
Saturday, 17 December 2011

In The Cross of Christ My Saviour

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for your love Lord, and for the forgiveness and grace we receive from you. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Son. Stay close to me today and let me help you to overcome and be victorious. We love you too.

Never underestimate the saving power of the Cross of Jesus. I am doing a work in the world today, which will amaze even those who have been close to me and in the forefront of evangelism for years!

For many generations in the years after Adam and then after Noah, mankind had sought ways of building a bridge back to Heaven. Man may have been stopped from building the Tower of Babel, but he has never stopped reaching out for what was lost in the Garden of Eden. Mankind has come up with so many different religious systems and methods of drawing near to me, that libraries are full of the accounts of them! Some are very good and do genuinely draw people a little closer to me, and some are very good for leading a clean, honest and good life. Others miss the target altogether and enslave and burden people with many rules, rituals and practices that do nothing to reach me, and only harm to those who practice those ways.

Very early on in the course of human history I began to work on a solution to the gulf that lies between man and God! I laid the foundations, as far back as Adam, for a bridge that would span the gulf between us. Unlike any man-made bridge, which starts building from both ends with the hope of meeting in the middle, the bridge I began, started in Heaven and continued out until it touched the Earth.

There is very good architectural sense in this approach; you see, Heaven is totally stable. Nothing can shake it or move it, whereas the Earth is trembling and shaking, and has done since sin entered it. The Earth is prone, not only to physical earthquakes and eruptions from deep within, but also from spiritual shifts and rumbles. Sin and death are constantly trying to get the upper hand while righteousness and godliness are battling, to not only hold their ground, but to make advances. They are like the ebb and flow of the tide, and the ground is like the sands that shift and change. Because of this basic instability, it is virtually impossible to build consistently, and stably from the Earth to Heaven.

The bridge I have built is totally stable, because is is founded on the rock which is me! It is large and strong and safe, spanning the gulf with ease. Where it touches the Earth, is the Cross of Jesus, and this is the miracle at which to wonder! The Cross is firmly attached to the bridge, and therefore a part of Heaven. But, it is also deeply set in the soil of the Earth for, as an instrument of torture and death, it is a part of the fall of mankind. However the One who died on it was a man, born of a woman, who lived a very human life with all the limitations and restrictions of humanity. Yet He was born of My Holy Spirit and through His righteousness and godly nature, revealed to the world of men, that He was and is My beloved Son. By dying on that cross He became the anchor that holds the bridge to Earth, the gateway through which man must pass to cross over to Heaven.

My bridge is the only way to Heaven and to Me. I say it again, it is the only way! There is no need for any other way. It is wide enough and strong enough for every man woman and child to pass over. Because of the need to anchor it to the Earth, those who pass over the bridge to Me, MUST pass through the gateway of the Cross.

Salvation through the Cross is NOT a Christian invention! It was I who decided that it was to be The Way. The Cross of Jesus is the only way! Passing through the gateway of the Cross does not make it exclusive; No one needs to be excluded, all are welcome and it is open to everyone. The Cross of Jesus is all inclusive. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life."

All who wish to cross the bridge and come to me, MUST lay their burdens of sin at the foot of the Cross, for nothing unclean or sinful can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Laying their burdens down is an act of repentance and an acceptance of what Jesus had done for them by dying on the Cross. But be quite clear about this, The Cross is for all men, not just the Christian West, but for North, South, East and West. It is the way for the Muslim, the Buddhist, the Hindu and men and women of every religion in the world or none. Anyone who wants to come to me must pass through the Cross, and leave their burdens and their chains behind at the foot of the Cross. It is the only way! It is the way I have made for you all because I love you.

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