
Thursday, 3 November 2011

All One in Christ.

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for a good night's sleep, and for all the blessings you pour out on us, your servants. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company as we walked. We love you too.

Jesus: One day, when I was talking with my disciples, they asked me about the hierarchy of the Kingdom of Heaven. They were discussing which of them would be secretary or treasurer, and who would sit at my right hand. Inside I wept, because even after being with them so long, and teaching them so much, they still didn't really understand that my Church, and the Kingdom of Heaven, are not run on the same lines as worldly institutions and kingdoms.

The Kingdom is my Father's. He is the king, and always will be. I am His Son, but there is no succession to the throne of Heaven; we are one and He is king for ever and ever. My Father is almighty, and there is no one who can stand against him, for He created all things and all peoples. He knows all things, and needs the help of no one. Therefore there is no need for secretaries and treasurers! I sit at his right hand because He has given me that place. There is no seat beside me, save His alone.

When I came to the earth and called my disciples to form the Church, I did not intend that it would in any way resemble the institutions of men, but that it should reflect the Kingdom of Heaven. My Father is the King, and all of those who come to him, and form the Kingdom, come through me. All are equal before my Father, for everyone has been redeemed and saved through My Cross.

We have no bishops, moderators, or clerics of any sort in the Kingdom, for all who are saved stand shoulder to shoulder before the throne of Grace. I want you, my Church, to be like that here on earth. Look only to My Father and Me, as we sit upon our thrones before you. If you take your eyes off us, and look at others, you could, and will, go astray. Stand as one, for you are our family. Love one another, as I have loved you. Uphold and support each other and accept the love and support of those around you. Share with each other all that I teach you.

Together, in my strength alone, reach out to those around you who do not yet know me. Share your story, and bring them to me. Forgive those who sin against you, remembering that I have forgiven you. Do not be drawn into pointless arguments or divisions. Remember that I and my Father are one, with the Holy Spirit, and we want to be one with you also.

Everyone has a very slightly different view from the one standing next to him, just as everyone sees a different rainbow! So there are bound to be differences in opinions. I don't mind that you are all different; that is how I made you. Share your differences and be richer for it. Only be united in one thing. Be united in me!

Bless those around you, and bless one another. Rejoice together that you have a special place in My Father's kingdom, a place near to His heart. Love one another as I have loved you.

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