather in the lost and bring them to Jesus. Young and old together, male and female, black and white, regardless of their background, previous religion or lack of it, these are all my children and I love them.

At this time I am raising up those with energy and vitality to take up positions in the front line. These are young men and women who will be fearless in going where others fear to go. They need prayer backup all the time. That is why I am even now giving new zeal to those who are less active and even house bound. A zeal to pray and intercede, a zeal to fast and praise. This support ministry is as vital as the front line workers. Find out who I am raising up for both ministries and join them together. Let those in the front line know that others are praying for them and encourage them to share their needs so the prayer can be real and grounded, and the supply lines open at all times. Let the prayer warriors be aware of names and needs, and of family circumstances. Yes, let them be praying also for wives, husbands and children, for if one is attacked or under pressure, the whole family feels the attack or pressure.

Do not be afraid to bring to me any concern in prayer. Nothing is too small to escape my notice and nothing is too big for me to handle. I know all the needs before you ask, but I want you to ask, for in your asking great power is released and great faith is generated, as my people see me work and feel involved. The time of playing around is past you are now entering into the serious business of the Kingdom. Serious does not mean boring or joyless. On the contrary. Serious mean the part of the work which makes a difference. Watching me at work brings great joy, and being involved is fulfilling and time consuming, but there is no better way to spend your time. Keep your eyes upon Jesus and your ears open to My word. Keep the prayer flowing and the supply lines open, and enjoy the advance. I love you.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

The Prophet and Prophecy

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. I love you Lord.

Lord:    Good morning son. I love you too. Thank you for your company this morning and for spending time listening to me as we walked.

I want to talk to you about the prophetic today. Those who speak my words to their fellow men are mainly preachers and teachers. My words can be found written down by others in the scriptures and in the New Testament. The ministry of the preacher and teacher is special in that it makes those words more easily understood, and interprets them for today. Often the preacher speaks a prophetic word. however, in general, the ministry of the prophet is different.

In the Old Testament you will find that certain people were set aside to be prophets. These were not usually the scribes or teachers of the law, but those whose ministry was specifically prophetic. The prophetic word is a word from me, spoken into a specific situation or to a specific person. It is not a general word that can be applied to any age or situation, but a word for the NOW! It can include the word that speaks of tomorrow or some time in the future, but should not be mistaken for fortune or future telling. A prophetic word, even those that look into the future, are specifically given at a time in history I determine. They always speak to the Now in some way. They are directive, in that they are given to be acted upon or used as preparation. They are often given for individuals, but mostly for groups, and sometimes are even general, for a nation.

Because they come from me they can always be checked against the scriptures which are also my word. I do not contradict my own word. It may however be in contradiction to commonly accepted interpretations of scripture, in which case go back to the original and re-look at what that means.

Prophets and the word of prophecy carry my authority. In the past, the prophets were sought after by kings and rulers. They weren't always followed or believed, but the prophet had access to the king. Today I still give rulers and monarchs access to the prophetic and still bring prophets into the presence of the high and mighty, but rulers today are as stubborn as at any time in the past.

The word of prophecy is given to those whom I have anointed to carry that word. Prophets are not fortune tellers, so they don't go into a trance or 'get taken over'. The prophet is anointed by Me and filled with my Holy Spirit. The word can come to him or her as a word burning on their heart to be given, or as a picture where the meaning is clear to the seer, or it can come in a dream of the night. If it comes before it has to be given it gives the prophet a chance to pray about it and pray for the recipient, before the word is given. Sometimes it is given when needed without pre-amble or warning. However the word comes, it carries my authority, and should be treated by all with respect.

In the days to come the prophetic word will be heard more often. More and more I want to use those who are close to me, to deliver my words to those around them. This is not to be a 'controlling thing', but an act of love, brother to brother, sister to sister.

Encourage one another to wait upon  me and listen to my words. Encourage one another to receive  the words I give, either though them or through others. Encourage the use of journaling what I say to the individual, and discerning what is to be shared and what is personal.

I love all my children and desire to speak to them clearly of things that make for their good. Oh that you would open your spiritual ears to hear my voice, that I may speak through you all. I love you so much.

Friday, 24 June 2011

My Gift of Creativity

...... The creative spirit I have put in you, I have doubled since you retired to make up for all the years that you gave your time to the Church. I was always aware that this gift I gave you was somewhat frustrated, and I am happy now for you to create away. I always loved creating. I spent the equivalent of eons of time, although I hadn't created time at that point, planning how all things would fit together and the variations of light and sound I could use. Every atom and molecule I planned and know about, and every one has its number in my book. Nothing I have ever made has passed into oblivion. It is all remembered. Every soul who has ever lived, I created, and though man may not remember them, I remember every one in detail. Did you know that every leaf I have made is unique? Even the grains of sand on the sea shore, every one is different, and I know each one. Yes, I delight in variation and creativity, and I love it when my children also delight, not only in what I have made, but in beginning to create their own beauty too. ......

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The Shield of Faith

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day you have made. I love you Lord.

Lord:   The Shield of Faith
One of the great pieces of equipment for the Christian walk that comes from love, is faith. Faith is a greatly misused word. It has come to mean 'religion'. Mankind talks about people of 'different faiths', but what he really means is different religions. It would be more accurate to say, 'people who put their faith in different things'. I said that faith comes out of love, and that is what I mean. Faith comes through knowing me and beginning to trust me. It is one of the gifts I gave at Pentecost to equip the church for the mission ahead. Faith is the ability to believe in me and hold on to me even though the final outcome is not visible to human eyes. I highly prize faith in a believer and will honour the faithful.

Faith is not blind as some would have you believe! Faith many not yet have seen with physical eyes the outcome, but it is very much a part of using your spiritual eyes and seeing the thing I show you, so it has to do with living prophecy in your life. I speak the word and you hold on to the word until you see it fulfilled.

Faith is like the shield carried by a soldier. Just as a shield is a very practical tool used to protect and deflect, so faith is far from passive. Faith turns to counter the darts of doubt and scorn. Faith grows strong when when it is covered with trust in me. Faith also grows strong with spiritual understanding, so it is reinforced by a good relationship with me.

Many see faith as an individual thing and say, 'my faith is personal'. That is true only as far as faith is built upon your love and encounter with me. However faith is also a corporate thing. Sharing your faith, 'telling your story', why you believe, how you came to know me, and what I have done for you, encourages others who also tell their story. Combine these stories and you have a community of faith. To continue the soldier and his shield analogy, Roman soldiers would stand together in a tight group. Those on the edge of the group would stand with their shields together on the ground forming a wall of protection all round. Those in the middle raise their shields above their heads to form a roof. Thus the protection is complete against missiles arrows and even javelins.

I want my Church to be a community of faith, actively using their faith as shields to protect themselves and each other from the darts and arrows of doubt, unbelief and lies. Do not let you faith be aimless and 'blind', but rooted and grounded in love and trust in me. Be a faithful people for me. I love you.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Love Casts Out Fear

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful morning. Thank you for the birds that sing and the rabbits as they play, for the trees swaying in the breeze and for the constant buzz if bees and other insects. Thank you for all the beautiful gardens around with the roses and flowers in all their full regalia. Everything is so beautiful Lord, and it is all the work of your hands. I love you Lord.

Lord:    Thank you son. Yes, I did have fun getting the colour of that red rose just right for you to enjoy this morning, and those rabbits are getting used to you passing by early in the morning, so I have taken their fear of you away.

Love Casts Out Fear
Many of mankind's problems arise out of fear. Fear is not of me. Fear blinds the eyes to truth and distorts vision. I do not want my children to fear. Fear firsts arises from lack of love. It may be a child growing up without the close love and affection of a parent, or of being smothered by an over doting parent and never enjoying the company of children of the same age. It may be that as a young adult a person was subject to bullying or abuse, and had no one to turn to or support them. Or they may have been subject to mental abuse in the form of lies and half truths perpetrated by others who want to control their lives for them. This sort of abuse can start very young, with stories of dire punishments for minor errors. Religious dogma and false teaching about me, can lead to young people being turned away from the truth and it making them a captive to fear, rather than setting them free. Whatever the fear it brings darkness. I want my children to be free of fear. I want them to walk in the light and to be filled with, and surrounded by, love.

Another great source of fear is the myth that I do not exist. The lie, that it is through science that you will find the meaning of life the universe and everything. It is not science that give the meaning of life, it is me. I am the meaning, just as I am the beginning and the end. I have brought all things into existence from nothing. It is by my spoken word that all things came into being and it is through the breath of my Spirit that all things have life.

I spend the early morning painting the sunrise, and in the evening, I paint the sunset. No two are the same and they are happening all over the world all the time. Many a sunrise or sunset is not seen by man, but I still take great care with each one. If I take such care over something that is unseen by man how much more do I care for him, who I made in my likeness.

As you stood in awe and looked upon my handiwork this morning, so I want all men and women everywhere to behold what I have placed before them to enjoy. I want you to wonder and ask questions. I want you to use the reasoning and calculating skills I placed within you to explore the wonders of my creation and learn about them. But as you gaze at the painting, remember it didn't create itself. Every painting has an artist, and every story has an author. I am the artist and the story teller. I am the beginning and the end. To know me is to love me. To love me is perfection and perfect love casts out all fear. I want you all to live in perfect love with me and therefore to live without fear. Oh how I love you!

Monday, 20 June 2011


Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day, Thank you for our walk this morning and for the most beautiful of dawns. I love you Lord.

Lord:  Good morning son. Thank you for your company and your love. I love you too.

Don't be upset the silver jubilee of your priesting should pass un-noticed, and unmarked. I notice these things and it was I who brought it to your attention. It is not important that man should notice these things, only that I, who knows the heart of man, and the pain that those 25 years brought, should mark them. I have noted them in the annals of life!

There is no deed of man that goes un-noted, whether it is an act of kindness or a deed of hate, and in the long term every deed is rewarded by me with the reward it deserves. Sometimes the reward is seen inside the earthly lifespan of the individual, but often, very often, the rewards come later before my Father in heaven. Many times David, and others, bemoaned the fact that the wicked seem to go unpunished. This certainly appears to be the case from the human perspective, but from the heavenly viewpoint things look very different. I always give the sinner an opportunity to repent and the victim a chance to forgive. Don't question that, for only I know what goes on in the heart of man, and what an eternity can pass in a microsecond of time. The evil one would like to have all mankind die in sin, unforgiven and full of hatred. If he could achieve that he would deem that I have failed and that the creation of man was a disaster. However he does not succeed, and countless thousands give their hearts to me, and repent of the evil they have done.

The work of the Christian is to destroy the works of Satan, and that is best done by using My name, the name of Jesus, to set the captives free, to heal the sick and the oppressed, and to proclaim the liberty and freedom I offer. Sin locks people in a dark bubble that isolates and depresses them. Forgiveness bursts that bubble and sets them free and back into the light of love. Forgive those who sin against you and pray for those who are locked in the chains of sin and wickedness. The really good news is that my forgiveness has no conditions attached and is available to anyone who dares to call upon my name. It is by grace, and grace alone that mankind is saved. No organisation or individual has any right whatsoever to put either charge or conditions upon forgiveness. It is my free gift. God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Repentance and Forgiveness

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for forgiving me my sins, which I confess before you. Lord I love you and I don't want to sin, so thank you for always being there for me, to forgive me. I love you Lord.

Lord:    Good morning son. Stay close to me and let my forgiveness envelope you. The only answer to sin is Jesus. Walk with him and be always seeking to be like him and leave the sin to me.

It's sin and forgiveness I want to talk about with you today. All of mankind is born into, and steeped in, sin. It is a fact of life that none can escape. For a long time in history mankind did what seemed good to him, without reference to me, including the people I had chosen for my own. As you read their history you see how they oscillated between those who did what was right, and those who did what was evil. While I did notice and deal with individuals, both good and bad, I dealt mainly with 'the nation', the wider group. Unfortunately the people did not listen to me and interpreted their selection as a nation wrongly and put themselves above the Law I had laid down. This putting yourself above the law soon means that even the law maker is put aside, and the people forgot me, and all I had done for them.

The only way to bring them back was to knock their feet from under them, so they fell. For generations they had been a wandering people with no land to call their own. I gave them their land on condition they followed me. When they went their own way and refused to heed my call through the prophets, I took away their land and once again they were a landless people, first of all living on the land that I had given them, but paying from their produce to foreign kings and rulers, then being taken from the land and planted in a strange place. It took them nearly 80 years to turn back to me and cry out in their distress. The problem was now that they were so paranoid about turning away again and losing what they had regained, that they cloaked the law I gave them, which should have given them freedom, with petty rules and regulation that bound the people in a new kind of bondage. But all this did not deal with man's tendency to sin. What could I do?

I had long planned to send my Son, and this is what I did; Jesus came and turned the hearts of ordinary individuals back to me. He was not dealing with nations or even tribes, but with the individual. The great appeal of the Good News was that it offered a once-for-all-time solution to the age-old problem of sin. For the first time in their history, the people were not dependent on their kings and leaders or even the religious leaders to repent on their behalf. Every man, woman and child could come to Jesus and receive forgiveness, know the love of God for themselves and be set free. No wonder the early believers were full of joy!

This was once again spoilt by institutionalising the Church, making it the religion of the empire and forcing its laws, most of which were totally man made and nothing to do with me, upon a people who just wanted to choose Jesus for themselves and live their lives without interference from others. Once again the 'Way to God' had been hijacked and the people who wanted to walk the way had been enslaved. Sin abounds under these conditions.

I continued to work among my people, setting many free. I even worked through institutions at times, until the leaders or godless men realised that congregations were being set free. In every generation I have provided revivals, renewals and have raised up prophets and teachers, many of whom were persecuted and even killed, just like the prophets of old. However, even through the worst times of persecution I have kept the truth alive and have kept a remnant. Because I am dealing with individuals and not whole nations' I have often been tempted to abandon nations to their own sin. But in your day I am calling my Church, the individuals I have saved through My Son Jesus, to pray for the nations. Yes, to come before me and confess the sins of kings, governments and nations, because I have already made a promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14, that:

'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'(NIV)

That is a two-part promise, a covenant. The first part is yours:

'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways...'

The second part is mine:

'...then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'

I am now calling my people, the Church, those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, to 'humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways...' I am also asking them to pray for their leaders and the nations, because their leaders and the nations are not yet ready to humble themselves before me. Pray, believing that as you pray, I will work in your land. I promise that I will hear your prayer and I will forgive their sins and heal their land, your sins and your land.

The authority I have given to Jesus as My beloved Son, is still very firmly in His hands. No man, or ruler, or nation, can take that away from Him. All mankind is answerable to Him. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and all in the other religions, even the atheist and the pagan are answerable to Him, because I have declared it so.

So, let all the individuals that are saved by the blood of Jesus stand together and pray for their leaders and their nations. Let them confess, and turn their backs to sin and wickedness, and I will forgive them and heal their land.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

A New Boldness

Lord:    Over the coming months you will witness an increase in the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the lesser used gifts. Some of these manifestations will have a high public profile, and there will be attempts to ridicule them. However my work is my own responsibility, and no one will need to defend me. I shall confound the so called 'wise' of this age, and reveal my wisdom in a way which will make the wisdom of the world look as small and insignificant, as indeed it is. Watch out for my Spirit working and rejoice when you see it. Pray for those who you see being used by me, and bless them.

At this time I require my Church to recover the boldness it enjoyed in the first days after Pentecost. The boldness to speak about me, without embarrassment. The boldness to call upon my name as you pray for healing, deliverance and guidance. The boldness to use the higher gifts of prophecy, knowledge and discernment. Boldness to preach and teach the true good news in its completeness. The boldness to believe me and trust me, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Without being argumentative, I want my Church to speak out for the truth and to hold on to my higher standards. Do not compromise the truth. If you are in doubt about what is truth, then know this: My Word always stands.

Encourage the regular reading of My Word. The Bible must be read with an open mind. By that I mean open to Me. There is a lot in the Bible that seems like a mystery, some of it even offends  modern delicate western sensitivity. Read it with simple acceptance and pray for understanding. Do not struggle with truth. I long to tell my people what they want to know but they either don't ask me, or they don't accept what I am telling them. Be open to my spoken word to you. Yes, I do speak directly to all my children who are open to hear my voice. Encourage them to listen and show them how to hear my voice.

I said that you would be seeing an increase in the manifestation of spiritual gifts. Be prepared also to receive and use the many gifts I have given you. Yes all of you! All who receive my Son as their saviour, are able to receive my Spirit, and therefore to be equipped with all the gifts they need. Remember the gifts of the Spirit are not some sort of status symbol; they are articles of equipment for the soldier to use as he goes about his business. I delight in pouring out my Spirit on all who will be open channels. However, I cannot flow through channels that are blocked by unbelief, sin and prejudice. These need to be dealt with, so bring them to me in prayer.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Watch Out for those I am Raising Up

Lord: At this time my Spirit is about seeking those I have chosen to be my witnesses in this generation. As I reveal them, do not be surprised at their youth. When my Spirit fills a man, the wisdom He gives confounds the wise of this age, these young men and women need your support. The support of  you who have grown up through the last great revival. Pray for them and uphold them in my work. Speak my word to them, as Jethro spoke to Moses. Watch out for them, for they are called and work outside of established groups and will not be recognised by the main churches.

My Spirit is also calling and anointing many who are still within the mainstream structures. They will, however, need to move out in time, as the religious systems will seek to cramp them, and make them conform to their ways. This will cause pain and heart ache in the early days of separation. However those who remain faithful to me will find great joy and release, and their ministry will blossom.

I am building my church anew and calling its members together to love, witness, pray, watch, wait and listen to me. Those who seek organisations and religious systems will not be able to find my rebuilt church, but those who love one another and are seeking me will find what their heart is longing for.

My desire is that when you meet together I shall be there in the middle of you, able to speak to you all clearly in a voice you will all hear. When I talked with my disciples we shared together. We laughed and joked. We discussed earnestly, and I told them of the Father's love, and of our vision for the future. We talked about people and their needs and how we could meet those needs. We talked about teaching people to pray, draw close to God, and be the people He wants them to be. We talked a lot about the Kingdom of God, because they were all living the Kingdom. That is what I desire of my people today, that you become one, part of the family of God. You do not need priests in this family, for I the Lord am the only priest you need. Stay close to me and listen to my voice as I teach you and guide you. Love one another as I have loved you. Bless and pray for those who do not yet understand.

I do not want my church engaging in a war of words with other systems of belief or ritual. Just get on with building a sure and firm foundation of love with me and with other members of my kingdom. Act upon the Word I give you, and do not be distracted by the good ideas of the worldly, and remember, that can include the 'religious'. If you are not sure what I am saying to you, ask me to confirm what I say.

Not everyone is called to the same ministry, and I rarely do anything the same way twice. Each of you is to be a lens that can focus my love into a particular part of my world. I want my love to burst out on the world like a fire bursts from focused sunlight. I want all men, women and children, everywhere to know that I am the Lord, and I love them. So be my witnesses in the world, act on my command, and stay in touch with me.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Watch, Wait and Listen

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. I love you Lord.

Lord:    Good morning son. Welcome to the club this morning and thank you for your love and devotion. I love you too and I always will love you.

Down the ages, and in every age, the Church Established has tended to formalise and encase the Christian life in rules and regulations, even to the point of only allowing certain 'suitably qualified people' to pray in public. This is not to be the case amongst you. It was never my intention and it has prevented the church from growing and becoming the bride I long for. Prayer is grounded where the people are, in the people. Everyone, yes everyone, has both the right and the ability to pray prayers that I can hear and answer. I want my people to pray. I don't mind if they are not literary works of art as long as they come from the heart and are born out of love for me. When a couple get to know one another, conversation grows and they begin to share thing hitherto unshared with anyone. As the conversation grows trust increases and the relationship deepens. So it is with us. I want to talk to you and I want you to talk to me.

Yesterday I spoke about you asking. Today I want to talk to you about you listening and me answering and sharing with you. The first and only reason why prophetic words are scarce in any age, is that my people are too busy to listen to me. Many church elders, preachers and pastors are so busy 'doing things for me' that they neglect seeking me and finding out what I want them to be doing. Just because something 'needs to be done' it doesn't mean you have to do it. For every work and ministry in the world I have prepared people to fulfil that work. Often these are the most unlikely people. So no one should rush into anything without seeking me first.

In the early days of the Old Testament, when I laid down the ground rules for Temple Worship I allocated tasks and ministries to the various families. This may seem very rigid to you now, but it was to establish the principle of every member ministry as distributed by me. See also the first letter St Paul sent to the Corinthian Church, Chapter 12. 11. "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines."

The important part of the verse being, "Just as he determines."But how do you know what my will is if, as soon as you have asked, you walk away, feeling good because you have asked? It's like asking your wife what colour she would like the kitchen wall, and then without waiting for the answer going off to the shops to buy the colour you want!

Watch, wait and listen
Because your lives are so full of 'doing', it is hard to watch, wait and listen. All three require you to stop, lay down what you are doing and apparently do nothing. In truth all three are activities that require full attention. A soldier on the watch tower has to watch for any enemy movement, throughout his entire watch. He cannot sleep on the job, for it is at the moment of sleep that the enemy will arise to attack. Watching requires many faculties: using your eyes to see any shifting shadows or glints of light, using your ears to hear any sounds that shouldn't be there. It requires you to be still, so that your own body doesn't act as a distraction for you or a target for the enemy. It also requires a sense that most humans have lost through neglect: being so in tune with both your body and the environment that your instinct will tell you when something is not quite right.

Spiritual watching is much the same, except that the eyes and ears you use are your inner or spiritual eyes and ears, and your stillness comes from being at peace with God. It is when the bodily senses of sight and sound are de-tuned and the inner senses in tune, that you can begin to hear the sounds and enjoy the sights that are there all the time but are blotted by the physical senses. It takes practice and in a way needs to be taught, and it goes against the human idea of being cerebral or intellectual. It also takes time. At first it may take a long time to 'tune in', but with practice it can become like switching on a light switch.

So, what will you hear? Well, I often don't use words that need to go through the interpretation process of the brain. My word can come to you as pictures, ideas, inspiration, or something whispered in your ear. Everything I say to you is relevant and important, so your journaling of what I say and the conversations we have is good. It helps you to go over what I have said and be clear about it, and it also opens up my word for others to hear. Much of what I say to you is personal because I love you, but when I give you something that is to share you will know instinctively in your heart. For example this word is for you to blog and share.

The more you watch wait and listen the easier it is for me to speak with you and you to hear. That is why I have taken to waking you so early. At this beautiful hour in the morning we can be alone together without distractions and can love each other and converse freely. I used to share this hour with my Son, and now we share it with you. I long for others to share this time with us so that they may hear my voice and catch a glimpse of the things I have in mind. Let my Spirit quicken your mind and open up to you a whole new universe of delight, as I reveal my plan to you, for you and for my world that I love.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Prayer Talk

Lord:    There is much still to tell you as things begin to get busy in readiness for my great outpouring. Please be here each morning for me to share with you, then post it on the blog as I direct you.
Over the past two days we have looked at Love, and sharing your story or witness. Now I want to move on to prayer. I have spoken much with you about prayer over the years, and like the other subjects much of it may seem obvious, but your relationship with me is so important to me that prayer, our means of conversation, must be both natural and regular. I cannot get to know my children if they shut themselves off from me and refuse to speak to me. Neither can I be heard or understood if my people will not listen to me.

Prayer is not the privileged domain of a few select people. Prayer is the conversational language of people who love my company and want to talk. I do not lay down rules for prayer. You don't have to follow a particular pattern or use set prayers. In fact I would prefer that you allowed my Spirit to lead your prayer by guiding the conversations. Pray what is on your heart. You cannot shock me, for I know everything. Share your innermost concerns, worries, joys and fears. Then let me take each of these and deal with them for you. Nothing is too trivial for me to be interested in and nothing is too big for me to deal with. I am your Heavenly Father, and just as you delight to do things for your children, so I delight to do things for you. Jesus told you to ask, and it would be given to you. I want you to ask. Now this is not an asking for wealth and possessions, for I have already told you that I am the Lord you provider. I always provide as much as my children need. When they stay close to me that is easy, as they are near to the table and can come running back with ease.

What I want you to ask for is for the equipment, training and insight you need, to be doing my will. Pray for guidance: who to pray for, how to meet another's need, how to use the gifts I pour out on you so as to benefit others. Never be slow in bringing both your healing needs and the needs of others to me, for I am the Lord that heals you, and I delight in doing it.

Let love be the driving force behind your prayers. I am Love, and my desire is that all men and women everywhere should come to me and be a part of my Kingdom. If you love me, that should be your desire also, so pray for a turning to me. Pray for those you know who do not yet know me. Pray for those I have called to be my prophets and evangelists to this generation. You cannot pray too much. If Love is the most powerful force in the universe, then prayer is the oil that lubricates love and allows it to flow freely where it is needed.

Do not be afraid to be personal in prayer. I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me. Most of the prayer I have spoken of so far has been proactive prayer. It has been about your asking, your loving, your requests etc. There is another side to prayer which is more about listening and absorbing, which I will speak with you about again.

As a child you are taught to pray certain prayers at certain times, usually before you go to sleep. This is to instil within the young mind a pattern, a habit, of spending time with me. This is good but if left at that becomes an aimless ritual. As a child grows, prayer should also grow, and children need to be taught to pray as they are taught about me. Because this has so often not been the case, teaching on prayer is vital for adults. Encourage Christian fellowships and groups to engage in teaching about prayer. This is of course best done in the context of prayer. Allow me to be the teacher, because I love you.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

You are My Witnesses

Lord:   There is much I still have to teach you and share with my people. much of it is obvious, but it needs to be said afresh to this generation.

I began yesterday with Love. That is your starting point. Love as I have loved you. Allow me to love others through you. Jesus said "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5.16. Your light is your love. As you love one another your whole being shines with a divine light. The reason for this is that I am love and I am the light of the world. When you love I shine through you. The good deeds or works spoken of in Matthew is not a perfect translation of the true meaning. A more accurate translation would be along these lines: "Let the light of your love shine so brightly, that others may be drawn into the light and see the right pathway ahead, and so too, become the children of your Father in Heaven."

Let us now look at the next step. My love causes you to begin to love others and that in turn puts within your heart a burning desire that those others should also know me and believe. Everyone loves a good story, especially a true one. Therefore telling your faith story is a powerful way to light up the pathway. Many people try to get out of this by saying to themselves; "My story is too personal to share with strangers, they may laugh at me!" This is an excuse that is born out of a lack of love. If you love me, and your story is about how much I love you, then you have a burning desire that others will love me too. This is the beginning of love for those others. It is not so hard to tell those you really love what is on your heart. Just as your heart leaps with joy when others tell their faith story, so it is when you tell your story.

In a court of law a witness is called to tell, "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." A witness is not called to persuade or convince the jury, but to tell it how it is. In sharing your faith story or testimony, all you need to do is to tell it how it is. You can then leave the persuasion to the Holy Spirit. You need not worry about what to say because the Holy Spirit is very good at bringing to your remembrance the things that are relevant. Having told your story it is time to leave it. No further arguments, explanations or excuses are necessary. It is now the work of the Holy Spirit to persuade, convince or convert. Is is an act of great love and trust to entrust your story to others. It is my work to protect that story from abuse. That is why I have promised that when anyone confesses me before men, I will confess them before my Heavenly Father. In other words, both I and my Father delight in your story and bring blessing through it. Witness is a vital part of kingdom growth, but it must be born out of love. Jesus said to those who loved him; "You are my witnesses, go and tell your story everywhere, so that all men might hear it and come to me." Do not be afraid for I am with you. I shall be with you in every word you speak for me, and you shall see the fruit of your labour. I love you.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Love is the Answer

My son, Love is a key which will unlock a door that leads into a room of blessing. Blessings are not withheld from my children, neither are they earned. Blessing is part of the equipment I have provided for you to use. It is equipment that requires certain training. That training is love.

All love begins with me. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4.7-9. The first step is to get to know me, and that can best be done by getting to know my son Jesus. All of scripture points to Jesus, from Genesis to Revelation. As you read my word, Jesus is revealed. Those who seek him, find him, and those who find him, discover the great love he has for me and for all the creation I have made. Just as all scripture points to Jesus, so Jesus points to me. John 14.9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Jesus always does what I command. My will and his will are one. So, as you get to know Jesus you get to know me. As you learn to love Jesus, you begin to love me. I have always loved you. It was because I loved you that I created you. As any parent loves the child of their flesh, but the child cannot articulate that love until they have absorbed the love given, so you need to absorb the love I am pouring out upon you. As you take this love on board so you will begin to show that love and radiate it back to me and eventually to those around you. You cannot create love. I am love! You can respond to my love and give it back to me. As you share the love I give you, I cause that love to grow.

Because all love comes from me, whenever you find it hard to love someone, ask me for my love for that person, and I will channel my love through you and you will experience my love for them. It is my desire that love should abound, and that you should love even those who do not love you back. Love is the greatest power in the universe because I am love. True love is a wall upon which hatred and death will dash themselves to pieces. My love is a safety belt thrown to those who are drowning. It will not break or let them go until they are safe with me.

Never underestimate love. It is never conditional, and never exacts a price. True love is freely given and unconditional, and never comes to an end. I love you with an everlasting love. The love I had for you, when I first conceived you in my mind, before the foundations of the universe were put in place, has grown as you have loved me back. But even had you never loved me, my love would have gone to the ends of creation and beyond to seek you out and bring you home. Mankind can never begin to comprehend the measure of my love. All he can do is absorb it, and allow it to flow though him and out to others. Love one another as I have loved you.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The Harvest is Ready

A time is coming, and is near at hand when my spirit will sweep not just through this land, but through the whole world. The harvest is near and I am even now employing labourers for the harvest field. I require those who will devote their hearts to me and listen to my voice. I require those who will faithfully do the things I command them. I am not interested in denominational ties, or race, or colour. I purpose to bring into my kingdom those who call themselves Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, and all the other religions of the world. Indeed even atheists, Communists and those opposed to religion will meet with my son Jesus and be attracted to Him. Any who call upon the name of Jesus for help will be able to receive full salvation through Him. Jesus is the key to the revival that is to come. No one can come to  God except through Him. Do not be distracted by teaching that calls upon saints or angels. It is my beloved son Jesus, who has brought salvation, through the Cross. All who turn to Him will be saved. Those who need healing will find healing through the blessed name of Jesus and his name alone.

    Hold onto My Word, which points to Jesus, both Old and New Testaments. Remember also that I made man to worship me, and I love to hear the praises of my people. I join in their praises and love them. I ride on their songs and music as if on the wings of an Eagle.

    Satan cowers and shrinks back into the dark when my people praise me with all their hearts. Many of my people are held in bondage by him because they have forgotten their first love and have neglected to praise me. Set my people free, and bind up Satan, for he is a defeated foe. His end was secured by Jesus on the Cross, and the very least in the Kingdom of Heaven can banish him from their presence by calling on the blessed name of Jesus. His work is to chain up, to deceive, and to tell lies. Go forth and destroy the works of Satan with the whole truth of Jesus.

    I am raising up in this generation prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers. Each of them needs to be covered in prayer and supported in every way, so that they may fulfil the ministry I have called them to. That support will no longer come from establishments and religious organisations, who can cut them off with out a thought or a prayer. It must come from the faithful who are listening to my voice and following my lead.

    I need every group throughout the world, who faithfully meet together, to pray, be they a house group or a congregation of the faithful. I need them to concentrate their prayers on supporting the new generation of Christian leaders I am raising up and sending out. Let them seek me, and I will guide their prayers.

    Foremost amongst your teaching must be teaching on how to hear my voice, how to read my word, and how to pray. You must encourage worship through music. However I want you to stay away from 'methods, formulas and mindless ritual'. I am real and I want our relationship to be real.

    Bless one another, as I have blessed you. Do not think that a blessing is the private domain of priests. Everyone should bless one another and be a blessing to those around them, for in doing this they are copying the Godhead. We live as a close family unit and have a perfect relationship of love. That love is a source of blessing to us and to those we touch. We would that all men and women that we have created in our image, would live in this state of pure love and harmony. Jesus taught his disciples to "Love one another as He has loved them". That is what I still require of all my children, that love abounds amongst them.