
Saturday, 1 October 2011

At The Sound of My Word

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. Thank you for the stars and for the birds that sing, and thank you for the peace and quiet of this dawn. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for coming with us on our morning walk and for sharing your thoughts with us. I enjoy sharing thoughts with you. We have so much to share and I have so much to teach you. Stay close to me and listen to my voice.

As you gaze at the stars in the heavens, think on me. It was one of my first works of art. Although to you on the earth the heavens seem to be static, and the constellations constant and eternal, in reality they are constantly changing. Most of the changes are mega in size compared to the earth. Everything in creation is changing. Creation itself is changing, for all things in creation are bound together by time, and time moves on. Life within time is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. Thoughts change, world views change, relationships change. All life passes through its seasons, and the seasons move on. But in all this there is one constant, one unchanging factor, one anchor that never moves: My Word.

In the beginning, before time, I spoke my Word, the sound of which can still be heard as it echoes around all that I have made. It was spoken out of time and is therefore at the beginning and at the end, unchanged and unchanging. In my Word I expressed my love. Again my love is outside of time, unchanged and unchanging. Although heaven and earth will surely pass away as all created things will, my love, spoken through my Word, will never pass away.

My Word is fully expressed in Jesus, my beloved Son, and I am building for him a bride, all pure and holy, brought into being by my Word, before the foundations of the earth were laid. That bride is my Church. Not the establishment, or institutional Church, but my living Church, made up of those I have chosen and saved. They have not signed on the dotted line, nor do they subscribe to some statement of belief, code of practice or articles of faith. They do not call themselves by denominational names or after some movement. Their hearts are truly open to me. And my Holy Spirit, my Son Jesus, and I freely come and go and dwell constantly in their hearts. The love between us is eternal and unchanging, and there is nothing in all creation, neither in the heavens or in the earth that can separate us or divide us. We are one.

Stretch out your arms and raise you hands. Bless those around you. Bless and do not curse. Let your blessing go out from you freely and in abundance. For those you bless I also will bless. Bless in the name of my son Jesus and let your blessing rest where you place it. Do not recall it ever. Only when your blessing is totally rejected will it return to you. Do not call it back. I want my Church, the bride of Christ, to be a constant blessing to all the world, now! Not in some age to come, but now! As I have loved you, love one another. As I have freely blessed you, so you must bless one another. This is the call of my Church. This is your mission. Love, as I have loved you.