
Friday, 15 July 2011

Hold to the Truth

Lord: It is not a coincidence that I have placed many books about creation in your path at this time. I want my church to be well informed about the truth of the scriptures, especially the book of Genesis and the creation accounts. Those early days, when the earth was still new, are important to man's salvation. In those chapters I have laid out quite clearly the story of the fall of man, and from that account it is quite clear that he needs a saviour. In the account of my servant Noah I have shown very clearly that every man woman and child on the planet today is closely related. As I have ordered the genealogies, I have emphasised the generations, so that it is quite clear how many there are and the tight time scale involved.

In the months ahead you will be amazed at the crumble of the evolution theory and long time scale. Even after all their hard work and deception, those who believe the lie will not be able to hold on to their position, as a tide of new evidence is released on the world. However they will come up with even more wild assertions and new theories, as they struggle to hold on to their ground. They do this because to acknowledge my hand in creation would mean that they would have to abandon their position of 'centre of the universe,' and would have to accept that all men of every race are brothers and sisters. They would  have to accept that man has fallen and needs supernatural help to be saved. I will do all I can to bring as many as possible into my kingdom, but sadly some will refuse me and refuse life. Because I have given them freedom of choice, they will remain outside, but I still love them.

Encourage one another to read the Bible and believe what you read. You don't need to do this blindly; there is plenty of evidence shouting the truth at you. Pray that I shall enlighten you to the truth. Pray that you will discover for yourself the wonderful truths of creation that back up every word of scripture.

Many will laugh at you, but hold your ground. Those who acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge before my Father in Heaven. No one who stands for me will be put to shame. I love you.

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