
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My Cross in all Creation

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. Thank you for all the love you pour out upon us each day. Help me to walk in your way and serve you always, as you deserve. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for walking and talking with us. We love you too.

Me: As I sat in the silence, waiting upon the Lord to speak to me, I was suddenly taken back to one of my former parishes, and found myself in the Church, with a crowd of young school children. I was asking then to go around the building and count how many crosses they could find. After about twenty minutes they came back with a variety of answers, ranging from three to a hundred and three! Except for one child, who was considered to be rather slow and not very bright. He had reached four hundred and was still counting them. The teacher went through the class asking them where the crosses were and everyone pointed out the big obvious ones. Then those who were really observant pointed out that the hundred or so kneelers also had crosses stitched on to them. I had by this time circled round to the lad who was still counting, and sat beside him. First I told him he could stop counting now, as they were soon going back to school. Then I asked him to show me some of the crosses that he had discovered. Everywhere in the building he saw crosses. There were crosses where stones joined together, at the junction of every tile on the floor. Even the pews and chairs had crosses at the joints where wood met wood. The teacher raised his eyebrows and smiled, and the rest of the class laughed. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought he was on to something. The Cross of Jesus is everywhere.

Lord: Yes, son and it wasn't long after that experience, that I brought you in contact with Louie Giglio and he showed you all about Laminin and about the nebula with the cross at the centre.

As a simple exercise I want you to observe how many time the Cross features in your everyday life. Open your spiritual eyes and see the Cross, and when you see it, thank me for sending Jesus.

I have written salvation into the very fabric of the universe, into every material thing. When you doubt that I created everything, look again and see my trade mark! When someone tells you that mankind and the earth are insignificant in the cosmos, remember that in the furthest nebulas I have placed the symbol of man's salvation. When scientists dare to tell you that all things happened by chance, point to my mark on the smallest molecules. When politicians try to take you down godless pathways saying that this is the only way, lift high the Cross of Jesus, for it is only through Jesus that mankind is saved.

I did not start the world and the cosmos going, only to walk away and leave it to run itself down. I am actively involved in all that I have made, all the time. If I withdrew, or 'fell asleep,' even for one nano second, all that is would cease to be, and indeed would be as though it had never been. When I shut everything down, everything, including time and space will cease to be. I have stamped everything I have created from the simplest cell to the largest stars, with my mark. I put it there for one purpose and one purpose alone, that mankind would see the glory of their God and be glad.

So every time you see my mark in material things, or see my mark in someone's life, rejoice and be glad. Praise and worship me, for all that I do is done to help you, who I love, to come back to me so that we can all be one, as we, Father, Son and Spirit, are one.

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