
Thursday, 14 July 2011

Seek First the Kingdom of Heaven

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful morning. Thank you for the warm sun on my back, the birds chirping and the rabbits playing. Everything you have made, you have made well. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son thank you for walking with us this morning. we love your company and we love you too.

You know son, it gives me great joy when you notice the things I have made and wonder at them. I placed in all men and women the ability to appreciate the wonders of creation, and an enquiring mind to want to explore them. Satan has been very busy over the last few thousand years, distracting man by promises of wealth and the 'happiness' it can bring. But I want to tell you all that the pursuit of material things, especially money, is the main cause of heartbreak and sickness. Greed itself is a sickness, and obsessiveness about gaining wealth is a recognisable and detectable illness.

All the nations of the world have been deceived and are locked into a mindset that makes them think the economy is the most important thing there is. Making the books balance is the be-all and end-all of life. That is why I have upset the balance of power by toppling financial empires, and there are many more that will crumble! Do not be alarmed when so-called 'household names' crash. Even when your own financial security seems uncertain, do not worry. Seek first the kingdom of God! Open your eyes to the spiritual realm where I dwell and let me show you the beautiful plan I have for you. Look at my creation and wonder. Wonder at the extravagance, at the complexity, at the economy and at the beauty. Let me teach you about me, and about my way.

The reason why I gave you a garden was to show you how, from so little I can provide so much. I am the Lord your provider. Seek me first, and find me in all the things I have so wonderfully made, and as you observe and learn, grow in love and trust, that I may show you a better way of life, a life of wonder, praise, love and trust in me. The world's ways will always let you down. There hasn't been a civilisation rise, that hasn't fallen, and no earthy kingdom or empire has ever lasted for ever, nor ever will. However my kingdom is established upon a rock that cannot be moved. Its economy is perfectly adjusted and its laws are just. All who come into my kingdom, come because I love them and as they discover that love, they love me back. Anyone who comes to me I will receive, for those who seek me, find me, and to those who knock, the door will be opened.

Watch how each year the flowers open and the trees bloom. Observe how each morning the sun rises and the world comes alive again. Look at the colours I create and the voices I give to all living things. Be glad that I have given you life, love, joy and the ability to offer your praise to me. For as you praise me and express your love, so more life springs into being.

You can never fully plumb the depths of creation, nor understand all the things I have made, but you can try, and I will help those who ask me, to make great discoveries. But you can't do both. If you follow the way of the world you will be following one dead end after another. If you seek me and follow the way that I shall lead you you will discover a stairway of wonder that will satisfy your soul and lead you further up and onward to the most fantastic view man can ever see. I want you to discover life with me. So seek first my kingdom. draw close to me, and let me lead you on and add all things to you. You are my child and I love you.

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