
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Conversation on 2 Timothy

Lord: Many prophecies made in the New Testament are being fulfilled in your day. I am drawing all things together now as the time approaches for the Bride of Christ to be revealed.

In these days I want you all to be on your guard. Guard the truth, guard your righteousness, hold to all that I have entrusted to you. Watch out for those who are lovers of themselves, with no love for others. Be wary of those who love money wealth and power, who trample upon the lives of others, especially the poor and helpless, in order to gain and hold on to wealth. Where it is within your power to do so, shun these people and do nothing to further their aims. Do not listen to their lies, or their smooth talking for it is all deceit. Their days are numbered and their ruin is already ordained and will be complete.

Have nothing to do with those who are boastful, proud, abrasive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful and unholy. Let the Holy Spirit convict them and turn them away from their ways, which are so far away from my standard for them.

Do not excuse or make allowances for those without love, the unforgiving, slanderous, and those without self control, the brutal, and those who hate what is good. These have made a choice and are following in the ways of the Evil One. Again I charge you to hand them over to the Holy Spirit, for they are His work, not yours.

Be wary of the treacherous, the rash and conceited, of those who love worldly pleasure before loving God, even when they have a form of godliness, but deny the power of God. Have nothing to do with them.

Be always protective towards the vulnerable and the gullible. Watch out for those who are burdened by sin, and easily swayed towards evil. Pray for them and teach them. But also protect them from those who would lead them astray with their smooth words and devious actions.

Your ministry my dear children is not, unless I specifically tell you, to confront the powers of Evil head on. Your ministry is to destroy the works of the devil by liberating all those he has enslaved and chained to sin. Speak the words of love I give you and be bold to proclaim the truth. Live a life of righteousness and walk with me along the path I show you.

Soak yourself in the Scriptures, my words to every generation. Make the Scriptures part of who you, are and allow me to teach you my ways as I have taught my servants in every generation. Remember this: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3.16-17

1 comment:

  1. Soak yourself in the Scriptures - what a wonderful phrase - this may seen as indulgence to some.

    Am reminded of my first headmistress who told us the stories of scripture in such a way that we, little people of 6-10 yrs, looked forward to the next installment the next morning in assembly! She indulged us with scripture, and I for one, am eternally grateful.

    Thank you, Martin.


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