
Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Jesus is the centre

Wednesday, 6 January

Lord: ...... Yes, the lesson of my prophet Jeremiah is that he always obeyed my voice and proclaimed my words even when they meant he was outlawed and imprisoned. But in his lifetime I proved every time that my Word is true and took care of him. Speak the word I give you, even though that word may not be comfortable. The days are coming and are already here, when the only way to move the establishment from its road to self destruction, will be to prophesy against it. But only speak the word I give you.

Encourage my Church to praise me. Use songs and hymns, encourage them to sing in the Spirit, and to shout with thanks and praise. As my people praise my name, I will strengthen them. As I strengthen them in faith and understanding, the Gospel will spread, and my Son Jesus will be lifted up. Remember Jesus must be at the centre.

1 comment:

  1. best wishes for your farewell party wish i could be there in person safe journey to you and lorna and happy birthday love gill usa


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