Thursday, 28 January
Me: Good Morning Father. Thank you for waking me this morning. I love you Lord.
Lord: I am moving my people into new times. Ministries will come forward and be recognised in the assemblies, that were hidden away for fear of ridicule. I am raising up a new eldership to shepherd my people. Listen to my voice, O my people, that I may show you my will and desire for you.
Read my word and ponder it. Even though it may seen a hard or difficult saying, let me show you the truth that lies as the foundation of all I say. Share the scriptures together and be encouraged, as I open the Word to you. Do not open on the Sabbath and close the book for the next six days. Let My word be a meal for every day.
Seek me with your whole heart. Spend time getting to know me. Learn to hear my voice as I speak to you in the stillness of the quiet place. Bring your requests to me, and ask out of the yearning of your hearts. Recognise that it is I, the Lord your God, who put a hunger in your heart to see the Kingdom. That desire is in every man woman and child I have ever created. It is part of being in the image of God. I placed a little of myself in every human soul. I also designed into your body mind and Spirit, a ‘hot wired’ connection to me. As soon as anyone, believer or not, cries out to me, I hear their cry, and I respond. Hunger to see the gates of heaven teeming with those who are passing through and into my presence. That is my desire.
Study of My Word, the Witness of Jesus, and Prayer, are the three legs of a stool. They are equal in importance, and together form a firm foundation for a balanced relationship with Me. Let them also be recognised as ministries within the church. All three feed the body and all three reach outside the body to draw in the unsaved.
The worship of my people is important to me. Worship brings all my children together on an equal footing. I love to hear the cry from the heart, I love to hear the sound, and smell the sweet scent, of a song of praise, that comes from the heart. I collect all your tears of repentance, and hold them close to my heart. I channel the love that pours out of you and use it to oil the wheels and spindles of revival.
I am using all sorts of media to speak the message of Jesus, and I want you to recognise them and use them too. I speak through the written word, and encourage the use of all your modern methods of placing that word in people’s hearts. Use the Web, for if that is where people are looking, it is there they must find my Word, to point them to Jesus.
I am using Inspirational Art to convey my Word. Sometimes these works of creation stand on their own and need no explanation. Enjoy their beauty and their boldness, their colour and their detail, and be quickened by my Spirit. Sometimes these works are more difficult and disturbing and need interpretation. Wait on me and do not be afraid to say: “This is what that is saying to me.” Remember I am never negative in art. I inspire truth, and sometimes that truth is disturbing, but even when I show destruction it is often a warning (Amos 7.1-6). Hear what I am saying and heed my warnings!
I am using Music. Music can still the troubled soul (1 Samuel 16.14-end). Music can also aid you, in stilling a busy mind and help you to focus. Worship songs, mood music and scripture songs can be a first class aid to learning scripture, and lifting the soul into my throne room. My servant David, wrote music for praise and worship, as well as in his despair or state of mourning. Music is different in every generation. Do not despise the music of the young. Even the music of your youth was new once, and in every generation young people find me, and express their love for me, in their kind of music. Praise me through Music.
I am using Dance, Drama, Poetry, Films, Comedy and all kinds of humour to touch, to draw, and to help people find me.
Me: In all these expressions of yourself, let them point to Jesus and bring praise to him. Let them be acts of worship, not exhibitions of self. Let all you do be done in the name of the Lord, to His praise and glory.
Thank you Lord for your Love.
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