
Monday, 25 January 2010

Repent and be saved

Monday, 25 January

Me: Good Morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning. I Love You, Lord.

Lord: I Love you my son, I love all men and women everywhere, and I long with a deep yearning, for them to turn from their wicked ways, and repent before me. Sin is the downfall of all mankind, and sin is anything at all that keeps you from me! No one on the planet can be free of sin until they come to Jesus in true repentance.

The wickedness of people in this land grows daily and each day more evil is brought to light. The hearts of peace loving, God fearing people, are appalled at what they see and hear. Britain is a broken and hurting society, it will continue to crumble into decay, until its people turn back to me, and repent of their sins.

No political system of men will reverse this decay, for politics can only deal with symptoms and there are so many symptoms no man knows where to begin. I do not deal with symptoms! I deal with the root cause of the problem, which is simple: Sin!

All have sinned and have fallen short. All have turned their back on me. They have not consulted me or asked for advice. All men and women in the land, think they have to put things right, or find a solution. There is only one solution: Return to the Lord your God and say to him:

Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously,
that we may offer you praise, the fruit of our lips.
We acknowledge that the strength of armies cannot save us,
human alliances cannot save us.
Laws, rules and restrictions cannot save us.
We have no means of transport fast enough
to save us from destruction
and no hole deep enough to hide us.
You O Lord are our only help.
We turn to you and cry out to you;
forgive us our sins and heal our waywardness.
Turn your anger from us.
Send the Holy Spirit to guide us into the paths of righteousness.
In Jesus' Name we ask it.

If my people who are called by my name will repent and turn to me then I will hear their prayer and come and heal their land.

Light up, once again, the fires of prayer in your midst. Turn to me with your whole heart, and pray from the depths of your soul. Nothing is too hard for me, and the desire of my heart is to bring all men everywhere, into my kingdom. It is always right to pray for salvation and conversion. Pray to see whole communities transformed by My Holy Spirit, whole cities set alight with the glorious gospel of Jesus. I will transform your streets, shopping malls, prisons, hospitals, schools, theatres, politics, laws, banking, armed forces. I will create a new society, if my people will turn to me and repent, and seek my face.

Hosea 14:4-9 (NIV)
I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them. I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots; his young shoots will grow. His splendour will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon. Men will dwell again in his shade. He will flourish like the corn. He will blossom like a vine, and his fame will be like the wine from Lebanon. O Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols? I will answer him and care for him. I am like a green pine tree; your fruitfulness comes from me.

Who is wise? He will realise these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

1 comment:

  1. A timely prophecy. Reading this today prompted me to make a phone call, one that the recipient had been alerted would happen.
    Linked in His Kingdom ~ thank you for your faithfulness.


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