
Monday, 31 October 2011

Stand Up and be Counted!

Lord: Where are the shepherds of my people, and why have they not spoken up, in defence of the oppressed and the poor? Where are my evangelists and preachers, and why is my message being watered down and the truth diluted? Why are you silent, when those who speak against me, and who do not have the truth, rant and rage against my Church? Why do you stand by, and let others steal the gifts I have given my Church?

When the evil spirits cried out against my Son Jesus, he rebuked them, and commanded them to be silent. When he crossed the path of those possessed of evil spirits; he cast them out, and delivered those possessed and oppressed. When the sick and wounded came to him, he healed them, and gave them hope. In the early days of my Church, the people came to listen to the word being faithfully preached, and when the authorities tried to stop them, the apostles said, "You cannot silence us, because God has told us to speak. We must obey Him, not you!" Now it seems that my Church, which carries my special message for the world, is being silenced, out of fear of those who are offended by me!

I did not entrust the good news of Jesus to be stored away, out of sight and mind, and kept for another generation, or more opportune time! I entrusted it to you, to share freely today! I gave you the gifts of My Holy Spirit to enable and empower you to do it well. It now seems that you are being disarmed at the first opposition!

Stand up, men and women of God. Clothe yourselves in the armour I have provided. Take hold of the Sword of the Spirit, and cut your way through the opposition of Satan. Stand firm, and speak of me, to all who will listen. Satan is a defeated foe. I have triumphed over him, and he is now under My feet. Destroy his works; set the captives free. Proclaim the day of the Lord's salvation, and gather in the lost, the lonely, and the oppressed, that they may find true liberty in me.

Children, I have given you the liberty of free speech, in order to proclaim the gospel. No man, no government, no judge and no court, has the right, or the ability to stand against me and take that away from you. Stand by My command to take the good news into ALL the world. Take it to ALL people everywhere. Let no one stand in your way. When your Church leaders fail to stand by the gospel of truth, I will withdraw my Spirit from them. Do not follow them, but stay close to me. Fix your eyes upon Jesus, my beloved Son.

Stand up, and be counted for me, as I muster my army, to march forward and claim the land back.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Tell them of my love

Lord: The evil in man's heart has grown and the imaginations of his heart have become consumed with filth, as the evil one deceives him, and leads him further down the road to destruction. In the days of Noah I saw the evil of men's hearts and determined to do away with all that I had made. Only my righteous friend Noah and his sons were saved from the destruction. What stays my hand today ,from total destruction, is not one man and his family, but the bride of my son, the Church. The Earth heaves with restlessness, as it waits for me to act. It tries to cleanse itself of such evil, but my hand restrains it.

My children, pray for the Earth which I have made for you. Bless the ground from which you were taken. Thank me for the clean air you breathe and the trees that replenish it each day. Bless the sea in her abundance and the soil bringing forth fruit and food. Pray for her peace, so that during this time you may be able to bless all men. Speak words of peace. Tell of my love and share Jesus. Encourage all men and women everywhere, to hold on to truth, and reject the lies of the false prophets, as they speak soothing words that pamper and condone the lusts and desires of mankind.

Remember the prophet Jeremiah, who lived in very troubled times. He alone delivered my word to Judah, when all the other prophets and priests told lies and offered sacrifices to other gods. They prophesied in my name, that no one would be able to prevail over Jerusalem. But they did not speak my words, so I brought all the disasters upon them, that my faithful servant Jeremiah prophesied against them. Yet, even then I gave them a chance to repent, saying to the King of Judah, "Deal righteously with the poor and the oppressed and turn to me." But they would not listen and scoffed at me.

My children, be true to my word and hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus, for in Jesus, and in him alone, is your salvation. As you pray for the Earth, pray for the leaders of men, pray for people who hold power and influence. Pray especially for those who fight for freedom and justice. They need special prayer, as it is so easy to slip from freedom-fighting into retaliation and oppression. Pray that the good things gained by their struggle will not be lost in the aftermath. Teach all men everywhere to bless and not curse, to heal and not wound, to build and not destroy. Tell them of my love.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Conversation on 2 Timothy

Lord: Many prophecies made in the New Testament are being fulfilled in your day. I am drawing all things together now as the time approaches for the Bride of Christ to be revealed.

In these days I want you all to be on your guard. Guard the truth, guard your righteousness, hold to all that I have entrusted to you. Watch out for those who are lovers of themselves, with no love for others. Be wary of those who love money wealth and power, who trample upon the lives of others, especially the poor and helpless, in order to gain and hold on to wealth. Where it is within your power to do so, shun these people and do nothing to further their aims. Do not listen to their lies, or their smooth talking for it is all deceit. Their days are numbered and their ruin is already ordained and will be complete.

Have nothing to do with those who are boastful, proud, abrasive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful and unholy. Let the Holy Spirit convict them and turn them away from their ways, which are so far away from my standard for them.

Do not excuse or make allowances for those without love, the unforgiving, slanderous, and those without self control, the brutal, and those who hate what is good. These have made a choice and are following in the ways of the Evil One. Again I charge you to hand them over to the Holy Spirit, for they are His work, not yours.

Be wary of the treacherous, the rash and conceited, of those who love worldly pleasure before loving God, even when they have a form of godliness, but deny the power of God. Have nothing to do with them.

Be always protective towards the vulnerable and the gullible. Watch out for those who are burdened by sin, and easily swayed towards evil. Pray for them and teach them. But also protect them from those who would lead them astray with their smooth words and devious actions.

Your ministry my dear children is not, unless I specifically tell you, to confront the powers of Evil head on. Your ministry is to destroy the works of the devil by liberating all those he has enslaved and chained to sin. Speak the words of love I give you and be bold to proclaim the truth. Live a life of righteousness and walk with me along the path I show you.

Soak yourself in the Scriptures, my words to every generation. Make the Scriptures part of who you, are and allow me to teach you my ways as I have taught my servants in every generation. Remember this: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3.16-17

Friday, 28 October 2011

Be at One

Lord: To all my people who are called by my name, I say this: Be strong in the faith of Jesus, who, for the love of all sinners, suffered and died on the cross. It is no small thing to suffer as he suffered, or to die as he died. He was not dying for his own sin, for He had no sin! He did not suffer for himself, but for you, in order that you might be set free from the bondage of sin and death. What He did for you on the cross, was not something that you can idly reply to with, "Oh that's nice!" He saved your life, and the first response after surprise, is surely gratitude!

Saving a life, gives the Saviour a right to ask for something small in return. Not a reward, more a request. He has given His life up, so that you can live, so His request is that you accept what He has done for you and turn away from your old life of sin, and live a life of righteousness. If you are really glad that Jesus has saved you, you will surely want to tell others, and bring them to Jesus, for Him to save them also.

Now, salvation doesn't stop there! Salvation is a continuous process. It starts with an encounter with Jesus, and continues with a walk that leads you along a pathway, away from your old life, and into a new life of light, love, and righteousness. That pathway is anything but dull! It is the most fulfilling and satisfying walk you can ever imagine. It is not always easy, and often involves danger and suffering, but all the danger and suffering are nothing, compared to the price Jesus, my beloved son, paid for you. It is nothing, compared to the glory that is now before you. Even though you may be chained and in prison, the good news that is on your lips, is not chained. When it is spoken out, it is carried in the hearts of those who hear it! Oh, it may seem to have been rejected at first! But know this: My word does not return to me, without first accomplishing all that I purpose for it.

My children, do not quarrel, or play with words that achieve nothing but division. My gospel is one. It is at unity with me. Let it also be at unity with you. Your love for the Lord Jesus is what unites you. It is your passport to Heaven. Petty arguments and divisions do nothing to further the Kingdom, and only bring dishonour to my name. Lay aside all that divides. However dearly you hold on to it, if it does not further my Kingdom, it is not important! Be at one with all the brethren. Bless each other in my name.

Teach the truth as I handed it to you. Do not dilute, or change my word one iota. Those who are seeking the truth with all their heart, will recognise it when it is given to them. If you dilute or change my word in any way, those who are seeking the truth, will not recognise your word as truth, and will be prevented from entering into life. You will have to account for their souls before me.

Love one another as I have loved you, and love those to whom I send you. Bless them with your story, bless them with your love, bless them with the gospel of Jesus. Be like Jesus to them! Share, teach, heal and deliver, in my name, just as I have commanded you. But do all this as you stay close to me. You cannot do it on your own! Walk with Me, talk with Me, and stay with me. Let Me be your strength and your rock. I am with you always, because I love you!

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Speak My Words of Life

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for your love poured out upon me and for every blessing you have bestowed on us. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for walking with us. Stay close to me today and be ready for my words.

My Spirit is at work in the world today and the gifts He gives are being used daily by my people. I want all my people to be aware of My Spirit at work and to be there, so that He can use you all as channels of power.

Be wary of those who do not acknowledge the Holy Spirit or who attribute His work to 'natural' forces. There are even those, some in high esteem, who say that the outworking of My Spirit is only delusion and that those who manifest the Spirit are sick. Stand fast in your faith and remain open to My Spirit at work in you, for the days are now upon you when those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit will be denounced by your Father in Heaven. Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus and walk in the way I have appointed for you. Do not waver either to the right or to the left, but walk in my way. When you are ridiculed by men, do not answer back but allow the Spirit to vindicate you. No one who acknowledges me before men will ever be put to shame, for I am with them.

Walk in righteousness and truth. Sing as you walk of the wonderful works of God. Let your voices be lifted to the heavens and join with the angels and all those who worship before the throne of God.

Children I want you to seek my kingdom and my righteousness. Learn how to use the gifts that I have bestowed upon you through my Spirit. Do not be afraid of stepping out in faith as you lay hands on the sick, or pray for the needy. I see what is in the heart and I stand by my words. You never have to justify what I say, for my words are the words of life and it is through my word that life on earth is sustained.

Mankind does not sustain life, and he has clearly shown that he is incapable of even carrying out my simple command to him, to look after the creation I have made. Fortunately for mankind I maintain all that I have created, and have limited man's ability to destroy all life.

Your task this day is to counter the hatred and destruction of the Evil One, and of sinful man, using the greatest gift of all, Love. I want you to show love to all people. Love the unlovely. Love the hurting and the sick. Love those who are lost and those who despair. Let my Holy Spirit teach you to love in new and practical ways. I want you to love even those who hate you, and do good to them. Counter the negative with the positive and speak the words of life I give you.

When you encounter anger today, counter it with peace. When you encounter hatred, pour out a blessing. When you see someone wronged, speak out and strengthen them. Use all the spiritual armour I have provided for you and destroy the works of the devil. Know this, I am with you and I love you.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Regain your First Love

Lord: For about sixty generations now, my church has been passing on the good news about Jesus, but there are many corners of the world that are still untouched by the good news. Even after all these generations, and after all the effort, the church is distracted from living and preaching the good news, by focusing upon things that are nothing to do with the gospel and do not give life to my people. I did not come to earth to found a building preservation society, nor did I come to form and support a church of surrogates, priests and ministers, who do all the work while the people do nothing!

When I called you to me, I filled your hearts with excitement as you realised the truth and committed yourselves to me. I opened your eyes, to see what I was doing in the lives and hearts of men and women, as they turned to me for salvation. I laid needs upon your hearts to pray for. I allowed my Holy Spirit to use you in prophecy, knowledge, discernment, tongues and healing. I filled your hearts with love for those around you, and your voices with praise and worship for me.

I have not changed! The gospel has not changed! The Holy Spirit is still there, but I do not hear the worship that comes from the heart. I do not see any more the excitement of seeing me at work! Where is that love you had for me when you first believed?

Has the last 2,000 years watered down the gospel? No! My word stands forever and for all time. You, my people have allowed the clamour and senseless mutterings of the world to distract and deceive you! You have listened to the lies of the Evil One, and have let go of My commandments and my statutes. You have turned your eyes away from Jesus and have allowed the bright lights and loud music of the world to distract you, and lead you away from my path. As you have wandered further away from me you have become deaf to my voice, and oblivious of my call. Even your leaders have been listening too much to the world's wisdom, which is not wisdom at all, and have created a theology to fit the world's ideas, instead of allowing the world to see the truth.

As the institutions of worldly power are shaken by my hand, and many become fearful for their future as the props they were leaning on fall, you my people, must stand firm on the rock which is not shaken and which cannot be moved. That rock is Jesus! Hold tightly to the truth revealed in Jesus and spread abroad the Gospel! Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and listen, as I speak to you through Him. Learn well, how to hear my voice, and remain obedient to me, for only those who hold on to me will not be shaken in the days and month ahead, as I shake again and again, the institutions of men.

Hold on firmly to my truth, and my commandments. Endure the laughter and mockery of the world for a little longer, for before the year is out, many of the rocks and safe places, in which they trust, and on which they have based their whole lives, will shake, crumble and fall into a pile of dust!

Be ready to reach out your hands to help those who fall and draw them to the safety of the rock, which is Jesus. Do not reprove them. It is for My Holy Spirit to do the convicting Reach out and draw them home. Nourish them with the words of life. Live out the gospel of peace and love ,and regain and relive the love you had for me when you first believed. Regain the excitement you felt when you first saw me working and lift your hearts and your voices in praise and worship to me.

Let your light shine brightly in the darkness of the world. Be a lighthouse, a beacon, to draw all men to me. Do not waiver or be daunted by the task, for I have equipped you and will provide for all your needs and all the needs of those to whom you minister. I am the Lord your provider, and I love you.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Day of Prayer!

Lord: The collapse of the world's monetary systems is the worst in history! I have caused it in order to bring focus back to me. The cause of my wrath is corruption and greed in very high places. No country in the world is excused; all are equally guilty. In Europe, the various financial whiz-kids are frantically trying to find an answer, that will put them back to where they were before the crisis started. This will not be possible, as I shall thwart all their efforts to reinstate the same regime of corruption and greed. There is only one answer, and I am ready to give it, if they would only ask me.

This situation is now worse than any financial meltdown in history and it will deepen! For many months now I have been calling my people to pray. Some have responded and some have not. I have called bishops, moderators, ministers and leaders, to gather their people to pray. Only a very few have responded. 

When war is imminent, or natural disaster strikes, church leaders once called for a day of prayer. Many of the institutional churches are also in a state of financial melt down. My Roman church is morally in a very grave state, because they have not obeyed me, nor have the leaders recognised the crisis for what it is, or called on me for help.

I have called to them all, but I am still waiting for, archbishops, popes, and church leaders, to call their people, and the nations, to prayer for the world situation.
  • Where are the days of prayer?
  • Where is the holy fast?
  • What are my people in places of power doing?

Why did I allow you to be placed in those privileged places? I put you there, so that you could act and bring My wisdom and My answer to these events.

If you do not recognise me and respond to my call, how can I help you? If you continue to bury your head in the sand, I will bury you all so deep there will be no resurrection.

Oh my people, read the signs of the times, open your hearts to me and un-stop your ears. Lift up your eyes, look away from your accounts. Your help does not come through accountants and bankers, and there is no permanent help from the present systems, which are all biased to the rich and unfair to the poor. They are based upon greed!

Look to me the Lord of love. Seek my righteousness and my answer. Only in Jesus will you see the way out.

I did not spare my chosen people Israel when they turned from me, but I handed them over to be chastised by foreign kings. I was hard on them and turned my face from them, because of their iniquity. Only when a remnant was left, did I turn again to them and restore them. Their mission, to be a vehicle of the Good News of the Messiah, I passed on to the church. Many gentiles and those foreign to Israel have carried the torch and spread the gospel. Many have lived lives of poverty and suffering in order that the good news could be passed on to you. If I did not spare them, why should I spare you?

Leave your books of numbers and your laws, which imprison and oppress the poor. Turn your back on people, organisations and nations, that try to suppress my truth. Get on your knees and pray! Put on sackcloth, cover your heads with ashes, confess your sin, and the sin of church and nation, and plead for my forgiveness. Shout this message from the rooftops, that all may hear and turn to me. I am calling you.

"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land". 2 Chronicles 7:14

My Calling to You.

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for our time together as we walk and for you being with me all the time. Lord I give you this day. Help me to walk in your way and do your will. Lord I love you.

Lord: Good morning son, Thank you for walking with us this morning and for being here for us. Yes, that might seem strange to you who always think of us being here for you! We are always here for you, but we enjoy your company and conversation, and we are grateful to you for giving time to us. Stay close and ever watchful. Let me lead you into a ministry, and into areas you have only dreamed of so far. We love you.

My children, I am calling to you today to step out of your comfort zone. Step out in faith and break with the spirit of this present darkness. Turn aside from all forms of greed and idolatry. The modern forms of idolatry are holding on to idealistic ideas I have not given you, of materialism and placing your trust in the things that money can buy. Idolatry today, as in days gone by, is turning away from me, and following after other gods who can give you nothing but heartbreak. Leave all these gods behind you and step out on to the path that I will show you, a path of righteousness and truth, a path which will lead you into a land of fresh green pastures and an abundance of fruitfulness. Do not let your lives be full of anxieties and concerns over things you cannot change. Instead look to me to show you the things you can change and the people you can bless.

So much energy is wasted, and enthusiasm lost, because you pursue that which is not your concern. Let your concerns be the things I lay upon you, and not what the world would have you be concerned about. For every need in the world, I raise up those who will rise to the challenge and meet that need. I will also raise up those around them to support and uphold them in their mission. But not everyone is to be concerned with every need or issue. Devote your energy and expertise to the things I give you, and bless and support the people I draw within your sphere. Pray for those I lay upon your heart. Heal those I give you  the gift of healing for, and prophecy over those to who I give you a word.

This calling of mine to you, will bring you out from your cover of 'safety', which is not a real cover, just a hiding place, and into a place on the front line where I am working. There, on the front line of battle, all the gifts I have given to you will be needed, as you fulfil all the tasks I give you. Here on the front line, you will need a daily dose of prayer and fellowship with me, a briefing session, where I can show you all that I want you to do. Then I want you to stay focused and do the things I command of you.

Watch out each day for the opportunities I am presenting to you, opportunities to share your story with a stranger, to pray with someone in need, to bless someone just because they cross your path and I point them out to you. I will present you with opportunities to encourage and build up someone who is low, or to raise up another who is fallen. Keep your ears open for those who ask after me and are seeking me. Sometimes their asking is done in a quiet, tentative voice. Listen out for them and respond. Remember, you are my witnesses. You are the bearers of my gospel, which is the gift of salvation to all who hear it. It is not for you to decide  who to share the good news with, only to share it and let my Holy Spirit do the work of convincing and conviction.

Children, this is new ground for many of you. Do not be afraid, be courageous, be bold and strong, and let me lead you. Together we can bring in my kingdom.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Are you too Busy?

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day you have made. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company on our walk. We love you too.

Children, I want to go back this morning to journaling: the writing down of the words I give you.

Journaling is for your benefit, and to act as a record and reminder to you of the conversations we have. It is not a substitute for prayer or spending time with me; rather it is a record of that time. In order to journal meaningfully you must first enter into my presence and spend time with me. Being still before me is the time when we can become close and not just hear, but feel each other. It is during this time of stillness, when the mind is handed over to me, that I can switch on the intuitive side of your brain and tune you into Heaven. It is very important that you do not get frightened by this, and switch off too soon. Listen to the thoughts I put into your head and see the things I show you. Listen to the still small voice, which whispers in your ear, then let all that experience settle and soak in and become a part of who you are. Then, and only then, will you be really ready to journal, for then you will be beginning to hear me.

Please don't give me the tail end of the day, when you are too tired to give me your attention. I have given you night time to sleep, and mornings to walk with me. If you find it difficult to wake up in the mornings, try going to bed earlier and asking me to wake you up. Remember the words I gave you last week: "If you are too busy for me, you are too busy." If you are too busy then it is time to look long and hard at what you are doing. Sometime you are not too busy, but because you haven't started with me, the day becomes ragged and inefficient! I can help you to organise your day and help you to be more efficient and effective, if you will only start the day with me. I love you, and I don't want you to feel you are wasting the time I have given you, and I certainly don't want you to regret your life.

I am the Lord who loves you. I am the Lord your provider. Try me!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Which way Lord?

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day, Thank you for the clear shy and the brilliant stars, and the moon that gives me light to walk the dark path. Thank you for your company and your guidance. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son, welcome to the club this morning. I'm so glad you liked the celestial show I laid on for you this morning. Though the path may be dark, if you always walk with me I shall be a light for you to see and a lantern for your feet. Trust me.

Martin, this time each morning walking with me and spending it in conversation, is very important both for you, for me, and for others as well. I would that all my children would spent a good time with me, uninterrupted and in constant communion with me. Not only do you benefit from this time, but all those for whom you pray benefit as well! I hear all your prayers as you ask them, and you have time to hear my replies. Encourage others to spend time with me.

As you walk with me and begin to rely on me for all your needs, you will begin to see me work in new and wonderful ways. As you encounter forks in the road you are walking, ask me to show you which way to walk. As you meet with opposition, ask me for words to say. As you meet with difficulties, commit each one to me, and let me do the sorting. Let your prayer always be, "Which way Lord?" or "What should I do now Lord?" Then listen, as I instruct you.

If you look at the examples of this in the Bible, you will see that I often said things like, "Assemble and do nothing!" or "Watch me work." Then, as the people watched, I have given them the victory without their needing to lift one hand! Sometimes, indeed often, I will tell you what action to take, and then you will move forward in power. But remember always, the power is mine, not yours, and the action you take is at my command. All glory must be given to me. I am the Lord who guides you. I am the Lord your strength.

I know, and I understand your weaknesses, but it is when you are weak that I am strong. It is when you are low or cast down that I can raise you up. When I raise you up, you can be a strength to the weak and an encouragement to those who are cast down. Remember always that one encouraging word, offered in love, can change a life and save a soul.

Always speak in love, never in hate. Give all your anger to me, and let my love take over and heal the hole that is left. Always be ready to forgive, just as you have, in Jesus, been forgiven. Keep your eyes fixed on me and seek always the Kingdom of Heaven. That is your destination and the place to which I am leading you. A place near to my heart. A place I have prepared for all those who love me. A place where you will be near to me and those whom you love and where you will feel at home. I love you.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

An Invitation

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son. Thank you for joining us this morning and for walking with us. We love you and we are always pleased when you join us. We love you.

I want to give my people an invitation today. It is an invitation to be shared freely with those who will receive it. As the days go by this invitation will become more and more attractive, for it speaks into where people are.

The invitation is to those who are hungry and thirsty, but find they have not got the currency to buy the food and drink that satisfies. I am speaking of spiritual hunger and thirst here. Come and buy without money and without price. Come buy, and eat. I am the Lord your provider and have bread that satisfies, and wine that makes your heart glad. The world cannot give such bread, nor can the grapes of the earth provide wine that satisfies like the wine I give. Flour for the bread I give is milled in Heaven, and the grapes that produce the wine grow along the edge of the river of life that flows from my throne.

Do not waste your time seeking for bread and wine like this from any other source, for there is only one supplier and his name is Jesus. Do not hunt for this food in the dark places of the earth, or in the scrap bins of the rich, for not one crumb, nor one single drop is ever thrown away. Neither is a charge ever made for it.

It is spread out upon a broad, long table, covered with a cloth of pure white. There is enough and to spare, for I have opened my store houses that all who come to me may be fed and have their fill.

Go out my children into all the Earth, and take my invitation with you. I desire that all peoples, far and wide, will come the feast I have prepared. Go to the far north and the deep south. Go east until you meet the west, and west until you meet the east. Do not be afraid to go and share this invitation with people who do not know me, for you will find that I have already prepared their hearts to receive all that I am providing for them.

Declare to all the word. "Seek the Lord, while he may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Turn away from the wicked and follow no longer the ways of sin and destruction. Think on that which is good and wholesome. Speak about the things of light and righteousness. Turn to the Lord your God that he may heal your ways and forgive your sin, then come and eat of the banquet the Lord has provided for you."

Remember my children the words I have given to you: "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11

Go out therefore in joy. Take my invitation with great rejoicing, for I am bringing in a great harvest and all the harvesters will rejoice as they gather, and sing as they bring into my store houses the harvest I am gathering. Shout and sing with a loud and joyful voice that the Lord your God is King. I love you.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Suffering - Sin

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you that this is a day you have made specially for us to enjoy. Help us to stay in the centre of you will, that in all we do we may please you. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining, and walking with us, this morning. We love you too.

 Today I want to talk to you more about my love. There are many who choose not to believe in me, because they say they cannot reconcile a God of love with the suffering they see around them. Oh, how Satan has blinded their eyes! It is because I love mankind so much, that the full effect of man's sin hasn't destroyed him already! Suffering is the direct result of sin. When mankind chose, using the free will I gave him out of love, to disobey the only command I gave him in the garden, he opened the way for sin and suffering to take over. It was a simple case of cause and effect. By disobeying my command not to eat the fruit of that tree, and that tree alone, man chose to take the consequences of his action.

At that time in his immaturity, he was not ready to deal with, and use, the flood of knowledge, that came upon him as a direct result of his action. When your children are young you do not allow them to play with certain tools or pieces of equipment, as they could be dangerous to life or health. As they grow and mature, these things can be introduced to them and they can be taught to use them properly and safely. The fruit of that tree was forbidden to them for that reason. I did not intended to forbid it to them forever! If I had intended that, I would not have placed the tree there in the first place!

There are lots of things I have placed in the world for the use of mankind. Plants and berries, rocks and trees, crystals and gems. Some of them are give to make the earth beautiful, because in my love for man, I want this special environment I have made for him, to be beautiful and pleasant to live in. Man has, in his immaturity, placed the wrong value on many, things and has misused the gifts I have given him, finding uses for them that I never intended.

Many plants, nuts and berries are attractive and appealing, but are poisonous if eaten. That is because I did not create them for man to eat. Some have medicinal properties, or contain natural chemicals that can be used as antidotes or for healing ointments. Certain metals and gems have been given great value and are used as currency, to be hoarded and owned by a few, when their real purpose has yet to be discovered, and in some cases never will be now, because it is too valuable to be wasted on scientific research. The misuse of these materials and plants that I have generously provided has given rise to greed, which in turn has led to wars, and both greed and war lead to suffering.

Suffering also arises from ignorance, because in his arrogance man does not seek me for the answers to sickness, injury or need. Daily you can see the results of mankind not listening to me. Daily, men and women make pronouncements about things they know nothing about, and in many cases their 'authoritative' statements cause others to suffer.

Many work in areas they have no feeling for, or love of. Lawyers, who do not care for right and justice, but are lining their own pockets. Bankers, who have no interest in the needs of their customers and investors, only in their profit and bonuses. Politicians, who have no care at all for their constituents, but seek their own glory. In every walk of life people suffer in jobs they hate and are ill suited to do. They suffer because they are trapped by the greed of others. These things are not of my making; they are the results of sin and greed.

My love for mankind is so great, that I have not totally destroyed him many times! My love is so great that I put in place, for man to use, everything that he needs, to be fully provided for and for the earth itself to be self sustaining. It is man, in his immaturity, that has abused and misused all I have provided for him. But he doesn't need to do this. If only he would stop turning his back on me and just acknowledge the miracle of creation and the wonderful provision I have made for him. If only he would stop from his busy-ness, trying to get rich, and begin to explore the riches I have provided for the good of all mankind.

I call on my people everywhere, to stop seeking after mammon and seek first the kingdom of your God. Seek the righteousness that I desire of you. Instead of looking inward, open your eyes to those around you. Instead of opening your mouths in slander and curses, bless those around you and wish them well. Tell them of me and of my love. Pursue all that makes for peace and goodwill. Then, and only then, all the riches that most men seek, will be added to you. I am the Lord who created you and loves you.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Word for Today

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this fresh new day. Help me Lord to stay close to you today and to be in the centre of your will. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Welcome to the club this morning and thank you for joining us on our walk. Stay close to me this day and I will keep you in the centre of my will. I love you.

About the blog Martin, I want you to continue publishing each day I give you something. No, it's right you don't know who sees it, or will see it in future. That is for me to decide! Just be faithful and publish what I give you. No word of mine falls on barren land. Every seed I sow takes root and come to life. Sometimes it takes a lifetime for it to flower! In others the seed takes root quickly, and the plant grows tall and straight. But the growth of my seed is not the responsibility of the sower; that is my part. It's up to me.

I want my whole church to realise that no proclamation of my truth ever falls on deaf ears. Yes, there are those who pass it over or who turn their backs, but always there is someone who takes the word away with them, and ponders it and feeds on it. When you are weak and you feel you have failed, is the moment I am strong, and where success is found. Do not be discouraged. Hold fast and keep proclaiming.

At this time I am drawing in those whom I have called, those to whom the word was delivered some time ago. Though it appears nothing happened, I have been working on that seed and giving it growth. Be prepared for those on the fringes of the kingdom to suddenly come alive, and break into a run that will bring them straight into the arms of Jesus! Rejoice with them and be glad.

Those who harvest this time, will gather in those who they did not sow. Others will reap a harvest from those you have sown. Rejoice that you have had your part in their salvation, whether sowing or reaping. The important thing is that the harvest is full!

When Paul wrote his letters to the various churches, he wanted them to be read to the whole church and to be shared among the congregations, but he had no idea that they would be continually read down 2000 years! The same is true of the blog and the books I give you; they are not just for today's readership, but for all who I direct to find and read them. My words are eternal, spoken outside of time. Remember that, as you write them down.

Be encouraged and build each other up in faith and boldness. Move forward like a mighty army and claim the land back for me. Open up communication lines, that my word for today may be heard and read in every corner of the world. I love you.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Let your Light Shine

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for rising when I woke you in spite of your tiredness. Rest in me today and be refreshed. We love you.

I want you, my people to be a people of light. Draw close to me and receive my light, that will shine out of you and light the path for others to come to me. Light is my gift to creation. It makes life possible and enables the passage of time to be recorded. Walk in the light that I shine on you, for if you walk in the light you will not stumble and fall. Many are still walking in darkness and shadow, unable to see the ground beneath their feet, let alone the path before them.

But I have caused the people who walk in the dark to see a great light. At the moment they don't know what it means or from whence it comes, but they are drawn towards the light, and within their hearts I have planted a hunger to come to the light and live.

The light they are drawn to is the light of my people, who are filled with the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus. So shine brightly and be a beacon for me. Let your light shine into the shadows where fear lurks, and into the corners of lives which have been shut up and locked away, for when I come to set men free, I want to shine my light into every corner of their lives.

So much of the hurt of men and women today is the direct cause of a time of extreme darkness and pain, a time when they were vulnerable and alone, afraid with no-one to turn to. Shine into that dark place so that I can go in and dwell there, both now in the present, but also in the past and the future. Remember I am outside of time and my light can shine back into the past, as well as guide you into the future. In me there is no darkness at all.

In the darkness of sin there are so many shadows and so much gloom that even the way out is obscured. That is why humans shut off dark places of the soul and try not to remember them. In guiding souls to me, I do not want you to be afraid to go with the seeker back into those dark places, and shine the light of Jesus there, so that the shadows and gloom may be dispersed, and the place may be seen for what it is. You will nearly always find there is a sense of reluctance to go back, often linked with shame and guilt. These are two things that need to be faced again, dealt with, and healed. There is nothing in anyone's past that I am unaware of, and nothing that I cannot deal with and heal. I am the Lord who heals you!

Confession and repentance are signs of my Spirit working in a life, and dealing with these dark places. Be watchful and pray. Be careful not to be drawn into the trap of bruising a damaged soul, by treading on these hurts before they are free of them. Let me guide you and show you how to deal with each individual, for all my children are unique. All have walked down a different path. The past is to be forgiven completely, and their share in the kingdom of heaven is to be made known to them, that the light of hope may shine in their lives to.

Oh how I love them and how I love you. My love is bursting and longing to pour out upon them in blessing. I love you.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Testimony to Jesus - Spirit of Prophecy

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day.  I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning son, welcome to the club this morning. Thank you for walking with us and sharing your heart. We love you too.

When prophets are faithful to the word I give them and proclaim it boldly, it has far reaching effect, far beyond anything they ever dreamed of! For example, my servant Isaiah was one of the most faithful men of his day. The word I gave him to speak was not an easy word, and not always well received. He spoke words into the NOW situation, words that applied to the people who actually physically heard him deliver them, but that same word has spoken with great power to other people throughout the generations.

Sometimes words are spoken which apply to a later time. for example his prophecies that relate to Jesus. The disciples and the early church rejoiced as they say the fulfilment of these prophecies, for it encouraged them to believe and go through all the persecution and suffering they had to endure. Those same words still speak to many with the same power, to encourage and build up, as they had in the first century. That is because my Word is everlasting and stands forever. It was spoken outside of time, in the Heavenly Realm. Therefore it is heard and full of meaning in every generation.

The proclamation of Jesus through the gospels is prophetic. It is my word spoken for all eternity. Your testimony to the salvation Jesus has given you, is prophecy and is spoken in the halls of my throne room! St. John wrote in Revelation chapter 19 verse 10:

And he (the angel) said unto me, ....worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. KJV

Do not be afraid then to speak the word I give you, or be slow to share your story (testimony), for as the words fall from your lips they take up wings like an eagle and rise into the heavens. Not only are they heard on Earth, touching the hearts of those around you, but they are heard in Heaven, and recorded with your name in the Lamb's book of life.

The book of Revelation also tells how the word of God is like a sharp sword coming out of your mouth, that will cut closer than a razor to divide bone from marrow. This sword is not just a figure of speech; it is very real. Use the Sword of the Spirit to cut down the briar and brambles, the evil one has caused to grow up around my children. Cut a pathway of truth through the wall and set my people free. My word never returns to me void! When St Paul said that all should seek after the 'higher gifts (prophecy) It was because he rightly saw that my call to all believers is that they should all be bold and share their story with others, and be numbered with the prophets who give testimony to My Son Jesus.

My prophets do not need any qualifications or letters after their names. My prophets do not need to be well spoken, or able to stand before thousands and speak eloquently. My prophets have a story to tell and are those who are ready to share their story. It may be with individuals, or it may be in small groups or it may be before great crowds or even before kings and princes. Wherever you share the testimony of Jesus, your words are honoured and will not return to you void.

As Isaiah called the prophets to go up mountains and on to the rooftops and shout the Word of God, so I am calling all my people to proclaim boldly their true story of Jesus in their lives, that others may hear and turn to Him and find life.

When I spoke the Word in creation, all things came into being.
When you speak of Jesus, new life is breathed into your hearers.

I love you.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Walk the Path with Me.

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you Lord that you always hear our prayers. Lord I commit all those for whom I have prayed this morning and I ask Lord that you will meet all their needs whatever they are. I love you Lord.

Good morning Martin, Thank you for joining us this morning and for spending time with us. Thank you for your prayers for those you love and care for. Be assured that I have heard every one of your prayers and have acted accordingly. We love you, and we love those you pray for.

As you listen to me, be open to what I am saying, for I would lead you into areas you would not normally go, and down paths you would not normally tread. Do not be afraid, only be strong and very courageous. The sort of paths I will take you down require you to take a step of faith.

When my Son was about to leave his disciples and come home to me, He gave them a commission to take the gospel into all the world. He told them to heal the sick and raise the dead, and to do all the things that He had done. These things can only be accomplished when my children walk close to me. When you walk close to me and we become working partners together, these signs and wonders will follow. And the Kingdom of Heaven will be enlarged.

Each day, as you draw close to me, you bring those with needs to me. I want you to continue to do this, but not with an attitude of resignation, or with a belief that "this is a disaster." I want you to bring them to me in faith, believing that I have the perfect answer for them! Then be bold, and ask me what that answer is!

Ask me what you should be doing about it, for it may be that you have a role in the answer. Be open to what I say to you, for if I do ask you to act, I require you to act immediately! When I speak to you and share with you my will, hold on to that vision of my perfection, and do not let anything move you from claiming that vision in it's entirety.

The same is true when you pray for those who need to be drawn into the Kingdom. Some people are incredibly stubborn and resist all attempts to 'convert them'. If I give you the vision of them as my children, it is time for you to be stubborn, and to hold on and claim them for the kingdom. Do not let go of that vision or stop praying, until you see them on their knees praying for salvation.

Do not be afraid to journal what I tell you about. It doesn't need to be made public, but if it is recorded, it is there to remind you, of both my will, and when delivered, my answer.

So when I reveal a path and open the way for you, walk along it with me, for you will never walk alone; I shall be with you. Open your eyes and watch me work. Be glad, for I am always with you, and always at work. I want us to be together in this work. I love you.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Hearing Me: Teaching

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for giving me this new day. Please help me to stay in the centre of your will today. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for walking with us. We love you too.

What a cry I hear from my people all over the world! It's a cry from the heart that reaches to the heavens. It is a cry I am ready to answer. The cry comes in many different forms and arises from many situations, but essentially the cry is pleading for the same thing: "How can I hear the voice of God in this situation? How can I shut out the noise of the ungodly and listen to the still small voice?"

In order to hear my voice and to discern what I am saying, I want you to create space for me in your day. How can I talk to you if you keep wandering off doing something else? Apply one simple rule to your day. Give one hour to me uninterrupted. One hour, I hear you cry in desperation, how can I find one hour in my busy day? Let me tell you this, and there is no compromise or other option here, if you are too busy in your day to give me one hour in twenty four, then you are too busy, and need to shed some of the things you are doing, or alternatively get organised! No one, I repeat, no one, in any occupation, should be too busy to have at least one hour to be still before me. So, look at your life, look at your schedule and look at your priorities.

Make time to be still before me. This time of stillness can be an early morning walk, preferably before the busy world wakes up. Talk to me as you walk, and allow your mind to dwell on the things and the people you talk to me about. If it isn't possible or practical for you to walk, then sit in a quiet place. If you have a tendency to fall asleep then sit in a light place. Spend time letting all your concerns and worries flow out to me, pray your prayers and then allow the stillness wash over you. You see, more often than not, people pray to me, but then when they have run out of words they think it's all over, and get up and busy themselves again. I am in the silence after you have spent your prayers. I am in the stillness when words have run out. Stay in that place, wallow in that peace and let the silence soak in. This is the time when your mind and your brain switch over to spiritual mode. This is the time when all the interfaces I built into you engage, and Heaven becomes visible, and you are able to hear divine thoughts. It is essential that you do not run away from this time of stillness.

At first the stillness is quite hard to cope with, because your life is so full of busy-ness and noise. It requires practice, lots of practice! The best time to start learning to live in my presence and hear my voice, is as a child, so as you learn this, teach your children. Starting the day in this way will set you up for the whole day and make every part of the day more fruitful.

Staying in an attitude of prayer, aware of me, let the time of stillness move into a time of listening to the thoughts I drop into your mind. Those thoughts may be related to your prayers, or they may be totally unrelated. Do not be afraid to ask me questions, but be prepared to listen for the answers! I don't always use lots of words to answer your questions. Indeed more often than not, I instil a feeling, a conviction, an assurance that some course of action or some idea is right. People often explain it as, "I just knew it was the right thing to do."

As in most close friendships, I often want to tell you that I love you, and as you grow in your friendship with me, I hope that you too will want to express your love for me. Time spent loving each other is time well spent.

Remember I am God Almighty. What I have to say to my creation is valuable. I do not waste my words! What I say to you, whether personal or prophetical, it is worth recording in some way.

Job 19:24 ...that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock forever!

Isaiah 30:8 Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness.

Jeremiah 36:2 "Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you concerning Israel, Judah and all the other nations from the time I began speaking to you in the reign of Josiah till now." New International Version ©1984

This writing can be in the form of a diary or a journal, and is best if it records context as well as my words. That is, what you ask, or what caused me to say the words. This is so that as you look back after time, you will remember why we had that conversation.

Do not be afraid of recording everything. As you get used to talking to me and listening it will become easier to discern what is me speaking and what is you. It is always helpful to have someone to share your journal with, who can be a sort of safety valve to guide you back if you do stray. But you will find that that will not happen very often, unless you walk away from me.

Martin, your pattern of walking and praying, then Bible reading of both Old and New Testaments, followed by stillness and journaling, works well for you, because you have time with me, you get in tune with me around my word, then you listen to what I am saying and record it. It works for you because I have chosen to wake you up and lead you into this pattern. Each person has to develop their own pattern to fit their own situation. There are, however, things vital to hearing my voice.
  1. Prayerful stillness.
  2. Open spiritual ears and eyes.
  3. An open Bible.
  4. Some method of recording what I say.
All this requires time every day when you won't be distracted or interrupted, when we can just be together to love each other.

"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land". 2 Chronicles 7:14

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Come to Me

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for your love and care and for all your wonderful provision. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your company and your prayers. We love you too.

The world's financial crisis will continue to get worse, especially for the nations that do not ask me for help. Down the ages I have told my people not to lean on the godless nations for support and help, for the help they give is tainted and is totally based on self interest. There is only one source of true help in these days and that is me.

Who is it that makes nations rise and fall? Who determines the number of days for every ruler and king? Who is it that causes the seas to stay within the boundaries I have set? And who is it that opens the flood gates and allows the seas to cover the land? Can man control the winds that come, or command the clouds to cover the sun? No, man cannot even control the smallest parts of my creation, so how then can he believe he has control over the nations of the world?

Pray, my people, and repent. Turn your eyes to the Lord your God, that I may reach out my hand and stay the tide, and turn back the flood. Open your hearts to me and obey the commands I have given you. Lay aside your garments of sin, and unbelief, your doubts and sorrows. Let righteousness be your breastplate, truth your belt, and faith your shield. Let My word be the sword in your hand, wielded by My Spirit, and let the good news of Jesus be the shoes on your feet.

Place your trust in me, and do not let the advice of sinful men dull your ears to My word. Pray for your leaders (politicians), to listen to me and place their trust in me rather than in men or nations. The days are at hand when the small and the weak, who call upon my name will become the strong and mighty. The days are at hand when even the might of America will dwindle.

Those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be raised up and become strong. Those who put their trust in me shall find a rock that cannot be moved, though Heaven and Earth be shaken!

Light up the fire of my love in your heart that it may become a beacon for all to see. Return to the love you had when you first believed. Become again as little children, and trust in your Heavenly Father to provide your daily bread. I love you and long for my children to gather around and listen to my voice. Come and be refreshed. Come and be healed. Come.

Friday, 7 October 2011

My Day is at Hand

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for allowing me to walk with you and for your advice and help as I pour out my heart to you. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us and sharing with us this morning. These times are given so that you can feed-back to us, and we can feed in our advice and help. After all we do love you!

In the world the pushy and aggressive seem to get their own way and have the most say. That is because the world doesn't listen to me or seek my advice. When man wants some sort of protection he seeks to make alliances with his stronger neighbours. This must not be so among you, for the days are coming when those who put their trust in nations or systems will be without support, for these things are passing and there is no help in them.

The day of the Lord is at hand, and those who belong to me, who were once nothing in the world, will become the strong on whom others lean. Draw your strength from me, so that you can be strong while others faint from weariness. Feed yourself with the food I give. That food is my word. Allow my word to become a part of you. Chew it and digest it and let it speak words of health and strength to you. Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. Those who do not wait upon me will burn up all their own strength and have nothing else to draw on.

In the days ahead allow me to provide for you all your needs, for a time is coming when even the simple, ordinary necessities of life will become hard to come by. I am the Lord your provider. Allow me to care for you and I will bring you through to the land of promise, the place of hope. I love you.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Jesus The Gate

Me:    Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for a chance to be together in the cool of the day. Thank you for your love Lord. I love you.

Lord:    Good morning Martin, thank you for walking with us this morning and for sharing this time. We love you too.

Lorna is right, there would be those who could be offended by what I say to you, but that has always been the case. What Jesus said caused many people to be offended and turn away from him, and down the centuries every Christian witness has received opposition, just as you have in your ministry. Do not be discouraged by that. Rather be encouraged. Jesus did not come to sweet talk the hard of heart, but to open the gate they had thought was securely locked, by them! Through this gate all can enter the Kingdom of God. That gate is Jesus.

What you have to realise is that the ways of the Kingdom and the ways of the world are diametrically opposed to each other, because they have a different centre, and therefore a different world view.

When the world's organisations do evangelism, the purpose is to increase membership and therefore income, and to increase influence and 'power' and therefore justify their existence.

My body on Earth, my Church, has Jesus in the centre and all evangelism is Jesus driven. The sole purpose of evangelism is to bring souls out of darkness into the light of Jesus, to save them from death in sin to life in Jesus. There should be no thought of personal gain or prestige on the part of the evangelist, no thought of influence or power, just my love. For all that the Church has to offer is given freely by me, no charge, just pure GRACE.

Successful churches are not those that are good at fundraising, but those that bring folk to Jesus and nourish them with sound teaching and lots of love.

Successful evangelism is usually done quietly by example and quiet conversations. Without pressure, but with a true story of faith, most people move forward towards Jesus. It may take several goes, but always remember that the converting is my task, not yours. I am with you in all your witnessing, even when you think you didn't do very well. Every word spoken for Jesus in love and sincerity, drives home like a bullet.

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify tour father which is in Heaven. Matt 5:16 ISV

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

More re-imaginings

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for walking with me this morning and for this new day. Help me to serve you Lord in all I do and to praise you with my whole heart. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for joining us this morning and for your good company. Yes, I say good because we do enjoy your company, and our conversations with you, while we walk. We love you.

The word I gave you on your last Sunday at Stithians, I want to apply more generally today. When you left the parish I intended that word for the congregation gathered there. Today I want to speak it to a wider congregation.

Yesterday I spoke to you about reaching out to those who had forgotten their commitment to me, whose faith had become buried in decades of neglect. That is re-thinking, or re-imagining evangelism.

On 21st March 2010, I said through you, to the congregations of your three churches, at Stithians:

Put Jesus in the Centre.

Read the New Testament and reveal what it has to say about the Church Jesus built, and compare it with what we, man, has built.

The time has come when tinkering and re ordering is not enough. We have to re imagine, not using man-made structures as our template, but Jesus.

Imagine a church without buildings.

Imagine a church without clergy.

Imagine a church without liturgy.

Imagine a church run not by a PCC but by prayer!

These were not words to be brushed aside and forgotten, but were meant as a stimulus to get the churches moving towards the church I want. Only a few have taken it seriously, but are finding it hard to think big against the tide of institutional conservatism!

There are so many different ministries within my church which need to be opened up with new imaginings.

All forms of evangelism, and the use of all forms of media and communication. Being where the people are and being known there. Yes, even in the chat rooms, on facebook and all the other types of twitting and cheeping!

One of the things that really surprises souls on arrival in the Kingdom, is the variety of music. In Heaven we love music as a way of expressing ourselves, but it's not at all like church music! Oh, we have that as well, but the main expression of praise, gladness and joy, is much more up-beat and noisy! Much more foot tapping and hand-raising type music!

Art speaks to the heart as well, and is a powerful form of evangelism and teaching. Actions also speak louder than words, and one act of love in Jesus' name is more effective than a thousand sermons for bringing people into the Kingdom.

I want my Church to be full of joy and for their joy to be infectious. The world makes a big show of being jolly and happy, when underneath souls are crying in pain and loneliness. My joy, which the world cannot give is deep inside and permeates the whole being.

I want my Church to dare to believe My Word, the Bible. I gave it to you to be the central pillar of truth and teaching, but you have listened to the voice of the deceiver and, without realising it, have come to believe that there is no truth in it. The Bible stands as truth. It is the only rock in your age that does not shift. Jesus is my Word, The Bible is all about him from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation.

Bring Him back into the centre, where he belongs, and turn your eyes upon Him. As you gaze at Jesus you will see what I see, a hungry world of hurting men and women who need me. You will not see one single spire or roof fund. You won't see one single PCC meeting, synod or assembly of deacons; you will see a harvest field ripe and ready for the reapers. As you look for evangelists and pastors you will not find the big names. What you will see is a fellowship of believers, where all are evangelists and all are pastors to each other, where the sick are prayed for together and where my Holy Spirit flows.

Pray for the traditional pastors and evangelists, that they will also catch the vision of shared mission and shared ministry. I want you and them to live Jesus every moment of every day. I want you to be Jesus in the home, in the workplace, in the schools and universities, in government and all the armed and civilian services. I want Jesus in the banks and in the stock exchange, so that I can rebuild  and recreate your society to be just, fair, prosperous and Jesus centred.

You may initially say this all seems like pie in the sky. But the world, mankind will not see the difference Jesus can make unless YOU, who are Jesus in the world, are where the changes need to be. Unless you are there to show the way and speak My Word.

Stretch your imagination and think My thoughts. Re-imagine what it means to be a Christian. Put Jesus back where He belongs, in the centre.

Remember, there is not a place on earth, not a single person, not a trade or industry, not a colour or a creed, where I do not want to be. All the earth is mine and I want it back, because I love the lost and I feel the hurts of the damaged and the pain of the lonely. Help them to reach out and touch me, that I may heal your land and build My Kingdom.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The Lost Garden of Faith

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you again for the beauty of the early morning sky and the brilliance of the stars you have placed in the heavens. I love you Lord.

Lord:    Good morning Martin. Welcome to this new day where the sun shines on many lives today, where only darkness had been before (ref to Amanda Knox' release). Do not worry, for those who commit crimes like that do not escape from me! Pray now for Hugh, that I may vindicate him also.
I want to talk to you this morning about uncovering the underlying faith of others.

Remember for a moment the fascination you felt on your first visit to Heligan, when learning about the discovery of the garden that had laid undisturbed under a layer of overgrowth and compost. How the team of gardeners and volunteers literally rolled up the years, and uncovered  what was underneath. Well, for many people in the country today, it is the same; the garden, which is their encounter with me and their early faith, has been buried by years of distraction, mis-teaching and neglect. You see, faith needs looking after, and a relationship with me needs diligence and care. Once faith no longer shines, it doesn't take long for all the distractions of the world to grow like weeds and cover the once beautiful and well-ordered garden.

For 75 years Heligan lay under a carpet, and the memory of its former splendour faded from memory. So with many of my children. For decades their first love for me has laid dormant under a blanket of sorrow, their first commitment to me lies forgotten, a fading memory! This story of lost faith applies not just to individuals, but to families, communities, and churches.

As part of what I am doing in the nation today, I want you to gather workers, to unroll the overgrowth of decades, to discover and re-kindle the spark of faith to its former glory, and make it even more beautiful for me.

The work requires a great deal of patience and love. Unlike working with new converts and the un-churched, this work is with those who think they are all right and haven't noticed that things are not what they used to be. Even worse, many believe that they have moved on, and that what they have now is better than it was when they first believed. They think they have matured!

It has to be a gentle but persistent work, just like unrolling the decades in the garden. There are many seeds and plants that are are still alive and must not be uprooted. Sometimes you will need to listen to and revive the stories of the past in order to understand the present, just as the gardeners searched books, records and plans to learn what to expect next.

Do not be afraid to ask me, for I remember every commitment ever made and can quote every prayer ever uttered. I can map every life I ever made through every joy and every tear. I know the path down which every soul has travelled, and I purpose to heal every hurt you have ever suffered.

As the gardens of faith are revealed, tread carefully and with respect, for though they have been neglected for so long, many plants are well established and will recover very quickly to blossom and flourish. This is what I want.

Ask and I will show you what to do, seek and you will discover, then step back, move on, and let me finish what I started so long ago.

All this must happen alongside evangelism. They both will bring souls into the Kingdom, back to me.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new day. Thank you for sharing that incredible dawn this morning with all its dramatic colour and beauty. I love you Lord.

Lord: The question you read in that forum yesterday, "Why does a God of Love require worship?" is not such a peculiar question as it may seem. I know that at first you thought is was somebody mucking about. But it was actually a very sensible question and well asked. For many people the worship, offered by the average established religious group of any denomination, is uninspired and even boring for those who take part, because their hearts are not in that kind of worship. There is a feeling that worship should say something, and that type of worship doesn't express what the average worshipper is trying to say.

True worship of me arises out of love. It starts with my love for mankind. Everything you can see hear and touch, every feeling and sense you have, was created by me so that you could be a fully responsive living being. All things were made for your good and to make your life fulfilled and beautiful. As you begin to realise this love I have for you, and want in your heart to love me back, worship swells up within you. You may not call it worship, but that is what it is!

As you begin to explore and discover the incredible wonders, of how you are made and of all the intricate and fully interdependent parts with which you are made, the mind is filled with awe and wonder. As my word says: "You are fearfully and wonderfully made." Not one single cell in your body, not one single molecule, came into being by accident, and not one tiny part of you evolved from another. Each was pre-programmed by me before your mother conceived you, and reproduced itself into that incredible being which is you.
Just think for one minute about the fantastic way your hand can be manipulated to grip with an iron grip, or to lightly touch in a caress of love. Think for a minute how the brain can process and interpret images received from the eyes, or sounds received through your ears, or smells received through your nose, and accurately interpret what they are and what they mean. And can store them so that at a future date they can be recalled and remembered.

Just a very few minutes of pondering on how fearfully and wonderfully you are made should spark in each one a sense of wonder, awe and thanksgiving. The expression of this, and the acknowledgement of my part in it, is the beginning of worship. I do not demand it in the sense of standing over you with a whip until you worship me! But the realisation of the greatness of your Creator sparks within you a response of worship.

How you express it is not laid down in rules or rituals, but is expressed from your heart in love. Down the ages men and women have explored many ways of worshipping me, from music and dance through all the arts, through writing, to acts of love and charity. All are valid and all are unique for the person offering me their worship. I want my people to continue to find ways to express their love, thanks and awe to me, in their own way. As long as it comes from them, from the depths of their being, it is like music in my ears and raises joy in my heart.

Worshipping together is wonderful too, for as well as sharing wonder and awe, you are also sharing fellowship one with another.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

At The Sound of My Word

Me: Good morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning and for this new and beautiful day. Thank you for the stars and for the birds that sing, and thank you for the peace and quiet of this dawn. I love you Lord.

Lord: Good morning Martin. Thank you for coming with us on our morning walk and for sharing your thoughts with us. I enjoy sharing thoughts with you. We have so much to share and I have so much to teach you. Stay close to me and listen to my voice.

As you gaze at the stars in the heavens, think on me. It was one of my first works of art. Although to you on the earth the heavens seem to be static, and the constellations constant and eternal, in reality they are constantly changing. Most of the changes are mega in size compared to the earth. Everything in creation is changing. Creation itself is changing, for all things in creation are bound together by time, and time moves on. Life within time is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. Thoughts change, world views change, relationships change. All life passes through its seasons, and the seasons move on. But in all this there is one constant, one unchanging factor, one anchor that never moves: My Word.

In the beginning, before time, I spoke my Word, the sound of which can still be heard as it echoes around all that I have made. It was spoken out of time and is therefore at the beginning and at the end, unchanged and unchanging. In my Word I expressed my love. Again my love is outside of time, unchanged and unchanging. Although heaven and earth will surely pass away as all created things will, my love, spoken through my Word, will never pass away.

My Word is fully expressed in Jesus, my beloved Son, and I am building for him a bride, all pure and holy, brought into being by my Word, before the foundations of the earth were laid. That bride is my Church. Not the establishment, or institutional Church, but my living Church, made up of those I have chosen and saved. They have not signed on the dotted line, nor do they subscribe to some statement of belief, code of practice or articles of faith. They do not call themselves by denominational names or after some movement. Their hearts are truly open to me. And my Holy Spirit, my Son Jesus, and I freely come and go and dwell constantly in their hearts. The love between us is eternal and unchanging, and there is nothing in all creation, neither in the heavens or in the earth that can separate us or divide us. We are one.

Stretch out your arms and raise you hands. Bless those around you. Bless and do not curse. Let your blessing go out from you freely and in abundance. For those you bless I also will bless. Bless in the name of my son Jesus and let your blessing rest where you place it. Do not recall it ever. Only when your blessing is totally rejected will it return to you. Do not call it back. I want my Church, the bride of Christ, to be a constant blessing to all the world, now! Not in some age to come, but now! As I have loved you, love one another. As I have freely blessed you, so you must bless one another. This is the call of my Church. This is your mission. Love, as I have loved you.