
Friday, 16 December 2011

My Sheep Hear My Voice

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for listening to me as I make my prayers to you, and for being a God who hears and answers prayers. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning. Of course I hear your prayers. I hear every sound that the world makes, from the sound of a butterfly's wings, and the beating of the heart of an ant, to the roar of the sea beating against the rocks and the sound of the mountains falling! Nothing escapes me. Every time a child of mine cries out for help, I act.

Every person on the Earth, I have made. All are my children. With some I am well pleased, and for others I grieve. Since the dawn of time I have made my ways clear to mankind and I have written clearly upon the heart of every man, woman and child, a sense of right and wrong. Even when Satan deceives and hides the truth from someone, I am able to speak truth into their hearts. Some hear and respond to me, and I am able to act for them. Others hear my words in their hearts and choose, yes, choose, to ignore me, and turn back to the ways of darkness and sin.

My word to all men is to do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly before your God. In the world today there are many who know me and do what is right in my eyes. They feed the hungry, heal the sick, and bring justice to those who are without advocate. There are also many, who do not know me by name, but who, because they have heard in their hearts what is right, act righteously, justly and with mercy and love. I have their reward prepared for them as well.

There are also many who know what is right and wrong, and who choose the pathway of selfishness, greed and violence. The suppress and exploit the weak and the poor, and show no mercy or generosity to others. Because of their ways and the choice they have made, I turn the light of my face from them. That does not mean that I am unaware of their deeds, nor does it mean I have given up on them, for I long for them to turn to me and be saved! However those who resist me, and keep their face turned away from me, preferring the path of darkness and sin, have no place in my Kingdom and their names do not appear in the Lamb's Book of Life.

At the time of Exile, I did everything possible to turn the hearts of the disobedient back to me. I rebuked them and brought calamity upon them. I loved them and gave them another chance, but they stubbornly refused to come back to me. Therefore I had to let them go. Oh how that hurt me, for I loved them so much and still do.

Down all the ages things haven't changed. Time and again I do everything I can to turn men back to me. In every generation there are those who respond and do what is right, but there are also others who do not turn to me but listen to the lies of Satan and do evil. My heart still aches for those who choose the path of darkness and to walk away from me, and I am always looking out for them to return to me. Even when they are far from me, drowning in their sin, I hear their heartbeat, and I watch for the slightest flicker of light in in the darkness.

Today, yes even today, there are those who respond to me and do what is right. And there are those, many in high places, highly respected by worldly institutions, who do not love justice, mercy or peace. They do not walk in my ways or do my will. I am bringing about calamity for them, for all the things in which they trust are crumbling and falling to dust. But still they will not turn to me!

You my children are to love the justice I bring. Love mercy and bless those around you. Do what you know is right in my eyes. Walk humbly before me offering your love, praise and worship, remembering that, but for my grace, you too would be still walking in darkness and in the grip of Satan.

I call all the world, the righteous and the unrighteous, to repentance. Repent for all the sin of the nations, for injustice, violence, oppression and war. Repent for intolerance and lack of understanding. Repent for prejudice and blindness. Turn to me and seek my face, that I may stretch out my hand and heal the nation, and raise you up again to walk in righteousness and peace before me. I love you.

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