Friday, 8 July
Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for sending the rain to water the earth and for all the fresh growth we see in the garden each day. Thank you for your provision and your love for us. I love you Lord.
The Water of Life
Lord: Good morning son, thank you for joining us this morning and for your company which we always enjoy, We love you too, and we love to pour out the rain to water the earth. It is a perfect symbol of the love we constantly pour out upon mankind. Just as the rain is not selective about where it falls, so is our love for mankind. It flows like a river and pours like a stream. It washes the stones and lays them bare. It forms pools which soak in and feed the roots of the trees that line its course. Just as I have made the roots of all trees and plants to seek out the moisture and absorb it, so I have made mankind able to sense love, seek it out and absorb it. But unlike the plants, I have made mankind like me, so he is able, as well as absorbing love, to give it and share it
Love is amazing. Because it is a part of me it grows as it is shared. You can never lose my love. The more you give it away the more you will have to share. I want you to become like a water course or a hose pipe, that is clear of all obstructions and blockages, so that love can flow freely through you. Just as the rain waters all the earth and all the plants, weeds and tares alongside the sown and planted, so I want my love delivered to all men and women everywhere, regardless of race, colour or creed.
The time of human divisions is over. I want all mankind to be one again. I want mankind to stand shoulder to shoulder, brother alongside brother, sister beside sister, with no preference or division. I want all mankind to come as one, to the water of Life that I am pouring out at this time. Drink of that water and be satisfied. Those who drink will never be thirsty again, for the water I give springs up into eternal life. This water comes from my throne in Heaven and flows like a wide river through the heavens and the earth and brings life and vitality to all creation. Do not cut yourselves off but drink freely and encourage others to come to the waters and be satisfied.
As you look out and watch the rain, do not be downcast and gloomy, but lifted and full of thanksgiving and praise, for every drop of rain that falls on the earth is for your blessing. When you see my bow set in the heavens showering the dark earth with colour, know that I have remembered my promise to Noah and to all mankind, never again to destroy all living things with a world-wide flood. Let it be a reminder of my love for you and my desire to provide for you, all that you need. I love you.
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