Wednesday, 20 January
Me: Good Morning Lord,. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. I Love you Lord.
Lord: I love you too son, thank you for joining me, I love these times together in the mornings, Please don't feel worried about your thoughts being disjointed or haphazard. that's why these times are so good, so I can help you sort them out, and begin to focus on Jesus.
Jesus: Time to be with me is so important. I invite my people into my dwelling place, near to the very heart of God. This place is a place of radiance, It is filled with the light of my Father. Once you have been into the near presence of the Almighty, once you have come with me into the heart of heaven you will always yearn with a deep longing to return. No worship on earth can fully compare with the worship of heaven,though it comes close at times. To get close and draw near, take my hand and let me lead you. Let me be your strength and the Way. Set your heart on the Way of the Lord, and follow in His pathways, and My Father in heaven will bless your pilgrimage. Though the storm may rage about you, your path will be still and bright and the flowers by the wayside will blossom. Though you walk through a desert where all is dry and hot, I shall make your way like a stream, and you shall cool yourself in the waters of life. Put your hand in my hand and let me lead you and bring you to the Holy place of my Father. As you walk with me, you shall go from strength to strength. I shall be your strength and shield; I shall be the still small voice in your ear. In me you will find salvation and strength.
Me. Blessed is the one who puts his trust in you, O Lord. Help us to focus on you and keep hold of your guiding hand.
Jesus: Those whom the Father has given me, I keep safe that none may be lost.
Come to me, all who find life hard, who feel all things are set against you, come to me and find in me, one who knows your pain and hurt, for I have suffered with you. Come to me and lay your burden down and enjoy the rest I give. Why do you labour so over that which is pointless. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all the things you need, food and clothing, a place to shelter and rest, will be added to you out of My Fathers bounty.
Come to me, all of you who are burdened by sin and addiction. Sin is anything that comes between us and addiction is that which you cannot let go of. Come to me and cry out to me, acknowledge and confess your sins, and let me deal with them. I the Lord, and I alone have dealt with sin once and for all on the Cross. Here on the Cross I took your sins away and carried them to hell where I cast them in a burning lake of fire. Once I deal with your sin, it is finished; it becomes as though it never was. Turn you back on it and walk to me. Keep me in the centre of your gaze and let me wash you with the water of life, and restore in you the image of my Father, which was placed in you the day He created you.
Come to me, all you, who have grown weary on the road of life, stop for a while and drink of me. Your life has become too busy and your centre has become focused on things of the earth. The voice of mammon has become a background noise that you find hard to switch ff. Pause, stop, listen to me. let me be your focus let me be the way. Lay aside the 'things' you are doing for me and do the things I require of you. These things you will only know when you listen to me. Better to spend one day with me, standing on the threshold of heaven, than to be so busy you miss the door! Stop. Look at me, and wait for me to speak directly to you.
My Father in Heaven will bless all those who trust me and take my name upon them. Come to Him in Jesus' Name.
Meditation: Psalm 84
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