Lord: Rejoice in me always. Let your delight be in the fear of the Lord. Do not be afraid to acknowledge you delight in me, for as you testify of your love for me, so I will testify of my love for you before my Father in Heaven.
All men sin and fall short of my standard, and both my Father and I acknowledge that. We are always ready to forgive the sins of those who realise they have sinned and turn to us for forgiveness and help. We know that you will sin again and are there for you, always ready to help the contrite in the battle against sin. The temptation to sin does not go away on its own. It has to be banished, and that can only be done in my name for I have conquered sin and death on the Cross of Calvary.
Do not lose heart as the temptation to sin presses in. Turn to me in praise and worship. Let thoughts of me fill your mind and love me. As I come alongside of you in your conscious mind, there will be no room for thoughts of sin. Let my love surround you and enfold you like a blanket and I will carry you through. As you continue the battle against sin, and seek me with all your being, that is the beginning of righteousness.
I want my church to teach righteousness. The only way to do this is for the church, all its members, to live righteousness, to be God centred. Those who are lost and who are longing to be saved from their dark lives will only be attracted if they see in the believer that it really works. Always remember that, as a Christian, you can deceive yourself more easily than you can a non-believer, for there is built into every man and woman a part of me. This God bit, recognises genuine godliness. This recognition works two ways; either they are attracted and quickened by it, or it causes a rejection in them that makes them react in a negative way.
Do not be deceived by those who talk about 'goodie goodie Christians.' That is just an excuse to run away. Let your light, the light I give you shine brightly through you. Be bold, be strong, and let Jesus be seen in your life. Speak of him boldly and let others know the good news of salvation. I love you.
Sent from York on my iPad
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