
Thursday, 13 October 2011

Let your Light Shine

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for rising when I woke you in spite of your tiredness. Rest in me today and be refreshed. We love you.

I want you, my people to be a people of light. Draw close to me and receive my light, that will shine out of you and light the path for others to come to me. Light is my gift to creation. It makes life possible and enables the passage of time to be recorded. Walk in the light that I shine on you, for if you walk in the light you will not stumble and fall. Many are still walking in darkness and shadow, unable to see the ground beneath their feet, let alone the path before them.

But I have caused the people who walk in the dark to see a great light. At the moment they don't know what it means or from whence it comes, but they are drawn towards the light, and within their hearts I have planted a hunger to come to the light and live.

The light they are drawn to is the light of my people, who are filled with the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus. So shine brightly and be a beacon for me. Let your light shine into the shadows where fear lurks, and into the corners of lives which have been shut up and locked away, for when I come to set men free, I want to shine my light into every corner of their lives.

So much of the hurt of men and women today is the direct cause of a time of extreme darkness and pain, a time when they were vulnerable and alone, afraid with no-one to turn to. Shine into that dark place so that I can go in and dwell there, both now in the present, but also in the past and the future. Remember I am outside of time and my light can shine back into the past, as well as guide you into the future. In me there is no darkness at all.

In the darkness of sin there are so many shadows and so much gloom that even the way out is obscured. That is why humans shut off dark places of the soul and try not to remember them. In guiding souls to me, I do not want you to be afraid to go with the seeker back into those dark places, and shine the light of Jesus there, so that the shadows and gloom may be dispersed, and the place may be seen for what it is. You will nearly always find there is a sense of reluctance to go back, often linked with shame and guilt. These are two things that need to be faced again, dealt with, and healed. There is nothing in anyone's past that I am unaware of, and nothing that I cannot deal with and heal. I am the Lord who heals you!

Confession and repentance are signs of my Spirit working in a life, and dealing with these dark places. Be watchful and pray. Be careful not to be drawn into the trap of bruising a damaged soul, by treading on these hurts before they are free of them. Let me guide you and show you how to deal with each individual, for all my children are unique. All have walked down a different path. The past is to be forgiven completely, and their share in the kingdom of heaven is to be made known to them, that the light of hope may shine in their lives to.

Oh how I love them and how I love you. My love is bursting and longing to pour out upon them in blessing. I love you.

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